
The migraine that sent Aunt Xue to the hospital There are still people who choose to endure it

author:Beiqing hot spot

Recently, actress Wang Lin, who played the role of Aunt Xue in the TV series "Deep Love and Rain", posted on Weibo that she had to be absent from the recording of variety shows due to severe migraine and vomiting, and posted a photo of herself lying on a hospital bed. As soon as the news came out, it was on the news hot search.

"Wouldn't it be nice to take some medicine for migraines, how can it be so serious?" Migraine endurance is over, no need to treat. For a time, "migraine" was widely discussed by netizens. Today, the doctor will take you to understand the treatment and prevention of migraine.

Not all migraines hurt on one side

Migraine, probably only people who have experienced it know what "pain is not alive", and there are no symptoms when it does not attack, once it occurs, it feels really "life is worse than death"...... It is a common chronic neurological disorder. Migraine is more common in middle-aged and young women, and the prevalence of migraine in women is 2.1 times higher than that in men.

Migraine is the most common type of primary headache in clinical practice, and it is a recurrent chronic neurovascular disease.

In fact, migraine is called migraine because it has the characteristics of hemigraine, but it does not mean that all migraine patients have hemigraine pain.

Long-term recurrent migraines not only reduce people's quality of life, but also pose a threat to people's health. Migraine has become one of the major problems of global public health.

Migraines are divided into primary migraine and tension headache. Clinically, most headaches are primary.

There are four stages in the onset of migraines

Migraine presents as a recurrent throbbing moderate-to-severe headache, often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia; Migraine attacks can be divided into prodromal phase, aura phase, headache phase, and recovery phase.

The prodromal headache may be preceded by irritability, fatigue, inactivity, changes in appetite, recurrent yawning, and stiff neck.

Visual aura is the most common in the aura phase, typically with flashing scotoma, followed by sensory aura, which manifests as pinpricking, numbness, or ant-walking sensation in the face and upper extremities. It also presents with speech impairment, but it does not occur often. The aura usually lasts 5 to 30 minutes and does not exceed 60 minutes.

Headaches are mostly located in the temporal region, and about 60% of headache attacks are mainly unilateral and can occur alternately. The headache characteristic of migraine is throbbing headache. Headaches often interfere with the patient's life and work, and simple activities such as walking and sneezing can aggravate the headache, and bed rest is preferred. Seizures are often accompanied by a decrease in appetite and, in severe cases, vomiting. Headache attacks may be accompanied by increased sensory sensation and a preference for dark, quiet environments.

Convalescent headaches resolve spontaneously after episodes lasting 4 to 72 hours, but patients may also experience fatigue, exhaustion, irritability, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, scalp tenderness, euphoria, depression, or other discomfort.

There are six factors that can easily trigger migraines

Migraines can be very painful for patients, even if they are relieved, and here are six factors that can trigger migraines:

Endocrine factors: menstrual cramps, ovulation, oral contraceptives, or ongoing hormone replacement therapy.

Dietary factors: Long-term consumption of foods rich in tyrosine, such as chocolate, cheese, sweets, red wine, and pickled foods, can induce headaches, and alcoholic beverages can also induce headaches.

Pharmacological factors: oral contraceptives and vasodilator drugs can also cause migraine to a certain extent.

Psychological factors: Mental stress, excessive stress, and staying up late often can also induce migraines.

Sleep Factors: People who don't get enough sleep or sleep too much.

Other factors such as head trauma, physical exertion or fatigue can be seen.

"Menstrual migraine" is common in women

Many female friends will always ask you for painkillers with a bitter face when they come to the "big aunt", and keep complaining that "the headache is about to explode...... which we call "menstrual migraine" clinically. As the name suggests, menstrual migraine refers to a headache that occurs before or during menstruation, and usually the heaviest migraine manifests on the first day of menstruation.

Menstrual migraine attacks may be associated with a significant decrease in estrogen levels during menstruation, resulting in significant fluctuations in serum estrogen levels. When serum estrogen levels fluctuate greatly, certain pain-causing substances are produced that can cause migraine attacks.

Are all menstrual headaches called menstrual migraines? No. In the 2019 International Consensus on the Diagnosis of Headache, the third edition of the Diagnostic Consensus pointed out that the criterion for diagnosing menstrual migraine is that there are 2 migraine attacks in 3 consecutive menstrual cycles to be diagnosed.

Three wrong attitudes towards migraines

Excessive anxiety Clinically, many people show excessive anxiety when they have migraine, not only worrying that their disease will not be cured, but also afraid that they will not be able to find the trigger for repeated attacks. Even do the test at all costs with home remedies.

There is a group of people who are too casual about migraines, and they take painkillers every time they have an attack, which leads to an increasing amount of medication. Even some people know that staying up late and drinking alcohol are triggers, but they don't take it seriously and don't quit.

There is another type of person who always thinks that patience will pass, and this kind of thinking is also wrong. Medication for migraine is critical, and acute pain medication is better when taken within 1 hour of the onset of the headache.

Prompt medication can quickly relieve pain, restore function, and reduce the occurrence of adverse events, and patients are advised to take the drug as soon as possible during an acute attack of migraine.

To relieve headaches, you must first cut off the triggers

In order to relieve migraine in daily life, it is necessary to control the triggers of headache, including diet, sleep, exercise and psychological factors, and avoid foods and drugs that are likely to aggravate headaches, including coffee, alcohol and tobacco.

Try to drink as little as possible, although "it feels great to be slightly drunk!" "But the metabolites of alcohol can cause headaches, and drinking can be harmful in addition to being enjoyable.

Keep exercising instead of strenuous exercise or crunch exercises, you can choose to jog and jog, and massage the neck and back of the head when you have time.

Pay attention to keeping warmHere is mainly for women who suffer from menstrual migraine, especially the warmth of the head, abdomen, and feet is more important. In addition, avoid direct air conditioning blows.

Ensure the quality of sleep and rest, relax the mood, adjust the state of life, slow down the pace of life, maintain an optimistic and comfortable attitude, make the qi and blood meridians smooth and smooth, and prevent menstrual headaches.

Avoid triggers such as emotional stress, bright light, noise, etc., and minimize exposure.

Keeping a good record of headaches can also be predicted

When headaches have affected your life and work, you need to pay attention to it, seek medical attention in time, and let the doctor formulate a reasonable treatment plan for you. Remember, don't self-medicate.

It's best for people with migraine to get predictability by keeping track of the timing, duration and frequency of headache attacks. After communicating with your doctor, you can take medication in advance to prevent predictable headaches.

Medication as prescribed includes treatment of headache attacks and prophylaxis between headache episodes. If the headache is uncommon and short-lived, only a few days before menstruation, oral pain medication can be used for the headache. For headaches that are irregular and unpredictable, it is necessary to cooperate with doctors for long-term preventive treatment.

In addition, it can be combined with non-pharmacological interventions such as massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc.

Text/Du Jingyan (Beijing Chaoyang Hospital)

Knock on the blackboard

Be wary of such headaches!

1. Headache with optic disc edema, neurofocal symptoms and signs (in addition to typical visual and sensory aura), or cognitive impairment

2. Severe headache that occurs suddenly and reaches its peak rapidly (thunderclap headache)

3. Headache with fever

4. New headaches in adults, especially after the age of 50

5. Headache in patients at risk of hypercoagulation

6. New headache in patients with a history of cancer or AIDS

7. Headaches associated with changes in body position.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily