
HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge a candidate's ability to work independently?


What is the ability to work independently?

The ability to work independently refers to the ability to plan and perform tasks independently without external involvement, relying on one's own initiative, and being able to effectively solve problems without the supervision of others (including guidance and help).

In the work, we are all independent individuals, independently complete their own work tasks, reflecting a person's sense of responsibility, the stronger the ability to work independently, the stronger the job adaptability. For HR, how to examine the candidate's ability to work independently?

Online talent assessment system

The use of online talent assessment to complete the evaluation and analysis of candidates is also the mainstream way of investigation. Taking the 16 personality factors of the cartel (also known as 16pf) as an example, the independence dimension can directly analyze the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the candidate, which is reflected in the work, that is, the ability to solve problems independently. High scorers are good at self-independence, do not rely on others, and have strong self-drive and decision-making skills.

In addition, the MBTI Occupational Personality Test, the Big Five Personality Test, and the Youth Personality Test can analyze the candidate's ability to work independently from different perspectives.

HR Online Talent Assessment

Occupational Personality Test (Daquan)

HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge a candidate's ability to work independently?

Communication during the interview

In the process of interview, the face-to-face communication between the candidate and HR, in the process of communication, how the candidate introduces himself, and how to deal with troubles in the work, especially tests the candidate's language expression skills and the ability to solve problems when encountered.

Every answer and every body movement of the candidate shows his ability to make decisions and analyze problems, and people who answer fluently and solve problems appropriately generally have the ability to work independently, and even maintain self-confidence at work.

HR recruitment interview, SaaS online assessment system

Occupational personality test, occupational personality test

HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge a candidate's ability to work independently?

Analysis of past experiences

After HR gets the candidate's resume, you will focus on his work resume, the projects he has participated in and the achievements he has obtained, if in a project, the candidate has completed some work independently, and has made significant contributions to the project, then the candidate generally has a good ability to work independently.

You can also directly ask whether the candidate has taken the initiative to complete some work tasks in the process of participating in the project, which affects whether the candidate has a good ability to work independently.

Task simulation analysis

HR can also through some cases or actual simulation tasks, so that candidates in a certain capacity, independent completion of the corresponding requirements, if in the process of completing the task, the candidate performance is very good, very organized, kitten test network believes that can be preliminarily determined that the candidate has the ability to think independently, not afraid of problems, can work independently.

HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge a candidate's ability to work independently?

Self-management skills

People with strong self-management skills will arrange their work in a very organized manner, know what to do at what time, and when their emotions fall into negativity, they will also adjust as soon as possible without affecting the next work tasks. Kitten Testnet believes that when a candidate has a complete work plan and knows how to make a work plan, it can also be considered that the candidate has a good ability to work independently.

Examine learning attitudes

Even if you are very familiar with the field will encounter a lot of trouble, but some people can continue to learn in the process of work, consciously learn new knowledge and expand new skills, and what kind of learning goals and future plans candidates will have in the work have a very important role in examining their ability to work independently.

Evaluating a candidate's ability to work independently is a complex process, and every link should be meticulous and fair, and candidates who can withstand the test of each link will naturally meet the requirements of the position.


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