
The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

I once raised a fortune tree for ten years. This tree has been with me for many years, and I have a deep affection for it. However, not long ago, I threw it on the street. I had mixed feelings, but I had to do it for four reasons.

The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

1. Yellow leaves at every turn

Although the name of the fortune tree is auspicious, it is not such an easy plant to raise. It is very demanding on the environment, and if you are not careful, the leaves will turn yellow. I tried various methods, such as adjusting the amount of watering, changing the soil, increasing fertilizer, etc., but the results were always not satisfactory. Whenever I see those yellow leaves, I feel very frustrated.

The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

At first, I thought it was me who didn't take care of it properly, but then I found out that many of my friends who raised the Fortune Tree had the same problem. This made me realize that the fortune tree itself is a relatively delicate plant. In order to save it, I even consulted a gardening expert, but the yellow leaf problem was never completely solved.

The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

2. It cannot accept direct sunlight

Secondly, the fortune tree cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time, which is very troublesome. Fortune trees prefer bright environments, but cannot accept direct glare from the sky. This meant that I had to constantly adjust its position to make sure it was getting enough light and not getting sunburned. The balcony at my house has good sunlight and is suitable for the growth of many flowers, but for the fortune tree, the sun has become a threat.

Every summer, I have to carefully shade it, fearing that if I am not careful, its leaves will be burned. Every time you move the fortune tree, it's like a tough battle. The long hours of fiddling really exhausted me.

The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

3. The price of the fortune tree is very expensive

Thirdly, the price of the fortune tree is very expensive, and it costs a lot to buy it, but it is not easy to maintain it. When I first bought this fortune tree, I had great expectations and a beautiful vision. Thinking that it can add a touch of green to the home, but also hoping that it will bring good luck. But unexpectedly, this tree became a burden for me. In addition to the high cost of purchase, there is also a constant investment in the maintenance process.

For example, in order to keep the soil fertile, I need to buy various nutrient solutions and fertilizers; In order to prevent pests and diseases, it is also necessary to purchase special agents. All of these expenses add up to a lot of burden. Compared with other green plants, the wealth tree is indeed not cost-effective, and raising it does not bring the expected happiness and satisfaction.

The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

4. The growth rate is particularly slow

Finally, the Fortune Tree grows very slowly, which is very disappointing. After ten years of raising, its height and lushness have hardly changed much. Every time I see its thin branches, I feel sad. In ten years, you could have seen a large tree with lush foliage, but the reality is that its growth rate is unacceptably slow.

In contrast, I also raised a few pots of other green plants, which grew significantly faster, which brought me more joy and a sense of accomplishment. The slow growth of the Fortune Tree made me gradually lose my patience and confidence.

The fortune tree that I have raised for 10 years was all thrown on the street by me for 4 reasons

Based on the above four reasons, I finally made up my mind to throw this fortune tree that has been with me for ten years on the street. It was not easy to make this decision, after all, ten years of feelings are not something that can be thrown away.

But the reality is that it's no longer a part of my life, it's a burden. I hope that it can find a more suitable environment for it to grow, and I hope that I can get rid of this problem.

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