
Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

author:Nine-point game

Ignore me today, and I'll make you unattainable tomorrow. This sentence is ruthlessly interpreted in a professional player of Fantasy Journey to the West, who has been playing Fantasy full-time for more than ten years, and currently owns a BMW 3 Series and a five-story Tiandi building in a small county town.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

With the rapid development of online games, more and more players regard games as a career, and there are many people who play games full-time to support their families. For example, in the game Fantasy Journey to the West, professional five-open abounds, and some people rely on this game to move bricks and become winners in life. However, professional gamers are not favored, and your relatives and friends look down on you and think that you are not doing your job. There are three reasons, one is that the income of the game moving bricks is unstable, and you may lose your job at any time; Second, there is no five insurances and one housing fund, and there is no guarantee for the old-age pension; The third is the lack of socialization, no friends, and easy to derail from society. But for business-minded people, playing games can make a lot of money.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

A junior high school classmate, after graduating from secondary school in 2008, was assigned to an auto parts production factory in Guangdong, in addition to playing screws all day long, with a salary of 2800. Later, he talked to a subject, and after half a year, he followed the subject back to the county seat. As everyone knows, the subject's family arranged a job for her, from 9 to 5 in the morning. But this classmate went to an Internet café opened by a relative to work as a network administrator, and the two broke up in the end, because there was no match. The work of the network manager is very easy, but it is 2500 a month, not including food and housing. However, once on the night shift, this buddy fell asleep, all the money at the cash register was stolen, and he was fired by the boss the next day.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

Falling out of love and unemployed, under the double blow, he stayed in the rental room all day to play games and sleep, and it was at that time that he returned to his dream. No job means no income, and in order to eat, this guy has to move bricks in his dreams. At first, it was a double-open drawing.,Later, I played five open.。 At first, he planned to play as a part-time job, but by chance, he decided to play fantasy full-time.

When cleaning up game items, I refined a few level 115 demon refining stones, and then easily created baby equipment, but I was lucky and directly obtained an armor with 85 injuries, which was sold for 15,000 at that time. Since then, he has created the Baby Equipment Building Kingdom, building baby equipment full-time, and has changed from a five-open player to a big businessman with more than 20 accounts on the whole server.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

In 2010, baby equipment was still very marketable, and the price was not cheap, unlike the current cabbage price. For example, at that time, the market price of a 50-wounded equipment was 10 million game coins, and it was also the purchase price of merchants, but now no one wants 5 million. In addition, it was easy to produce the best products at that time, and it can be said that it was a sure profit. It is understood that this buddy made 6 servers of baby equipment at that time, which is not a monopoly, and he was also a relatively famous pet businessman at that time.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

The game merchant is getting stronger and stronger, with a monthly income of more than 30,000 yuan and a maximum of 100,000 yuan. Playing games full-time, I bought a baby in the third year, and bought a house with a down payment in the fourth year. Now it is his tenth year of playing fantasy full-time, and he has bought a five-story Tiandi building in the county seat, living on one floor for himself, and renting the rest to others, but he also bought it with a loan.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Players play games full-time and move bricks for ten years, and now they are worth millions!

Now relatives and friends are respectful when they see him, and even want to slap him. The ex-girlfriend who abandoned him back then also frowned on him, but my classmate had long looked down on her, and now she is married to a Bai Fumei, who is said to be the daughter of a certain director. Now I'm also moving bricks in the game.,Every day is leisurely.,I'm going to collect rent when there's nothing to do.。

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