
My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

author:Only high eight bucket willow leaves ka6

Xiaoling's struggle: the love and pain of the original family

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

In this seemingly ordinary town, Xiaoling's story is full of waves and emotional entanglements. The growth trajectory of her and her sister Xiaofang seems to be two completely different paths, intertwined with the complex emotions of love and resentment, fairness and partiality.

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

Since childhood, Xiaoling has felt the subtle differences in the family. Although she is also the daughter of her parents, Xiaoling always feels that the love seems to be poured more into her sister Xiaofang. When the family was in financial difficulties, it was she, Xiaoling, who sacrificed her studies and stepped into the society early, supporting part of the family with her hard-working hands. Xiaofang, on the other hand, was able to continue to grow under the protection of the school and eventually became a respected medical worker.

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

Time flies like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, Xiaofang has found Ruyi Langjun with her own efforts, and her life is happy and happy. And Xiaoling, because of family ties and her own limitations, chose an unsatisfactory marriage. But Xiaoling never complained, she used her strength and perseverance to run her small family.

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

However, fate doesn't always seem to be fair. When Xiaoling's father suddenly became seriously ill and needed high medical expenses, the conflict in the family was intensified again. Xiao Fang did not hesitate to offer to share the cost equally, but this was a big burden for Xiao Ling. She couldn't help but wonder if the injustice that had been hidden in her heart was really just her own delusion?

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

Deep down in Xiaoling's heart, she has always longed for the recognition and love of her parents. But the reality disappointed her again and again. She doesn't understand, why is she always the same daughter who is always the one who is sacrificed? Is it because I chose to drop out of school that I am destined to bear more responsibilities and suffering?

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

Now, in the face of her father's serious illness and the family's financial pressure, Xiaoling is once again standing at a crossroads. How should she choose? Do you continue to suffer this injustice in silence, or bravely fight for your rights?

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

Friends, have you been through a similar dilemma? When faced with the complex emotions of your family of origin, how do you choose? Xiaoling's story, did it touch some emotions deep in your hearts? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and experiences, let us cheer for Xiaoling together, and also send warmth and support to everyone who is struggling in the original family.

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?

So, what do you think Xiaoling should do? Should she continue to bear the responsibility for this seeming injustice? Or, do you have any better advice to help her out of this predicament? Let us know in the comments section! Every suggestion you make may become the driving force for Xiaoling to move forward.

My father needs 180,000 yuan to be hospitalized, and my sister proposes to pay an average amount, but I don't agree, isn't it fair?