
Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

author:Ping An Shop

Under the wave of unmarriage and infertility, how can we reshape the emotional future of the sexes?

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

In the hustle and bustle of the city, we always seem to hear the talk of "no marriage and no child". This is not only a simple social phenomenon, but also a profound reflection on gender feelings, family values and even the value of life. As more and more young people choose to embark on this path, we can't help but ask: what is the story behind this?

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

1. From "Must" to "Choice": Conceptual Change of Marriage and Childbearing

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

In the eyes of the older generation, getting married and having children is the only way in life, and it is a task that every young person must complete. But over time, this perception is quietly changing. Young people are beginning to pursue freedom, independence, and personal fulfillment, and they no longer see marriage and childbearing as a necessity, but as a choice.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

This change in perception stems from socio-economic development and the pluralism of individual values. In today's material abundance, people have begun to pay more attention to the pursuit and satisfaction of the spiritual level. They aspire to find empathy in love and to be self-fulfilling in marriage, rather than simply marrying and having children for the sake of succession.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

II. Economic Pressure and Social Change: The "Promoter" of Unmarried and Infertile

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

However, economic pressures and social changes are also important factors driving young people to choose not to marry and have children. High housing prices, bride prices, education costs, etc., discourage many young people. Not only do they have to bear their own living expenses, but they also have to be responsible for their future families. Under such pressure, they begin to doubt the value of marriage and childbearing, believing that these are just shackles that increase their burden.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

At the same time, social change has brought with it many uncertainties. Problems such as difficulty in finding employment, low wages, and high prices make young people feel anxious and uneasy. They fear that their future is not secure, and they fear that their children will face the same dilemma. Therefore, they choose not to marry and have children in order to avoid passing these pressures on to the next generation.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

3. The dual pressures of family and society: the plight of young people

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

Under the dual pressure of family and society, young people are facing unprecedented difficulties. They crave love and intimacy, but fear being tied down and dependent. They want to grow and progress with their partner, but worry about the uncertainty and risks of the future. This ambivalent state of mind makes them feel lost and uneasy.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

And the attitude of parents is even more confusing for young people. On the one hand, they want their children to live happily ever after; On the other hand, they worry about their children's uncertain future. As a result, they began to support the children's choices in the hope that they would be able to live the life they wanted. But does this support really make young people feel happy and satisfied?

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

4. Reshaping the emotional future of both sexes: finding a new balance

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

In the face of the wave of unmarried and infertile people, we need to re-examine the future of gender affection. We need to think about how to maintain family stability and social harmony while respecting individual choices.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

First of all, we need to strengthen family education and the inheritance of traditional concepts. While societal attitudes are changing, family and traditional values remain an important part of our culture. We need to make young people understand that family and society are interdependent and that we need to share our responsibilities and obligations.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

Second, we need to focus on the needs and feelings of young people. They need more support and understanding, and they need society to create a better living environment and conditions for them. We can alleviate their economic and living pressures through policy adjustments and social reforms, so that they can face the future with more confidence.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

Finally, we need to reshape the values of gender affection. We need to make it clear to young people that marriage and childbearing are not simple tasks and responsibilities, but a process of growth and progress with our partners. We need to learn to find a new balance between freedom and responsibility, and let the emotions of the sexes be the beauty and motivation in our lives.

Why don't many young people think that "cutting off their children and grandchildren" is a terrible thing?

Let's work together to create a better tomorrow for the life of the future!

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