
This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......

author:Yanqi County Rong Media Center
This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......
This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......

"National Unity Starts with Me" Proposal

Cadres and people of all ethnic groups in the state:

In 2018 and 2024, Bazhou won the title of "National Demonstration State of National Unity and Progress" twice. The achievements are hard-won, and the honor is precious. Forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is the main line of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, and it is also the main line of all work in ethnic areas. To effectively forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation and promote the creation of national unity and progress in a tangible and tangible way, it is necessary for all sectors of society in the state to work together. To this end, we have launched the following initiatives:

1. Strengthen our beliefs and strive to be advocates of national unity and progress. Firmly establish the community concept of sharing weal and woe, weal and woe, life and death, and destiny, enhance national awareness, civic awareness, and awareness of the rule of law, adhere to the correct historical outlook of the Chinese nation, firmly identify with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, deeply understand that the relationship between the Chinese nation and all ethnic groups is the relationship between a big family and family members, and the relationship between various ethnic groups is the relationship between different members of a big family, and put the overall interests of the Chinese nation in the first place, The national consciousness should be subordinated to and serve the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and the hearts of the people should be united, the spirit should be interdependent, and they should work hand in hand.

2. Take the lead in setting an example and strive to be the leader of national unity and progress. Give all reform and development the significance of highlighting the sense of community of the Chinese nation, the significance of maintaining unity and opposing separatism, the meaning of improving people's livelihood and uniting people's hearts, consciously learn and make good use of the national common language, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strive to be a good model of national unity and progress, a good parent to educate their children, and a good citizen who abides by discipline and law, and actively incorporate ethnic unity into the village rules and regulations and code of conduct, everyone is responsible, everyone is responsible, infecting, influencing, and driving the people of all ethnic groups to help each other and fight bravely, Promote the people of all ethnic groups to gradually realize all-round embedding in space, culture, economy, society, psychology and other aspects, and hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds.

3. Work together to create and strive to be a practitioner of national unity and progress. Establish a sense of ownership, pay more attention to focus, experiential, and immersive publicity and education, actively participate in various forms of national unity and progress education and creation activities, insist on starting from me, starting from small things, starting from now, and combining "national unity from me +" with their own work, perceiving, participating, obtainable, mutual respect, mutual appreciation, mutual learning, and mutual help, and doing their best in "co-construction", each having its own place in "sharing", and exchanging and integrating in "common fun". The United States and the United States share together, making the community of the Chinese nation unbreakable.

Fourth, start with me and strive to be the defender of national unity and progress. Extensive exchanges, comprehensive exchanges, in-depth integration, everyone, everything, all the time, everywhere to maintain and enhance ethnic unity, take the initiative to study and publicize the party's ethnic policies and ethnic laws and regulations, dare to say no to disunity behavior, dare to fight against disunity behavior, draw the largest concentric circles, in daily exchanges, little things, network positions, etc., do their best, actively maintain the image of Bazhou, continue to work hard, for a long time, with their own words and deeds to help the cause of national unity and progress, and jointly depict Bazhou's national unity, The beautiful picture of prosperity and progress greeted the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of Bazhou with a more high-spirited attitude.

Office of the Leading Group for the Creation of National Unity and Progress in Bazhou

May 16, 2024

This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......

Source: Bazhou Rong Media Center

Review: Liu Yu

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yan

Editor: Ye Jingjing

This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......
This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......
This letter of proposal @ all Bavarians......