
Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

author:China Youth Daily

Hangzhou, October 17 (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Maggie Zhang) This afternoon, Hengshan Xianghu Academy Yaji was staged in the finale of the 13th Cultural China Forum. "Every song and piece of music is full of praise and praise for the motherland, for the heroes, and for the Communist Party of China, which has gone through 100 glorious courses." Host Li Huan said.

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Wang Kexuan, a young singer at the China Opera and Dance Theatre, performed the song solo "Ode to Coral". China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Ye Xiaowen (right), deputy director of the Culture, Literature, History and Study Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, and Lu Siqing, a violinist, performed "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" in unison. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Chen Jun, a national first-class actor and famous erhu player, presented "Argin in the Heart". China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

The water of Xianghu Lake not only beautifies a piece of heaven and earth, nurtures the people, but also moisturizes the poetic soul. At the collection, Wang Kexuan, a young singer of the China Opera and Dance Theater, sang "Ode to Coral" solo; Chen Jun, a national first-class actor and famous erhu player, presented "Arkin in the Heart"; violinist Lu Siqing soloed "Golden Candlestick" and "The Sun Shines on Tashkurgan"; and played "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" with Ye Xiaowen, deputy director of the Culture, Literature, History and Study Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Violinist Lu Siqing solo performed "Golden Candlestick" and "The Sun Shines on Tashkurgan". China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Zeng Yong, a tenor singer at the China Opera and Dance Theatre, said after singing "Red Star Shines on Me to Fight": "No matter in which industry or field, we are realizing our own values and pursuits in our own way, hoping to contribute to the development of society and the prosperity of the motherland in the future." ”

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Chinese mainland pop female singer Tan Weiwei sang the song "Song of Shule". China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Singer Tan Weiwei sang a song describing the magnificent scenery of the northern grasslands, as well as a song composed of "Momei" composed by the Yuan Dynasty poet Wang Mian. She said that she had listened to the poetry class taught by Professor Cheng Yuyu, professor of the Department of Chinese of Peking University and doctoral supervisor, and today she wanted to sing the poem into a song and bring it to everyone.

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Ms. Lu Wei, a national first-class actress and Chinese soprano singer, sang the song "Home by Xiang Lake". China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Lu Wei, a national first-class actress and Chinese soprano singer, has been committed to pushing the cultural undertakings of her hometown Xiaoshan to a new height, and she sang "Home by Xianghu Lake" and "Hero Praise" on the spot. Lu Wei said: "My hometown is very beautiful, my father and fellow villagers live very happily, we can have a good life today should not forget history, should not forget the history of the martyrs pursuing faith, sacrificing their lives and forgetting death, I hope to express respect with songs." ”

At the end of the collection, Lu Wei, Wang Kexuan and Zeng Yong sang "My Motherland and Me" together.

Yaju Xiang Lake, they use music to praise affectionately

Lü Wei, Wang Kexuan, Zeng Yong and the Xiaoshan District Women's Federation Sisters Flower Art Troupe sang "My Motherland and Me". China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Source: China Youth Daily client