
It's officially launched! 504 people in Qiannan

author:Ping An Qiannan

Guizhou Province 2024 "Special Post Teacher" Recruitment

It's officially launched!

This year, it plans to recruit 5,520 teachers for the "Special Post Program".


The recruitment plan for Qiannan Prefecture is 504 people


It's officially launched! 504 people in Qiannan

When does registration start?

Let's take a look

1. Recruitment plan

In 2024, the province plans to recruit 5,520 teachers for the "Special Post Program". Among them, 5,300 are under the central government's "special post plan" to recruit rural junior high school and primary school teachers; 220 local "special post programs" are used to recruit rural kindergarten teachers. For details of the recruitment plan for sub-discipline positions in each county, please refer to the "Guizhou Province 2024 Special Post Teacher Recruitment Plan".

Guizhou 2024 Special Post Teacher Recruitment Plan

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Second, the principle of recruitment

(1) The "special post plan" adopts the method of open recruitment, and adheres to the principles of "openness, fairness, voluntariness, and merit" and "three determinations" (fixed counties, fixed schools, and fixed posts).

(2) Meet the requirements of the "special post plan" teacher recruitment positions, and must not arrange special post teachers in non-township and below rural compulsory education schools (including village primary schools, teaching sites), kindergartens, or non-teacher positions. The focus is on the construction of schools in key counties for rural revitalization and eligible ex-situ poverty alleviation and resettlement sites.

(3) The service period of teachers recruited by the "Special Post Program" is three years, and the special post teachers shall be included in the overall management of the local teacher team during the service period.

(4) Focus on supplementing rural schools with special post teachers, continue to optimize the structure of the teaching force, and further strengthen the replenishment of teachers in disciplines such as ethics and the rule of law, physical education and health, science, information technology, art, labor, and mental health.

3. Recruitment conditions

(1) Love the socialist motherland, support the party's principles and policies, love the cause of education, meet the requirements of the recruitment position, meet the Putonghua level, physical conditions, and psychological conditions stipulated in the "Teachers Law of the People's Republic of China", "Teacher Qualification Regulations" and other laws and regulations, meet the requirements of the ten standards of professional conduct for primary and secondary school and kindergarten teachers in the new era, and have no criminal records and other illegal records that must not be hired.

(2) Under the age of 30 (i.e., born on or after May 27, 1993). Support and encourage eligible veterans to teach in primary and secondary schools, and all localities may comprehensively consider factors such as the length of service to relax the age limit for veterans.

(3) Academic qualifications. Junior high school and primary school stage require a bachelor's degree or above, mainly in normal majors (primary school graduates can be appropriately recruited); Kindergarten requires a college degree or above.

(4) Have the corresponding teacher qualification certificate. Those who have not yet obtained the corresponding teacher qualification certificate can apply for the examination with the "Certificate of Qualification Examination for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" or the "Professional Ability Certificate for Normal Students and Teachers" within the validity period.

The teaching section and discipline of the teacher qualification certificate should meet the requirements of the recruitment position, and the academic section of the applicant's teacher qualification certificate is consistent with the academic section of the applied position, and the subject teacher qualification certificate of the higher school section can be applied for the corresponding discipline in the next section. The primary school teacher qualification certificate can apply for all positions in the primary school.

(5) The professional requirements corresponding to the specific recruitment positions shall be announced by each city (prefecture) according to the actual local situation.

(6) Special post teachers or state in-service public employees during the service period must not participate in the recruitment examination for special post teachers.

(7) Volunteers who have participated in the "College Students' Volunteer Service Program in the Western Region", volunteers with teaching experience, graduates of normal colleges who have participated in more than half a year of internship and teaching, and graduates with a master's degree or above will be given priority under the same conditions.

(8) Teachers of the central and local "special post plans" are recruited nationwide.

4. Recruitment methods, procedures and schedules

Recruitment is carried out through the procedures of online registration, on-site qualification review, written examination, interview, physical examination, entry review, and signing a post.

(1) Online registration

The registration for this recruitment is carried out by online registration, and no registration fee is charged. Those who meet the application conditions must log in to the "Guizhou Provincial Special Post Teacher Recruitment Registration System (website:" within the specified online registration time period to register, and the standard for candidates to upload the photo of the registration system is a 1-inch bareheaded photo with a blue background, the picture quality is not higher than 295×413 pixels, and the size shall not exceed 1MB. Candidates should carefully check the registration information, and cannot be changed after the registration deadline, and the consequences arising from incorrect information shall be borne by the candidates. Applicants must log in to the system after 9:00 a.m. on May 30 and download and print the "Guizhou Province 2024 Special Post Teacher Recruitment Registration Form".

1. Online registration period: from 9:00 on May 27, 2024 to 18:00 on May 29, 2024 (if you do not register online within the specified time period, you will be deemed to have given up automatically).

2. Precautions for online registration:

(1) Applicants should be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the information submitted online by filling in the registration information (including their basic information and application position information, etc.) truthfully. The national ID card used for registration and the test must be the same.

(2) Applicants can only choose one discipline post in one county to register.

(2) On-site qualification review

Qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment, all those who cheat or do not meet the recruitment objects and conditions, in the qualification examination, written examination, interview, physical examination, admission signing, pre-job training and other links once found and verified, will be disqualified, has been hired, terminate the employment contract. The consequences caused by the candidates shall be borne by themselves, and the necessary treatment will be given according to the severity of the circumstances, and the relevant personnel shall be held accountable. Each city (prefecture) shall establish an application file for qualified personnel (after hiring, this file will be entered into the personal file of the special post teacher).

1. On-site qualification review period: June 2 to June 5, 2024.

2. Each city (state) shall conduct a qualification review for candidates who have successfully registered online before the examination. Candidates should be in accordance with the time and place specified by each city (state), with the original and copies of the relevant materials for on-site review, and enter the written examination after passing the examination. During the on-site qualification review, candidates must provide the following materials:

(1) Valid resident ID card.

(2) Corresponding teacher qualification certificate. Those who have not yet obtained the corresponding teacher qualification certificate must provide the "Certificate of Qualification Examination for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" or the "Professional Ability Certificate for Normal Students and Teachers" within the validity period.

(3) Graduation certificate. Fresh graduates who have not yet obtained a graduation certificate must provide a college graduate employment recommendation form.

(4) "Guizhou Province 2024 Special Post Teacher Recruitment Registration Form" and 3 recent 1-inch blue background bareheaded photos of myself.

(3) Written examination

The written examination implements the unified examination of the province and the unified examination time. The examination affairs, marking, and score statistics of the written examination shall be organized and implemented by each city (prefecture).

Each city (prefecture) shall summarize and review the list of qualified personnel, and arrange the information of the admission ticket for participating in the written examination, and fill in the "Guizhou Province 2024 Special Post Teacher Recruitment Written Examination Information Statistical Form", and report it to the Provincial Department of Education by email before 18:00 on June 7, 2024.

1. Time period for printing the written test admission ticket: From June 13 to June 15, 2024, the qualified personnel shall print the admission ticket according to the relevant prompts on the registration system webpage, and according to the time and place specified in the admission ticket, bring the admission ticket and their valid resident ID card (excluding expired ID card, copy of ID card, electronic ID card, social security card, driver's license, etc.) to participate in the written test. The admission ticket printing channel will no longer be opened.

2. Written test time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on June 15, 2024, with a total duration of 150 minutes.

3. Score and content of the written test: The total score of each set of questions in the written test is 100 points, including 70 points for subject knowledge and 30 points for comprehensive knowledge of education. Subject professional knowledge mainly examines the professional knowledge and comprehensive application ability that candidates should have as primary and secondary school kindergarten teachers. The comprehensive knowledge of education mainly examines the applicant's mastery of pedagogy, educational psychology, teachers' professional ethics, educational policies and regulations, and other related knowledge.

4. Candidates participate in the written examination of the subject of application. The written test subjects include 17 subjects, including ethics and the rule of law, Chinese, mathematics, English, history, geography, science, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology, physical education and health, art, labor, comprehensive practical activities, mental health, and preschool education. Music, art, and dance are examined as art subjects. There is no division of examination subjects.

5. Announcement of written test results: The written test results shall be publicized by each city (state), and the publicity period shall not be less than 5 working days. If the applicant has any objection to the results, he or she can bring his ID card and the original and copy of the admission ticket to the education administrative department of the place where he or she applied for the examination in accordance with the relevant regulations during the publicity period.

(4) Interview

The organization of interviews, examination affairs, marking, and score statistics shall be organized and implemented by each city (prefecture). The total score of the interview is 100 points, and the specific methods, methods and scoring standards of the interview are determined by the cities (prefectures), and the specific interview time, place and requirements are notified to the candidates by the education administrative department of the place where the applicant is applied.

1. Interview time: completed before July 1, and the specific interview time and place are determined by each city (state). Applicants are requested to pay attention to the website of the education bureau of each city (prefecture), keep the communication smooth, and grasp the list of candidates who will enter the interview, the time and place of the interview.

2. Interview requirements: Each city (state) should combine the actual situation, delineate the written test score qualification line for the interview by section and discipline, and determine the interviewers according to the written test score from high to low score in the ratio of 1:3 of the number of recruited positions, and announce it in a timely manner. When the last candidate for interview is determined for each position, those with the same written test score will be included in the interview candidates.

3. Interview content: The interview content is mainly based on the teacher's basic literacy, subject expertise, language expression ability, trial lectures, etc., and is conducted by on-site scoring.

(5) Physical examination

1. Time and place of physical examination: The time and place of physical examination shall be determined by each city (prefecture) according to regulations, and a notice shall be issued in a timely manner after the interview.

2. Physical examination requirements: The ratio of the number of people participating in the physical examination to the number of posts is 1:1. According to the total score (the total score of the examination is calculated according to 100 points, the written test score accounts for 50%, and the interview score accounts for 50%, that is, "the total score of the examination = the written test score ×50% + the interview score ×50%") from high to low scores to determine the physical examination personnel, and if the last total score is tied, those who meet one of the priority admission conditions enter the physical examination, and those who meet or do not meet the priority admission conditions are based on the written test results and other sorting conditions stipulated by each city (state), and the physical examination personnel are determined from high scores to low scores. Each city (prefecture) shall coordinate and organize the work of physical examination. The physical examination standards shall be implemented with reference to the physical examination standards for civil servants in Guizhou Province. The cost of the physical examination shall be borne by the applicant. Those who fail to pass the physical examination shall not be hired. The vacant places can be filled in order from the highest score to the lowest score in the total score, and those who meet one of the priority admission conditions will enter the physical examination if they meet the same total score, and those who meet or do not meet the priority admission conditions shall be based on the written test results and other sorting conditions stipulated by each city (state), and the physical examination personnel shall be determined from high to low scores.

(6) Entry review

After the completion of the physical examination, each city (prefecture) should follow the "Provisions on the Protection of Minors in Schools" (Order No. 50 of the Ministry of Education), the notice of the Guizhou Provincial People's Procuratorate and other 12 departments on printing and distributing the "Opinions on the Establishment of a System of Practice Restrictions for Illegal and Criminal Persons in Industries with Close Contact with Minors" (Qianjian Hui [2019] No. 9) and the Guizhou Provincial Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens "Implementation Rules for the Handling of Teachers' Violations of Professional Ethics (Trial)" and other require organizations to conduct offline entry reviews on whether the proposed personnel have criminal records and other illegal records that must not be hired. At the same time, it is also necessary to conduct access inquiries for the proposed personnel through the "National Teacher Management Information System Access Inquiry Platform". After passing the entry review and access inquiry, the list of candidates to be hired will be announced to the public, and the publicity period shall not be less than 5 working days.

(7) Sign a contract to take up a post

1. Publish the list: After passing the physical examination and entry review and access inquiry, and no objection to the publicity, the county will announce the list of personnel to be hired, and handle the employment and other related procedures in a unified manner. Applicants must obtain the corresponding teacher qualification certificate when going through the employment procedures, and those who have not obtained the teacher qualification certificate will not be hired.

2. Sign employment contracts: All cities (prefectures) shall, in accordance with the employment methods for public teachers, sign employment contracts with hired personnel before July 20, 2024, and uniformly conduct pre-job training for hired personnel. Before the start of the fall semester of 2024, newly recruited teachers will be dispatched to teach in the established schools. Employed teachers must obey the unified arrangement, and those who do not report or disobey the arrangement within the specified time will be deemed to have given up automatically. The vacant places can be filled in accordance with the relevant provisions of each city (prefecture) in order to fill the employment or adjustment plan.

3. Report the list of contracted personnel and the registration time: The registration time shall be determined and notified by each city (state). Before August 12, 2024, each city (prefecture) shall submit the scanned and electronic version of the "Guizhou Province 2024 Special Post Teacher Recruitment Statistical Table" to the Provincial Department of Education for the record by email.

5. Treatment and policy guarantees

(1) The service period of teachers in the "Special Post Program" is three years, and they are included in the unified management of the local teacher team during the service period. During the employment period, the salary shall be paid with reference to the national unified wage system and standards, and shall be guaranteed by the financial guarantee at the same level to ensure that the salary of special post teachers is paid on time and in full. Under the same conditions, they enjoy the same treatment as teachers in local public schools in terms of salary, professional title evaluation, evaluation, and annual evaluation. It shall be included in the local social security system in accordance with regulations, and social insurance (five insurances and one housing fund) shall be paid in accordance with the law, so as to effectively safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

(2) All cities (prefectures) should do a good job in teacher ethics education and teaching training before entering the job. The relevant departments of the counties where posts have been set up should properly implement arrangements such as turnover dormitories and earnestly resolve the practical difficulties in the work and life of teachers with special posts.

(3) Where the three-year service period of special post teachers expires, they pass the assessment and are willing to stay in office, the people's government of the county where the post is set up shall promptly incorporate them into the local teacher establishment in accordance with the relevant provisions on personnel management, implement the teachers' work positions, do a good job in the transfer of relevant personnel and salary relations, and continuously calculate the length of service and teaching years, and the length of service and teaching years shall be subject to the time when the special post teachers actually pay social security. When going through the transfer procedures, each city (prefecture) must not add examinations, physical examinations and other items to special post teachers, and no probationary period will be implemented after the transfer. For those who choose new jobs, all cities (prefectures) should provide them with convenient conditions and necessary assistance in handling matters such as the transfer of household registration.

Sixth, the work requirements

(1) All localities should attach great importance to it. The administrative departments in charge of education should take the initiative to report to the local party committees and governments and seek support. All relevant units should work together in the transportation and preservation of test papers, qualification examination, and examination organization. It is necessary to strictly implement the confidentiality requirements to ensure that the recruitment work is carried out safely, stably and orderly.

(2) All localities should scientifically and reasonably set up recruitment procedures according to the registration situation of the local post county, develop a recruitment plan in combination with the actual situation, and announce it to the public in a timely manner. Recruitment announcements and examination work arrangements must be published on the public recruitment service platform of the comprehensive personnel management department of public institutions and the relevant websites of the local education administrative departments. Refer to the "Regulations on the Personnel Management of Public Institutions" and the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Operational Measures for Open Recruitment of Public Institutions in Guizhou Province (Trial)" (Qianren She Ting Fa [2013] No. 10) and other requirements for the recruitment of special post teachers. The entire recruitment work must strictly implement the relevant policies and regulations, accept the supervision of the competent departments and all sectors of society, and strictly prohibit favoritism and fraud in the recruitment work. Units and individuals who violate the regulations will be severely dealt with in accordance with the regulations once they are verified.

(3) All localities should give full play to the leadership and gatekeeping role of Party organizations, strictly inspect the ideological and political literacy and teacher ethics of teachers, and make inquiries into information on crimes involved before employment a necessary link. Strictly control the entrance of the teaching team, and strictly implement the offline entry review and online access inquiry system.

(4) The special post teachers shall be managed under the contract system, and the human resources and social security and education administrative departments of the county where the posts shall be established shall sign employment contracts with the special post teachers.

(5) All localities should strengthen pre-job training for special post teachers before they take up their posts to teach, and help special post teachers adapt to education and teaching work as soon as possible. Carry out training, management and assessment of special post teachers during the three-year service period, formulate training plans around the construction goals of high-quality, professional and innovative teachers, strengthen the education of teachers' ethics and teaching style, standardize teachers' teaching behavior, and implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people. Combined with the construction of the database of special post teachers, timely grasp the basic information of special post teachers, strengthen dynamic management, and promptly update the information on the number of special post teachers in the "National Teacher Management Information System", and strictly review and check it. It is necessary to do a good job in the compilation and issuance of service certificates for special post teachers.

All localities are to complete the information entry of newly recruited special post teachers in 2024 in the "National Teacher Management Information System" before August 31, 2024.

(6) All localities should vigorously publicize the achievements of the "special post plan" and the advanced deeds of special post teachers. Dig deep into the outstanding examples of special post teachers, and widely publicize the dedication and touching deeds of special post teachers who have lofty aspirations and take root in rural areas through various forms and channels. Strengthen the summary and publicity of the "special post plan" in improving the quality of rural education and achieving results, and strive to create a good working atmosphere for the implementation of the "special post plan".

(7) All localities should give commendations to special post teachers with outstanding achievements and outstanding performance. For those who do not perform their obligations in accordance with the requirements of the contract, they should be criticized and educated in a timely manner, and urged to make corrections. Those who are not suitable to continue working in the teaching position should be dismissed in accordance with the contract agreement and the relevant benefits enjoyed by them should be revoked.

(8) All localities should increase the intensity of supervision of the implementation of the "special post plan", recruit teachers in strict accordance with the requirements of the "special post plan" teacher positions, and the counties where the policies such as the protection of the treatment of special post teachers and the completion of the service period are not in place should be investigated and rectified in a timely manner, and the counties that are not in place for rectification will no longer be included in the implementation scope of the "special post plan" in the next year.

(9) The relevant information on the recruitment of special post teachers will be published on the official WeChat public account of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education "Guizhou Education Release" (WeChat ID: guizhou_edu), the public recruitment service platform of the comprehensive personnel management department of public institutions and the website of the local education administrative departments.

All localities do not entrust any unit to hold any form of training courses, nor do they organize the compilation or publication of any examination books. For questions related to qualification review and specific job conditions, please call the education administrative department of the place where you apply for the examination.

(10) Consultation telephone

Guiyang Education Bureau: 0851-87989391, 87989392

Zunyi Municipal Education and Sports Bureau: 0851-28222836, 28252110

Anshun Education Bureau: 0851-33223428

Liupanshui Education Bureau: 0858-8202806, 8202805

Bijie Municipal Education Bureau: 0857-8224396, 8229479

Tongren Education Bureau: 0856-5230541, 5230161

Qiannan Prefecture Education Bureau: 0854-8232870, 8280305

Qianxinan Prefecture Education Bureau: 0859-3222132, 3223554

Qiandongnan Prefecture Education Bureau: 0855-8503442, 3820520

For details of the registration system consultation telephone number, please refer to the homepage of the registration system.

7. Supervision and complaints

The Provincial Department of Education and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department of the Municipal (Prefecture) Education Bureau are responsible for supervising the whole process of recruitment. If applicants find that there are violations of rules and disciplines in the recruitment process, they can report to the relevant departments of the province and city (state).

This plan is interpreted by the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security.

(Source: Guizhou Education Release)