
The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

author:Pupu Health

"Before going to bed, you must pay attention to the ventilation in the room, and pay attention to the mood swings not to be too large." Dr. Wang in the emergency room said helplessly to the grief-stricken family members in front of him.

The 59-year-old sister Liu died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for her family to accept.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

Sister Liu, whose real name is Liu Caixia, is a primary school Chinese teacher who has been retired for many years.

She and her husband live in a small building on the outskirts of the city, and they usually like to read, play chess, and plant flowers, and live a very leisurely life.

She has a gentle personality and has few enemies, except for the occasional small emotions, which no one expected would take her life.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

One night, Sister Liu and her husband quarreled because of a trivial matter: her husband forgot to water the flowers.

That night, she closed the windows tightly and turned on the air conditioner, trying to calm herself down, but unexpectedly, in the early hours of the morning, Sister Liu suddenly felt an unbearable headache and immediately lost consciousness.

As soon as the husband noticed that the situation was not good, he immediately called the emergency number. But when Sister Liu was rushed to the hospital, she had stopped breathing.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

After examination, Dr. Wang confirmed that Sister Liu had a sudden cerebral infarction, but unfortunately the rescue was not timely and she eventually died.

Seeing that Sister Liu's family members were crying silently, Dr. Wang decided to explain why Sister Liu suddenly had a cerebral infarction at night.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

"Ventilation in the room is important, especially when sleeping. If the room is too stuffy and the air is not circulating, there will not be enough oxygen, which will put a lot of pressure on our heart and blood vessels.

He reminded that especially in summer, many people turn on the air conditioner for a long time and close the doors and windows in order to escape the heat, so that the air is not easy to circulate.

In this case, the human body is in a state of hypoxia, which is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

Dr. Wang went on to talk about emotion management, saying that too much emotional fluctuation is also a key cause of cerebral infarction.

When excited, blood pressure tends to spike and blood vessels constrict, which increases the risk of thrombosis.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the cardiovascular system itself is relatively fragile, and it is necessary to pay more attention to emotional stability.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

Dr Wong mentioned a study that showed a nearly five-fold increase in the risk of cardiovascular events when emotionally or angry.

He also added that maintaining a calm mood and emotional stability in daily life plays an important role in preventing cerebral infarction.

Sister Liu's family members were dumbfounded when they heard this, and they all nodded yes.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

They all know that Sister Liu usually has a gentle temper, but she is very stubborn in some small things, and she is always easy to be emotional when things don't go her way.

Dr. Wang's explanation made them realize that Sister Liu's tragedy was not accidental, but the result of a combination of factors.

Dr. Wong also reminded everyone to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, do more physical exercise, maintain good work and rest habits, and have regular medical check-ups to detect and prevent health problems early.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

He particularly emphasized that middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, maintain a reasonable diet, quit smoking and limit alcohol, and avoid high-fat and high-salt eating habits.

So, how to effectively prevent the occurrence of cerebral infarction in daily life, especially during the high-risk period at night, what specific measures should we take?

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

The key to preventing cerebral infarction lies in the comprehensive management of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

To maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, first, we must maintain good living habits, such as going to bed early and getting up early, avoiding staying up late, and maintaining a regular work and rest.

Second, we should pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat less high-fat and high-salt foods.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

Third, proper physical exercise, such as walking briskly for 30 minutes a day, can help promote blood circulation and enhance cardiopulmonary function.

Regular physical examination is an important measure to prevent cerebral infarction, especially for people with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

Maintaining a good mood and avoiding emotional agitation is also an important aspect of preventing cerebral infarction.

The 59-year-old eldest sister died of a cerebral infarction at night, and the doctor advised her: pay attention to 2 things before going to bed, many people do not listen to the persuasion

Before going to bed, you can do some relaxing activities, such as listening to music, and avoid watching stimulating TV shows or movies.

The editor has something to say: I hope that through the story of Sister Liu, you can pay more attention to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, take scientific preventive measures, and avoid similar tragedies from happening again.