
The Centennial Academy reproduces the lectures of the Ming Dynasty, and tastes the thousand-year-old book rhyme of Fujian with readers

author:Straits Metropolis Daily

N Haidu all-media reporter Wu Xuewei

May 19 is the 14th China Tourism Day. On a bright Sunday morning, the Fujian Provincial Library held a lecture on "Ming Xi Enlightenment, Ancient Wisdom and Present - Zhuzi Culture Lecture Series" held in Zhengyi Academy, inviting Zhu Jieren, a tenured professor and doctoral supervisor of East China Normal University, to share Zhuzi's way of reading with readers with the title of "Zhuzi Reading Calligraphy".

The Centennial Academy reproduces the lectures of the Ming Dynasty, and tastes the thousand-year-old book rhyme of Fujian with readers

With the sound of three cloud plates, readers according to the traditional Ming Dynasty lecture etiquette, to Zhu Zi four salutes, and then to each other, in unison to recite the "Zhengyi Academy School Rules" and Zhu Zi's poems, to welcome the arrival of Mr., the lecture officially began.

The Centennial Academy reproduces the lectures of the Ming Dynasty, and tastes the thousand-year-old book rhyme of Fujian with readers

According to the traditional Ming Dynasty lecture etiquette, the reader bowed to Zhu Zi Si Sheng, and then bowed to each other

Qian Mu wrote in the "Outline of Zhu Zixue": "Zhu Zi's teaching people to read is the highest state of cultivation of the mind of a physicist, and at the same time, it is also the smoothest way for ordinary scholars to read. "What books did Zhu Zi read and how did he read? Professor Zhu Jieren started with the interesting reading story of Zhu Zi, combined with the content related to the study in the "100 Selected Readings of Zhu Zi's Famous Sayings and Good Sentences" selected by Zhengyi Academy. Professor Zhu encouraged the students present to abandon the utilitarian heart and read more classics in order to cultivate their minds and change their temperament.

The Centennial Academy reproduces the lectures of the Ming Dynasty, and tastes the thousand-year-old book rhyme of Fujian with readers

The audience sang Zhu Zi's poems

The relevant staff of Zhengyi Academy introduced to reporters that Zhuzi culture is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture, Fujian's cultural context and precious cultural heritage, which contains rich philosophical thoughts, humanistic concepts, and educational concepts, and is one of the most basic cultural genes of the Chinese nation. The "lecture meeting" is the education system that prevailed in ancient Chinese academies, advocating the contention of a hundred schools of thought. Zhu Zi's long-term lectures and apprenticeship activities have promoted the construction and development of Chinese academies, and different schools and different viewpoints have exchanged and collided in the academies, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and the listeners are eclectic, with a strong academic atmosphere.

Therefore, Zhengyi Academy of Fujian Provincial Library will hold a series of lectures on "Ming Xi Enlightenment, Fusion of Ancient Wisdom and Present - Zhuzi Culture Lecture Series" from 2023, inviting an expert to expound Zhuzi's thoughts from different perspectives, and restoring the customs and rituals of Ming Dynasty Academy lectures in the activities, so that more readers can understand the basic form of ancient lectures in a series of college links, and feel the spirit of respecting teachers and cultural people in ancient times.

The Fujian Provincial Library said that the Zhuzi Culture Lecture Series is one of the measures to coordinate cultural protection, inheritance, dissemination and development of the "four articles", comprehensively launch the brand of "Maritime Silk Road Starting Point and Fresh Fujian", and accelerate the creation of a world-renowned tourist destination that "often comes, often thinks, and often comes and is always new". On the occasion of the 14th China Tourism Day, Mintu hopes to explore the contemporary value of Zhuzi culture step by step and highlight the connotation of Chinese classics through immersive college lectures that allow readers to immerse themselves in the academy. Since then, the Zhuzi Culture Lecture Series will continue to invite experts and scholars to interpret Zhuzi's expositions on governing the law, governing the body, and family morality, so that more readers can pass on the classics in the century-old academy and read the past and the present.

Editor: Xiao Xiao