
An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

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In the north of the continent

There is a mysterious and ancient province

Statues, ancient buildings, grottoes, murals, carvings....

China's 5,000-year-old civilization

It's a great place to see it

"Above-ground cultural relics look at Shanxi, underground cultural relics look at Shaanxi"

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Big Plum/Adobe Stock/Picture Worm Creative

Shanxi, east of Taihang Mountain, west of the Yellow River, south of the Central Plains, north of the plug, this land is also known as the "cradle of Chinese civilization".

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

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Shanxi also has many of the world's top 10, such as:

The world's tallest and oldest surviving all-timber structure "Yingxian Wooden Tower"

The world's largest existing Kowloon Wall with the earliest construction age

One of the most well-preserved ancient cities in the world, "Pingyao Ancient City"

One of the world's top 10 precarious buildings, the "Hanging Temple"

The world's largest residential "Royal Family Compound"

The world's tallest colorful glazed pagoda "Guangsheng Temple Feihong Pagoda"

One of the earliest grottoes in the world authorized by the royal government to excavate "Yungang Grottoes"

The world's largest yellow waterfall "Hukou Waterfall"

Yuncheng Salt Lake, one of the world's three largest sodium sulfate inland lakes

China's earliest and largest existing royal garden "Jin Ancestral Hall"


In addition to the world's best, when it comes to the ancient buildings of Shanxi, ten pages can not be finished. What's more, these ancient buildings can still preserve so many intact wooden structures, mortise and tenon joints, and hanging sculptures after being baptized by thousands of years.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Times Tree Rampage/Picture Worm Creativity

No wonder many people say, "After feeling this thousand-year-old history up close, it's really difficult to get out of Shanxi calmly." ”

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"




Jin Ancestral Hall is a representative of ancient Chinese ancestral buildings, and it is also a precious historical and cultural heritage integrating ancient Chinese ancestral buildings, gardens, sculptures, murals, and inscription art.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Among them, the temple of the Virgin, the dedication hall, the water mirror platform, the golden platform, the Chaoyang Cave, the Tang Tablet Pavilion, the famous eunuch temple, the jellyfish building, Zhou Bai, the old spring and other scenic spots, all show the unique charm of the Jin Ancestral Hall.

As one of the landmarks of Taiyuan, the Shuangta Temple is famous for its twin towers. The exquisite construction techniques of the twin towers are rare in China.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


In particular, the eaves of the tower are hung with wind chimes, and the breeze blows through and makes a crisp sound.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


In addition, the warm peony in the "Gion Scenic View", the large and small brick dome ceiling in the "Yongzuo Zen Forest", and the antique "guest hall" and "meditation hall" are all worth seeing.

It is the second largest Buddha in the world, and it is also the largest cliff Buddha and Buddha pavilion in the Northern Dynasties period of China.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Mengshan Giant Buddha is carved by the mountain, up to 200 feet, and the five views are dignified and atmospheric. Standing under the Mengshan Giant Buddha, you can feel its majestic momentum and the heaviness of history.



Located in Yungang Town, Yungang District, Datong City, it is one of the world cultural heritages, and is listed as one of the four major grotto art treasures along with Mogao Grottoes, Longmen Grottoes and Maijishan Grottoes.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Most of the grottoes were excavated in the middle and late Northern Wei Dynasty, with more than 51,000 stone carvings, making it one of the largest ancient grottoes in China.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The Buddha statues here are beautifully carved and are an important place to study ancient Chinese Buddhist art and culture.

The Hanging Temple is the earliest and best-preserved wooden cliff building in China.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


It is located at the foot of Heng Mountain, on the cliff cliff, the building is peculiar, the whole temple is a wooden frame structure, there are 40 halls and pavilions in total, it is worth seeing.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Heng Mountain is one of the sacred mountains in northern China and one of the birthplaces of Taoism.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


There are many Taoist temples and temples on the mountain, such as Beiyue Temple, Zhenwu Temple, etc., which are a resort for mountain climbing and worship.

It is one of the important Buddhist temples in Datong City, which was built in the Liao Dynasty, and the existing buildings were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


There are buildings such as the Daxiong Treasure Hall and the Bhagavad Tibetan Hall in the temple, as well as many precious Buddhist cultural relics and artworks, such as murals and Buddha statues of the Liao Dynasty.



This ancient city is one of the four best-preserved ancient cities in China.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Walking into Pingyao, it is as if you have traveled back to ancient times, and the shops, houses, temples and other buildings on both sides of the street are full of antique charm.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The layout of the streets in the ancient city is in the shape of "soil", and the overall layout follows the direction of the eight trigrams, consisting of four main streets, eight alleys, and seventy-two winding alleys to form a bagua pattern, giving people a mysterious and ancient feeling.

This compound is located in Qi County, Jinzhong City, and is the former residence of Qiao Zhiyong during the Qing Dynasty. Qiaojia Compound covers a vast area and has a unique architectural style, which is one of the representatives of northern residential architecture.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The architectural layout of the compound is rigorous and orderly, and every detail reflects the exquisite skills of ancient craftsmen. Qiao's Courtyard is also the filming location of many film and television works, such as "Qiao's Courtyard" and "The Red Lantern Hangs High".

It is a historic complex of ancient buildings. The Jin Ancestral Hall was built in the Yuan to Zheng period, and was built to commemorate Tang Shuyu, the founding prince of the Jin Kingdom.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


There are a large number of historical relics and ancient buildings preserved here, such as the Temple of Our Lady, the Dedication Hall, and the Fish Numa Flying Beam, all of which are outstanding representatives of ancient Chinese architecture.

Mianshan Scenic Area has steep mountains and beautiful scenery, in addition to climbing the mountain, you can visit many historical sites and cultural attractions, such as the tomb of Jiezitui, the temple of Jieshen, etc.



The Taihang Mountains in Shanxi Province are an important mountain range in eastern China and the natural dividing line between the North China Plain and the Loess Plateau. It stretches from Xishan in Beijing in the north to the junction of Henan and Shanxi in the south, with a total length of about 400 kilometers.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Taihang Mountain is famous for its majestic and spectacular natural scenery with many peaks, with many canyons, waterfalls, karst caves and other landscapes.

Baquan Gorge is a magnificent canyon in the southern part of the Taihang Mountains. Baquan Gorge is named because there are eight springs in the same place, the mountains here are steep, there are many waterfalls, and it is praised by experts as "the world's best tourism resources", known as "the first gorge of thousands of miles of Taihang".

The Tongtian Gorge Scenic Area has steep mountains and deep canyons, rich geological relics and unique natural landscapes.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Fearless and promising/picture worm creativity

Strange peaks, clear streams and dense forests.... Green elements have it all.



As an iconic attraction in Linfen, Hukou Waterfall attracts countless tourists with its majestic momentum and spectacular scene.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Located on Yanhu Road, Hukou Town, Ji County, Linfen City, the waterfall is the largest yellow waterfall on the Yellow River and the second largest waterfall in China. As the river pours down from the spout, the mist stirs up to form a brilliant rainbow in the sunlight.

This park is the only sacred place for folk worship in the country, and it has a large area and is divided into multiple tour themes. Visitors can trace the footprints of their ancestors here and feel the traces of their ancestors' lives.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The big locust tree in the park has a profound cultural heritage, it is the root in the hearts of many immigrants, and it is an important symbol of seeking roots and worshipping ancestors.

It is a Yuan and Ming Dynasty ancient architectural complex, famous for its exquisite architecture and precious cultural relics.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The Feihong Pagoda in the temple, the murals of the Yuan Dynasty of the Water Temple and the "Zhaocheng Golden Collection" are known as the three uniques of Guangsheng Temple. Feihong Pagoda is the most complete and oldest glazed pagoda in existence, and it is also the world's tallest colorful glazed pagoda, which is worth seeing.

Yunqiu Mountain has dense forests and rich vegetation, which is super suitable for outdoor sportsmen.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


As a famous Taoist mountain, when you come here, you must first climb the Jade Emperor Peak, and then visit the Patriarch Peak to feel the profound heritage of Taoist culture. In addition, you can also go to Yulian Cave to see the Taoist temple complex between the cliffs.



Located in Huangcheng Village, Beiliu Town, Yangcheng County, Jincheng City, the Imperial City Prime Minister's Mansion is the former residence of Chen Tingjing, a famous minister during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


With a total area of 36,000 square meters, this huge residential complex of official eunuchs is composed of the inner city, the outer city, and the purple clouds, showing the unique charm of the castle-like architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The Imperial Library is resplendent in gold, and every place exudes a strong historical atmosphere. In addition, because of its rich cultural connotation and unique historical value, the Imperial City Prime Minister's Mansion is also praised by experts as "the house of the first cultural giant in northern China", and is an important window to understand the ancient Chinese official culture.

This is not only a mausoleum, but also one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. There are five grain temples behind the tomb of Emperor Yan, there are five main halls now, more than a dozen rooms in the east and west wings, which were built in the Yuan Dynasty. There is also the earliest stone tablet of Emperor Yan's tomb found in the mausoleum, which was engraved in the 39th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, and is an important material for studying the culture and history of Emperor Yan.

This castle was built in the Ming Dynasty and took more than ten years to complete, and the castle is a honeycomb castle.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The main buildings in the city are divided into two streets from east to west and nine lanes from north to south in an orderly manner, and the existing main buildings include residential buildings such as Sandu Hall, Shuaifu, and ten major residences, as well as public facilities such as temples and ancestral halls, it is also a model of Ming and Qing Dynasty architecture, and can be called the representative of the world's oriental castles.



This temple is a sacred place to commemorate Guan Yu and is known as the "hometown of Guan Gong".

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Winter Wave / Picture Worm Creative

The main buildings in the temple include the main hall, the Chongning hall, the Spring and Autumn Tower, etc., each with its own characteristics, showing the exquisite skills of ancient Chinese architecture. Every year, the Guan Gong Cultural Festival attracts a large number of tourists to visit and worship.

Do you still remember the sentence when you were a child, "The sun is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea"? That poem is the stork tower.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The Stork Tower was built in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and after thousands of years of wind and rain, it still stands on the bank of the Yellow River. Known for its unique architectural style and long history and culture, this building is one of the four famous buildings in China.

Founded between 1247 and 1358 AD, this Taoist temple is one of the largest and best-preserved Taoist temples in China.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Cai Xiaoxiang / Picture Worm Creative

The murals in Yongle Palace are treasures of ancient Chinese art and are known as the "Oriental Art Gallery".


Lv Liang

The mountains here are steep, with peaks and peaks, and the mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, giving people a sense of mystery. There are many ancient buildings on the mountain, including palaces, temples, Taoist temples, etc., all of which are precious cultural heritages left by literati and Taoist priests in the past dynasties.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


In the process of climbing, tourists can not only enjoy the magnificent natural scenery, but also feel the unique charm of ancient culture.

It is a Buddhist temple with a long history. As one of the birthplaces of the Pure Land sect of Chinese Buddhism, Xuanzhong Temple has a profound Buddhist cultural heritage.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The temple is brilliant, there are buildings such as the Tianwang Palace, the Bell and Drum Tower, the Daxiong Treasure Palace, the Patriarch Hall, etc., each of which is full of the atmosphere of Buddhism.


Yang Spring

Niangzi Pass is one of the famous passes on the Great Wall of China, known as the "Ninth Pass of the Great Wall". There are many scenic spots in the Guannai, such as Chengtian Village, Jealous Shrine, Dianjiangtai, etc., each of which is full of traces of history.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Jinnan Shanren / Picture Worm Creativity

In addition, Niangziguan also has the largest karst spring group in North China, and the spring water gushes endlessly in all seasons, adding endless vitality and vitality to this land.



As the first of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, it is known as the "Golden Five Platforms".

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


It is surrounded by five mountain peaks, Wanghai Peak in the East, Hanging Moon Peak in the West, Jinxiu Peak in the South, Yedou Peak in the North, and Cuiyan Peak in the Middle Stage, each of which has its own unique scenery and story.

Many people say that "a Yanmen Pass, half of Chinese history".

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


As one of the important passes in northern China in ancient times, it is also known as the "first pass in China", and was an important military defense point in history.

In the ancient city, the ancient streets and alleys are crisscrossed, the bluestone paved roads, and the ancient buildings on both sides are simple and elegant, telling the vicissitudes of the history of the ancient city.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The temples, ancient towers, ancestral halls and other buildings in the city have given birth to rich folk art and folk culture, such as traditional wrestling performances, folk song singing, etc., which are the unique cultural symbols of the ancient city of Xinzhou.

In Luya Mountain, you can see a lot of diverse and natural beauty. For example, the 10,000-year-old ice cave, known as "a unique wonder in China and a wonder of the world", is the largest ice cave with the largest ice storage capacity discovered in the country so far.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


There are also stone door hanging coffins, these hanging coffins are embedded in the cave or exposed outside the stone wall, the height from the ground is inconsistent, it is the only cliff burial group found in the local area, and has extremely high archaeological value.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


In addition to the natural beauty, it is also the dojo of the ancient Pilu Chana Buddha, built on the top of Luya Mountain, the prince's hall, the altitude is as high as 2736 meters, it is the highest stone building in China except for the temple of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.



This wooden tower is the world's tallest and oldest surviving all-wood pavilion-style building.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The architectural style is unique, and the design widely adopts the dougong structure, and each floor forms an octagonal hollow structure, which makes the tower body both stable and beautiful.

Chongfu Temple is a Buddhist temple with a long history, which was built in the Tang Gaozong period, and has been repaired and expanded by many dynasties, and has now become a national key cultural relics protection unit.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


The courtyard of the five entrances in the temple is simple and luxurious, and the glazed ridge ornament, exquisite murals and statue backlight of the Mida Hall are the "five uniques" that are worth seeing.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"


Datong's knife-cut noodles are the best among pasta.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Zhu Qian/Picture Worm Creativity

Each noodle is carefully cut to bring out the perfect shape and texture, and each noodle becomes more fragrant the more you chew it. After cooking, it is served with rich noodles and seasonings, and every bite is full of chewiness and aroma!

Hunyuan's jelly is known for its refreshing taste, the jelly is delicate and smooth, with special seasonings, super suitable for summer!

Bowl saucers are known for their unique craftsmanship and taste.

Especially in Pingyao, Liulin and other places, bowl saucers have become a local iconic food. Whether it's breakfast or a late-night snack, a hot bowl tray can make you feel a lot of happiness.

An underrated tourist province! Throughout the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, with 10 "world's best"

Turry/Picture Worm Creative

Scissor noodles get their name from the scissors used in the noodle making tool, and in the production process, the scissors become the key tool in the noodle making process, cutting the dough into thin strips of noodles. When cooked, the noodles are chewy and elastic!

(In addition to the above carbohydrates, there are also noodles, dumplings, and tips....) Each type of noodle has a unique method in Shanxi, and it deserves to be the king of pasta)

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