
Wild fishing in summer, you can't blindly fish in deep water, 4 times big fish in shallow water

author:I love fishing every day

The choice of fishing position will be based on the different temperatures to choose different depths, roughly there are spring fishing beach, summer fishing deep, autumn fishing abyss, winter fishing yang, the main is the idea of fishing by temperature. Whether to fish deep or shallow is actually a very critical issue, because it is often the phenomenon that you can't catch fish if the depth is not right. In summer, it is not only possible to fish in deep water, because the fish have more physical strength in high water temperatures, and the demand for food is greater, and although the deep water is cool, there is no food distribution, and if you want to forage for food, you still need to go to shallow water. Depending on the time of day, the depth of the fish will be affected. Especially in summer, the change in the depth and shallow position of the fish is very frequent.

Wild fishing in summer, you can't blindly fish in deep water, 4 times big fish in shallow water

1. Fishing shallow in the morning

In summer, the water temperature is often cooler and the light is dim only in the morning and evening. Fish usually wake up at 4 or 5 a.m. and take advantage of the cool to find food in shallow water, so there is no need to fish in deep water in the morning. In the early morning, you need to pay attention to the choice of terrain when choosing a fishing spot, or you should focus on deep and shallow water, fish passages, and areas with abundant food. Deep and shallow water mainly refers to the terrain such as slopes, ridges, and underwater steps, which is convenient for large fish to hide and feed. The fish passage is mainly terrain such as ploughshare point, wide and narrow. The food in the bay is more abundant, and the food at the entrance and exit is more abundant, which is a good choice for early morning fishing.

Wild fishing in summer, you can't blindly fish in deep water, 4 times big fish in shallow water

2. Fishing shallow at night

In summer, there is a saying that summer fishing and summer fishing, and the day is not as good as night fishing, in fact, it is not only during the day, even if it is fishing early in the morning, it is usually like night. There are several reasons for this, first of all, there are more trash fish in the early morning than at night, because the trash fish have also awakened when the big fish wake up. The second is that fishing early in the morning means that you have to get up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, which is definitely a test for many sleepy anglers. Night fishing is much easier, set off before the sun sets in the afternoon, go to the water's edge to sit and wait for dark, fish to about 0:00 to close the rod home, the fish is not too good to say that it does not affect the rest. If you fish at night, this is the time when the big fish come to the side to eat, so naturally you don't need to fish deep. There has always been a saying about night fishing that does not fish far-reaching, does not fish grass.

Wild fishing in summer, you can't blindly fish in deep water, 4 times big fish in shallow water

Third, the wind is small and the fishing is shallow

In summer, it is recommended to fish in the direction of the headwind, because the upwind position has the characteristics of high dissolved oxygen and low water temperature, and there will be a slight phenomenon of muddy water, and the food will be much more abundant than in other areas. Windy weather fishing depends on the size of the wind, usually below level 3 wind is recommended to fish shallow water against the wind, because when the wind is not strong, the dissolved oxygen in the shallow water will be improved. Large fish will take advantage of muddy water, high dissolved oxygen, and low water temperature to feed in shallow areas with headwinds. However, if the wind is strong, the wind and waves in the shallow water will be relatively large, so you should properly fish in calm deep water, and even if the wind is too strong, you should choose a sheltered location. If it is cloudy and windy after the rain, then fishing shallow water will be more comfortable, and the fish condition should be the best.

Wild fishing in summer, you can't blindly fish in deep water, 4 times big fish in shallow water

Fourth, the rain fishing shallow

As the saying goes, the fish stay on the side on a rainy day, and the rainy day can be said to be the best weather for wild fishing in summer, the water temperature is improved, the dissolved oxygen is increased, and the big fish will definitely come to the side to feed, so when you go out on a rainy day, you will not choose to fish in deep water. From a fish point of view, it is best for fishing on light rainy days, when the water temperature is more comfortable, and the big fish spend the longest time in shallow water throughout the day in search of food. If the precipitation is large, it is not suitable for fishing in the rain, and you should choose to fish after the rain. You can find flooded areas, entrances and exits, etc., and usually only need to fish shallowly. Especially in the low-lying flooded land, the plants are flooded by muddy water, the number of grass carp, carp, yellow catfish is the largest, it is not recommended to keep fishing in the fishing method, the long rod and short line seven stars float away to fish, the bait uses insect bait, which is most suitable for fishing these flooded lands, and kills the fish that like to eat in the flooded land.

Wild fishing in summer, you can't blindly fish in deep water, 4 times big fish in shallow water

In summer, there is a saying that the fish slip in the morning and evening, and move three times a day, so be sure to pay attention to the changes in different time periods and weather, and the depth and distance of the fish are different. Please pay attention to the collection and like, update on time every day, thank you fishing friends!