
Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

author:Poster News
Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

On April 12, the theme interview activity of "Walking in the Pilot Zone to See Green, Low-Carbon and High-quality Development" was launched. The event will last until the end of May, and will focus on the four routes of scientific and technological innovation leadership, green and low-carbon transformation, industrial file upgrading, and internal and external opening-up, and will show the achievements and vivid practices of Shandong's steady and steady promotion of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

In this issue, the reporter went deep into key enterprises and industrial parks in Binzhou, Dongying, Zibo, Tai'an, Jining, Heze and other places, interviewed and investigated the local experience and practices of promoting the replacement and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerating industrial upgrading, and fully promoting the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, comprehensively reflecting the highlights and achievements of accelerating the high-end development of traditional pillar industries, accelerating the optimization and structural adjustment of industrial layout, cultivating and expanding emerging industries, and creating a model of rural revitalization in Qilu. Stay tuned.

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

In the past, agriculture and farmers who "relied on the sky for food" now have new backers: relying on science and technology, the level of modern scientific and technological innovation and intelligent management in rural areas in Shandong has been significantly improved, injecting scientific and technological power into rural revitalization; Relying on culture, all parts of Shandong have dug deep into local cultural characteristics, and the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism has gradually spread out in the land of Qilu; Relying on the strengthening of the chain, the agricultural industrial chain has been continuously extended and the chain has been formed into a network, which has led to the increase of local employment and farmers' income......

Walking in the pilot area, the reporter went deep into key enterprises, industrial parks, and rural pastorals in many places, and took you to see how Qilu land drew a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful countryside.

Enabled by technology, every cow in the 5G ranch wears an electronic ear tag

In the 5G ranch of Yiliyuan Halal Meat Co., Ltd. in Yangxin County, Binzhou City, each cow is equipped with an electronic ear tag and an intelligent collar to accurately identify its identity, signs and behavioral information, environmental sensing equipment is used to adjust the breeding environment, and the intelligent feeding central kitchen system can achieve precise feeding according to the different growth stages of beef cattle.

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

Yangxin County Yiliyuan Halal Meat Co., Ltd. 5G Ranch. (□Dazhong Daily, Dazhong News client reporter Liu Yingwei and Sun Xuemeng report)

In front of the information platform, everything from the number of steps taken by each cow to the equipment operation indicators of the entire ranch can be updated in real time. In addition to realizing the visualization and digital management of the whole process of beef cattle breeding, breeding, and fattening with the help of big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies, Yangxin County has also built a big data platform for the beef cattle industry, and realized the "Zhihui Cattle Valley" in terms of smart cold chain, smart finance and smart traceability.

Intelligent breeding not only reduces the cost of beef cattle, but also improves the quality of beef cattle. "Yangxin County slaughters 280,000 beef cattle annually, the beef cattle industry has driven nearly 120,000 people to work nearby to increase income, one out of every four people in the county is engaged in beef cattle breeding, the beef cattle industry operating income of 60 billion yuan, beef products all over the country." Kan Yumeng, deputy director of Yangxin County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Management Service Center, said.

New orchards and smart orchards are gradually popularizing in the mainland, and have become a new trend in the development of the fruit industry in the future. In the Yiyuan Huasheng Kewo Cloud Base in Liujiapo Village, Lucun Town, Yiyuan County, Zibo City, the agricultural Internet of Things system is like the "eye in the sky", using the technology of "Internet of Things, mobile Internet, and cloud computing" to realize real-time monitoring of the meteorology, soil and air environment of the agricultural production site, as well as remote automatic control of the agricultural facilities of the planting base. The base orchard realizes the transformation and development of traditional agricultural management through the digital management of the whole facility.

Divide the plots into areas for fruit safety traceability, and record the planting time, planting days, plot area, weeding and watering and other information in real time; Placement of sensors to obtain real-time information such as soil moisture; Intelligent control of water and fertilizer integration switch to replace the past flood irrigation mode; The "Qilu Agricultural Products Trading Center Market Trading Client" is updated in real time on the orchard smart screen, providing fruit farmers and fruit merchants with sales and procurement information channels, price references, and transaction trends...... Qi Kai, head of Huasheng Kewoyun Digital Orchard Base, introduced that this intelligent system can accurately regulate and avoid risks, save 20%-30% of labor, save 10%-20% of water, fertilizer and pesticides, and increase output by 10%-20%, so as to achieve the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

The integration of culture and tourism, the literature museum and the art gallery are scattered in the mountains to attract tourists

Nowadays, the in-depth integration of "agriculture, culture and tourism" has become a booster for activating and utilizing rural characteristic resources and rejuvenating the vitality of rural revitalization.

In the Yellow River Building in Bincheng District, Binzhou City, a row of exquisite and simple traditional Chinese medicine sachets and incense cards attract people to stop and play. The traditional incense making skills are Binzhou municipal intangible cultural heritage, and the local Yuanxin Xiangtang Traditional Culture Communication Co., Ltd. combines the traditional incense making skills with the health care concept of traditional Chinese medicine, introduces the local characteristic historical and cultural IP into the original design, and forms the production of incense sachets, incense brands, home health products and other industries.

Liu Cuicui, the founder of the Yuanxin Xiangtang brand, introduced that digging deep into cultural genes and playing a good cultural and creative brand will imperceptibly drive the revitalization of local villages. The cultural and creative industries bring not only art and culture to the countryside, but also jobs and "real money". In recent years, the brand joint scenic spots have set up cultural experience halls, opened traditional culture lecture halls for primary and secondary schools and vocational colleges, guided vocational college skills, teaching and scientific research and competitions, actively entered rural areas and communities to open intangible cultural heritage institutes, and signed contracts with Binzhou Weimin Community, and provided public welfare skills training for different groups of women and special groups for more than 10,000 people in the past two years, providing a flexible employment platform for vocational college students, rural villagers near and far and near and disabled groups.

How to combine the unique ecological advantages of the countryside with art and culture to create more rural aesthetic space? Yiheyuan Pastoral Complex, Longziyu Village, Yiyuan County, Zibo City, handed over a "beautiful" answer sheet in the name of art. Along the bluestone road of Longziyu Village, climb the stairs, and the verdant mountains and wilderness, is a patchwork courtyard, into the courtyard is a cave.

In April 2020, under the guidance of the concept of "art revitalizing the countryside", Longziyu Village revitalized idle courtyards and other resources to create a model for the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism. Under the overall planning and design of professional designers, the village roads, sewage treatment, external wall insulation, shared toilets and other infrastructure were renovated. Liu Yutang Literature Museum, Li Xintian Literature Museum, "Weaving and Knotting" Art Museum, "Yiyan Qihao" Art Museum, "Flower of Time" Art Museum, "Paul and Nati House" and other artists carefully built literary and artistic venues, scattered in the mountain courtyard, dotted with the beauty of the countryside.

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

Yiyuan County Longziyu Art Village "Andrew and Nati's House". (□Dazhong Daily, Dazhong News client reporter Liu Yingwei and Sun Xuemeng report)

Dong Fangjun, dean of the School of Rural Revitalization of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, is the initiator of the project, and he believes that the countryside still has the potential to release its own value in promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, expanding tourism consumption space and profit models, and driving farmers to get rich.

Extending the chain and strengthening the chain, a grain of wheat has become more than 600 kinds of products in 10 categories

To build a modern rural industrial system, enterprises in Shandong have taken an active role to extend the industrial chain, improve the value chain, and drive the prosperity of the industry and the increase of farmers' income.

In Zhongyu Food Co., Ltd., Bincheng District, Binzhou City, the reporter witnessed the change of wheat from basic processing to deep processing, as well as the integrated comprehensive utilization model of the whole industrial chain of Zhongyu Group, which leads the country. Compared with the traditional agricultural planting and processing model, Zhongyu has pioneered the "Zhongyu model" of "integration of three industries and green cycle" in the country, and has taken the lead in creating the longest and most complete wheat industry chain in the mainland, including ten major sectors of "high-end breeding, order planting, warehousing and logistics, primary processing, deep processing, comprehensive utilization of waste, ecological breeding, vegetable planting, food processing, catering and supermarket services". "Flour production and processing enterprises can breed and plant independently, and also achieve the processed products to the end market, which is the only one in the country." Fu Rui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Zhongyu Food Co., Ltd., said.

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

Binzhou Zhongyu Food Co., Ltd. dried noodle production workshop. (□ Xinhua News Agency)

Zhongyu also adopts the process of breeding good seeds in the front, planting good grain in the middle order, and making good products in the follow-up, and "ties it together" with farmers. The company deeply implements the revitalization of the seed industry, vigorously promotes order agriculture, innovates and implements the preferential policies of "five unifications" and "three exemptions and one plus", and promotes planting in Binzhou, Jinan, Zibo and other places in a large area, with an existing order planting base of 2.7 million mu, and the average yield per mu has increased by more than 15%.

In this process, Zhongyu has cultivated 12 new varieties of high-quality and strong gluten wheat, developed an order base of 2.7 million mu, established two national wheat research centers, and turned a grain of wheat into more than 600 products in 10 categories, including flour and noodles series, gluten alcohol series, high fiber series, etc., with an annual operating income of more than 10 billion yuan. At the same time, innovative biotechnology has extracted small molecule protein peptides from macromolecular proteins, and the market value of the product has increased from the original 16,000 yuan a ton to 220,000 yuan a ton.

The development and growth of Zhongyu has driven 350,000 order farmers to increase their income, turning more than 4,000 farmers into industrial workers, and increasing the average annual income from less than 20,000 yuan to more than 60,000 yuan.

In Heze, the peony industry has embarked on a road of self-upgrading with a full-chain layout and "making the best use of things". In Yaoshun Peony Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zhang Fang, chairman of Heze Water Group, introduced: "Peony is full of treasures! Its root is the Chinese medicinal material 'Cao Dan', which can be used as a medicine for Liuwei Dihuang pills, and peony seeds can be used to squeeze peony seed oil, and process food, cosmetics, and health care products. Peony stamen can be used to make stamen tea, flowers can be used to make flower tea, and the stems and leaves of peony can extract flavonoids and peony phenols, etc., which are very widely used. ”

Since 2013, Heze City has been committed to building a peony industry chain and actively promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. At present, the peony industry in Heze has expanded from ornamental to edible, medicinal, health care and other fields. From the peony food that is eaten, tea, and wine, to the peony characteristic health care products, cosmetics, and then to the peony porcelain, peony painting, "peony real flower" and other cultural and creative artworks, the peony industry in Heze has penetrated the three industries and achieved integrated development.

In 2023, the Heze peony industry will achieve a total output value of 10.8 billion yuan, with more than 100,000 direct employees, and about 500,000 people will be employed in a series of industries such as planting, transportation, processing, packaging, sales, publishing, and research and development. The "flower of wealth" blooms into the "flower of industry", which effectively broadens the path of rural revitalization.

(Reporter Dong Wanwan, Wang Yingqi)

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

Technology brings more "open ways" to agriculture

What is the role of a central kitchen in a barn? What is unique about Smart Orchard? How many looks can a flower "bloom"? Walking in the pilot area, from the coast of the Bohai Sea to the Yimeng Mountains, and then to the Luxi Plain, batches of characteristic industries have grown jointly, and one by one the beautiful villages have become a chain, and a beautiful picture of rural revitalization with a stronger "scientific and technological flavor" is slowly spreading.

Scientific and technological innovation is the fundamental driving force for promoting the efficient development of agriculture and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and it is also an important support for promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Shandong is a major agricultural province, how to transform scientific and technological achievements into visible agricultural productivity, accelerate the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system, and promote the deep integration and mutual promotion of agricultural production and agricultural product processing is a must-answer question for rural revitalization.

The empowerment of science and technology has brought new scenarios of modern agriculture and made the scientific and technological content of rural characteristic industries more sufficient. Walking into the Yiliyuan 5G Ranch in Yangxin County, each cow is equipped with an electronic ear tag and an intelligent collar, which realizes the visualization and digital management of the whole process of beef cattle breeding and breeding; Coming to the Huasheng Kewoyun Digital Orchard in Yiyuan County, each plot is equipped with sensors that can obtain information such as soil moisture, and agricultural facilities such as irrigation and fertilization can be remotely automated. When "pasture" and "orchard" meet "digital" and "5G", "original ecology" and "high-tech" are mixed and matched, such a contrast will not only bring a picture of smart agriculture, but also better economic benefits and ecological quality.

The empowerment of science and technology has lengthened the agricultural industry chain and allowed primary agricultural products to have more "opening methods". In Zhongyu Group, wheat can not only be turned into flour, but also transformed into more than 600 products in 10 categories such as gluten, dietary fiber, protein peptides, etc., after intensive processing, with an annual operating income of more than 10 billion yuan; In Heze, relying on the construction of innovation platform, the peony industry has entered the "high-precision" fast lane in biological research and development and scientific and technological transformation, and has developed a series of new products such as peony soft capsules, peony essential oils, and peony flower hydrosols, and gradually embarked on a new path of "rejuvenating flowers through science and technology". Facts have proved that intensive processing is a key measure to increase added value, which not only realizes the "one fish to eat more" of agricultural products, but also witnesses the "value doubling" of the butterfly rebirth.

Plug in the wings of science and technology for agriculture, so that more "new farmers" can eat "science and technology rice", the gold-lettered signboard of "national agriculture looks at Shandong" will be polished brighter and brighter, and the blueprint of the Qilu model of rural revitalization will become a reality step by step.

(Reporter Zhang Zhaoyou)

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

The revitalization of rural industries is inseparable from technology and cultural empowerment

□ Dong Yanling

In the traditional concept, the rural industry is the cause of farmers, but with the empowerment of modern rural industries by technology and culture, this concept is constantly being broken.

The revitalization of rural industries urgently needs the empowerment of technological innovation. Under the "Zhongyu model" in Binzhou, the same wheat planting, new seed technology and management technology have brought about both quality and yield improvement; In wheat processing, new technologies are producing a greater variety of high value-added products. In Heze, the "Peony Capital of China", Yaoshun Peony Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has made thousands of articles on peony, expanding from ornamental to edible, medicinal, health care and other fields, and the industrial chain around peony has been extended and its value has been enhanced.

In terms of animal husbandry, Binzhou Yangxin Niuzhigu Industrial Park has raised cattle with "scientific and technological content". Each cow is equipped with an electronic ear tag and a smart collar, and the number of steps every day is also recorded, and Yangxin's cattle industry has entered the digital age. The change of breeding methods is based on the understanding of the laws of cattle growth and fattening, and is based on big data and the Internet of Things. Through digital empowerment, Yangxin's beef cattle industry has shifted to a "smart model" to achieve intelligent, high-end, and green transformation.

The revitalization of rural industries also needs the empowerment of culture. In Longziyu Village, Lucun Town, Yiyuan County, rural development is empowered through art and rural revitalization. Based on the advantages of local literary and artistic resources in Shandong, Longziyu Village has established Liu Yutang Literature Museum, Li Xintian Literature Museum, "Weaving and Knotting" Art Museum, "Flower of Time" Art Museum, etc., which organically combine the simplicity of the countryside with the interest of art, which not only promotes the culture, but also revitalizes the countryside.

Technology and cultural empowerment are inseparable from the drive of leading agricultural enterprises, and more technical and cultural talents are also needed to invest in rural undertakings. Only by achieving better urban-rural integration and industry-agricultural coordination can rural industries plug in the wings of technology and culture and fly higher and farther.

(The author is a professor and dean of the Institute of Regional Economics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics)

Walking Pilot Zone|Integration and innovation, Qilu countryside depicts a new picture

(Popular Daily)