
Live up to the police badge and live up to the Qing! They are husband and wife, but also "comrades-in-arms"

author:Yunnan Police

Holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son

The ruler is inch-hearted, and the paper is short and long

There is such a group of "husband and wife"

Both a lover and a colleague

Both a companion and a comrade-in-arms

"May 20" is a day to express love

Let's dive into their story

Listen to their confessions

Feng Hao ❤, Zhang Hui

Live up to the police badge and live up to the Qing! They are husband and wife, but also "comrades-in-arms"

After knowing each other for more than ten years, they call their home "small family". But behind the "small family" is silent perseverance, selfless dedication, and solemn commitment.

Husband Feng Hao, director of the Tuanjie Police Station of the Xishan Branch of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau; Wife Zhang Hui, police officer of Xishan Branch. Ordinary people's families are ordinary people who stay together after work, but Feng Hao and Zhang Hui often pretend to be "fake couples" and squat to arrest them.

During an arrest, the suspect wanted to escape by car, Feng Hao grabbed the driver's door of the suspect, and when he looked up, he found that his wife Zhang Hui also held on to the passenger door. The two were dragged for more than ten meters before falling heavily on the road. It wasn't until the moment the suspect was caught that the two were "distressed" to check if they were injured.

He said to her: "Dear Officer Zhang, thank you for your company, understanding and support, thank you for knowing each other for more than ten years, and hand in hand with you for the remaining decades." ”

Wen Yiyu ❤ Xiang Nanjin

Live up to the police badge and live up to the Qing! They are husband and wife, but also "comrades-in-arms"

From Chenggong District, Kunming City to Gengma County, Lincang City, 614 kilometers, more than 7 hours by car, that is the distance they often miss each other, but they can't cross. husband Wen Yiyu, a police officer of the Shilonghu Police Station of the Chenggong Branch of the Kunming Public Security Bureau; His wife Xiang Nanjin is a police officer of Mengyong Police Station, Gengma Dai Wa Autonomous County, Lincang City.

They come together by love, but separated by responsibility. Some people say: "Love is not seen for a day, such as every three autumns, love is the hand of the son, and the son grows old together." Their love contains more or perseverance day and night, gathering less and leaving more sorrows, and giving up their small family for everyone's dedication. There are too many hardships and helplessness in life, and what they can never fade from their hearts is their loyalty and love for the cause of the people's police.

The distance did not make them give up, but turned love into another happy appearance.

She said to him: "It is said that companionship is the most affectionate confession, but for us, longing is the warmest waiting." ”

He said to her: "Since you got married, you have paid silently and never complained, and with hard work, I and our family are full of happiness and sweetness." ”

Luo Yuquan ❤ Yang Fang

Live up to the police badge and live up to the Qing! They are husband and wife, but also "comrades-in-arms"

In 2011, they met in their most beautiful years. He is Luo Yuquan, she is Yang Fang, and they are both police officers at the command center of the Luquan County Public Security Bureau in Kunming City.

Yang Fang was ready to get home from work, and Luo Yuquan took over the shift, which was the normal state of their work. In the short time of the handover, the couple could meet each other, and after a simple message to each other, they hurriedly said goodbye. Although the two are under the same roof, they have very little time together.

At work, Luo Yuquan is a "living map" in the eyes of his colleagues, and he can draw the street landform and the location of the roads and alleys at will. Yang Fang studied the work requirements of the command center diligently, and completed various tasks with the working attitude of "one minute on the job, 60 seconds of responsibility".

She told him: "Our time is always staggered, and even if we don't have a decent group photo, the police uniform is our couple's outfit." ”

He said to her: "If there is a chance to take a vacation together, I would like to fulfill your dream and take you and your children to see the sea together." ”

Zhang Qi ❤ Zhang Wenjing

Live up to the police badge and live up to the Qing! They are husband and wife, but also "comrades-in-arms"

They have the same zodiac, the same constellation, the same surname, and are engaged in the same profession - people's police. They have known and fallen in love with each other in the police barracks for 15 years.

Husband Zhang Qi, the accident handling police of the three major teams of the traffic police detachment of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau, every time the alarm bell rings, no matter day or night, he always rushes to the scene of the accident as soon as possible, treats every case with a serious and responsible attitude, and uses his superb professional skills to make every case be handled fairly.

His wife, Zhang Wenjing, is a police officer of the Seventh Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau, she goes deep into communities, rural areas, schools, enterprises and institutions to popularize traffic safety knowledge, and uses the delicacy of the policewoman to spread the concept of civilized traffic to every corner of the jurisdiction. She used the camera to capture every wonderful moment in the work of the police and auxiliary police, and spread the good voice of the Kunming traffic police.

For Zhang Qi and Zhang Wenjing, love is not only the holding of the hand of the son, but also the companionship of growing old with the son and grinding the ears and temples, but also includes understanding, trust and mutual support. Over the years, the two have become mentors and friends to each other.

She said to him: "I want to walk through the streets and alleys with you, watch the sunrise and sunset together, and experience the joys and sorrows of life together." ”

He said to her, "I am honored to be with you and to love you for the rest of my life!" ”

Zhang Zhiwei ❤ and Lu Yanli

Live up to the police badge and live up to the Qing! They are husband and wife, but also "comrades-in-arms"

After more than 20 years as a police officer, they have been a "double police couple" for 17 years. wife Lu Yanli, a large group of police officers of the special police detachment of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau; Husband Zhang Zhiwei, a police officer of the Anjin Brigade of the Highway Traffic Patrol Police Detachment of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department.

Since May 2018, Lu Yanli has always adhered to her post, trained hard, studied actively, completed various tasks excellently, regarded her post as a platform for dedication and dedication, and built a safety barrier for the people. The husband often charges at the front line of work, playing a vanguard and exemplary role of "a policeman with a wall, and facing forward in times of crisis".

Due to the particularity of their work, Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Yanli could not see each other for a few days or several months, and gathering less and leaving more became the norm in the life of husband and wife. The two turned their thoughts into motivation, took serving the people as their purpose, earnestly performed their job responsibilities, and practiced the people's policeman's oath in ordinary posts.

She said to him: "Although we gather less and leave more, we must always support each other, encourage each other, and support each other." ”

"Home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of thousands"

If it is said

Police uniforms represented

It's feelings, love, and faith


The dual-police family is embodied

Fate, dedication, responsibility

There are many more dual-police families like them

They don't have much affectionate confession

Some are just the backs of moving forward hand in hand

(Contributed by @昆明警方发布)