
At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

author:Passionate coffee loves to learn


At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

"The earth is beautiful, I think it's probably the best place".

This is Edgar Mitchell, the pilot of the Apollo-14 manned spacecraft to the moon, who sighed after seeing the Earth on the spacecraft.

Not only did Mitchell feel this way, but the astronaut Stuart Baldwin, who traveled with him on the lunar expedition, also recalled the moments of the moon landing and said: "It's hard to describe, it's really amazing that we experimented on it and then went on to complete our own schedule."

This is also the evaluation of the vast majority of American astronauts on the earth, believing that the earth is the real home of human beings, but in addition, American astronauts also have a feeling when they see the earth on the moon, that is, a deep sense of fear and helplessness.

Why is it so scary to see Earth on the moon with such a large debris in a spacesuit and a raised hand?

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

1. The Apollo astronauts see the Earth on the moon.

At that time, American astronaut Scotland Cohennotley took a picture on the moon, which has been hailed as the most beautiful selfie ever taken on Earth.

Since humans have had a camera that can record themselves, every astronaut who has landed on the moon will record a selfie standing on the moon, which is a souvenir and a stunning Earth for future generations.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

But no matter which astronaut stands on the moon, he will feel endless fear of the Earth in front of him, and all the astronauts will say that it is stranger to see the Earth from the Moon than to look at the Moon from the Earth.

But why don't people feel anything special when they see the moon on Earth, but they feel endless fear on the moon?

On Earth, when people see the moon with the naked eye, they will only feel a beautiful mystery in their hearts, and even feel peaceful and serene, but when they stand on the moon and look at the earth, they will not feel any sense of tranquility, they will only feel that the earth exudes an endless sense of fear, why is this?

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

In fact, before the United States landed on the moon, the former Soviet Union had successfully explored the moon, but at that time, for the safety of the Black Sand Dune mission, Soviet astronauts had to wait for two years in space orbit.

For the past two years, astronauts have become afraid of going to the moon, but there is also an unprecedented fear of the American astronauts who will land on the moon in the future, a fear that stems from the mysterious forces behind Chinese engineers and Soviet cosmonauts.

At that time, the United States prided itself on being technologically advanced, and many doubts could be seen from various data from space exploration, while the Soviet Union's tactics and thinking were very different from those of the United States, which made American doctors and scientists begin to study the behavior and thinking of Soviet cosmonauts.

At the same time, most doctors and scientists believe that the physical conditions and structures of American astronauts on the moon and Soviet cosmonauts are similar, so American astronauts should also have the same fear of the moon landing as the Soviet cosmonauts, and can even be more fearful, so this fear slowly spreads into daily life in the United States.

When the Soviet cosmonauts successfully returned to Earth, scientists began to worry more about the emotions and psychology of the Chinese cosmonauts, and the U.S. government carried out a series of public opinion hype on the American astronauts in order to earn fame and fortune and the election.

But in fact, although the crew of Apollo-11 had no fear of the moon, Jean Dellington, Armstrong and Alvin Eldrin, both astronauts, were diagnosed with severe phobias by psychiatrists.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

Under the guidance of Dr. William Cansler, the two astronauts were able to land on the moon, but the moon landing program became a pointless battle between Dr. Cansler and the astronauts.

Dr. Cansler has been providing an environment that would help control the astronauts' fears for the moon mission, or the mission would have been canceled.

But despite this, NASA handed over this request to the US Air Force Institute of Education and Training along with the mission to the moon, hoping that the Air Force would find people who were afraid of going to the moon among future astronauts.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

However, the results of the diagnosis greatly exceeded the expectations of the Air Force Education and Research Institute, and in an attempt to find out how to find out who would be afraid to go to the moon, all of them were suspected, and many scientists and astronauts even left their jobs because they were afraid that the tests they did would be used on them.

However, the US Air Force Institute of Education and Training did not find out who was really afraid of the moon landing, but instead embarrassed the US national government.

Under the threat of the Soviet Union, the United States could not continue to hesitate, and in order to win the crown of the first moon landing, the United States decided to carry out a lunar landing program.

Over the next two years, the United States conducted a number of so-called "training" activities that were in essence to convince space pilots to be fearless.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

However, these "training" activities only made space pilots more afraid of going to the moon, because they felt that the government would even sacrifice their lives to win the honor of landing on the moon.

At the same time that the United States began to "train troops", the Soviet Union was also busy training astronauts, in order to be able to win the moon landing championship in one fell swoop, the Soviet Union carried out a wide range of propaganda, but the Soviet Union did not plan to carry out a manned lunar mission at that time, but only planned to land on the moon in an automatic control way, so many scientists thought that the Soviet Union's plan at that time was not reliable, but the United States did not know.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

In order to show the Soviet Union that the United States was leading the moon landing, the United States provided space pilots with a lot of new training equipment, and the astronauts only knew that it was the government's help to get more data, but it was not until the space pilots finally started to catch up that they realized that the training equipment was just to create more pressure on the space pilots.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

2. What the Earth looks like on the Moon.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

In 1969, with the help of Eugene Cernan and Charles Bruley, the United States finally caught up with the Soviet Union and conducted two manned moon landing tests, Apollo-10 and Apollo-11.

Although the results of the two lunar tests were recognized by the American astronauts who participated in the lunar landing, the head of the US National Space Administration was slightly uneasy about Apollo-10, because the distance between the Apollo-10 spacecraft and the Earth is 380,000 kilometers, while the distance between the Moon and the Earth is about 385,000 kilometers.

So when they reach the moon, the rocket's thrust must be very accurate, but they don't add much fuel, which makes the Apollo-10 spacecraft less maneuverable.

Despite the many experiments and surveys carried out during both lunar tests, the head of NASA was concerned about the real-world capabilities of the American astronauts who participated in the moon landing.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

However, NASA has been struggling to find a suitable astronaut, and on May 18, 1969 local time, Stuart Baldwin and Edgar Mitchell met in love at a bar in Pengcheng, and this affection was eventually known to everyone and praised by the space center, so the couple was also favored by NASA.

Stuart Baldwin and Edgar Mitchell are the best geologists in the world in their own right, plus the two of them are a couple, so NASA was very convenient when it came to arranging missions for them, so they had the honor of being astronauts on Apollo-14 and carried out a series of jobs with the help of Otto Newman.

Due to their own geological knowledge, the two of them not only carried out a lot of very important work, but also completed various tasks of orbital flight during the later execution of the spacecraft.

On September 17, Apollo-14 and its huge thrust left the earth's surface, and encountered many problems during the subsequent lunar landing, and finally found that the lunar module had broken the sensors at the bottom of the rocket, resulting in the failure to ignite.

After they solved the problem, Apollo-14 finally arrived on the moon, and Stuart Baldwin and Edgar Mitchell were walking on the surface of the moon, when Mitchell caught a glimpse of a place that made him feel very frightened.

Mitchell said to Stuart Baldwin, "You come here and see, you see, the rocks here are the same as the rest of the places, why aren't there any rocks around here, did we just sweep away a rock, but the rock is gone?"

Stuart Baldwin was also surprised when he saw the place, and then searched for it, but they never found the rock again.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

3. A deep sense of fear.

At a distance of 380,000 kilometers, why do American astronauts feel fear when they look at the Earth from the moon?

In 1969, the United States finally caught up with the Soviet Union with the successful launch of Apollo-11 on July 21, and Armstrong and Aldrin surprised the entire NASA with their impressive performances.

Armstrong and Aldrin's performance also allowed them to get more and more training, and at the same time, it also allowed Apollo-14 to finally take off so smoothly, and the spacecraft finally reached the moon without any problems.

When Apollo-14 arrived on the moon, it was only 4.5 feet from the "circumlunar module" inhabited by the spacecraft, and the two men were very careful when they started walking, because the terrain on the moon is changeable and there is no flat ground.

As they searched for a suitable place to build the "lunar module", Mitchell caught a glimpse of a place that looked completely different from the rest of the place, there were no rocks here, which was why he was terrified.

So Mitchell's knowledge of geology is very good, but the environment on the moon makes all his knowledge useless, so he is afraid.

Apollo-14 returned to Earth on February 1, and three days later, Stuart Baldwin and Edgar Mitchell jumped into space and embarked on a return orbit to Earth.

In fact, the Earth-Moon system is constantly changing, and this is the biggest problem astronauts encounter on the way to the moon.

But when they arrived at the moon, the distance between the Earth and the Sun had been greatly reduced, which made them feel very frightened, because when they were far away from the Earth, they could only judge the direction of the Earth, which was very inaccurate.

When they go around the side of the moon, they will not be able to make it back if they are a little off, so they will stay on the moon for a month, and when the Earth-Moon distance is suitable again, they will be able to return.

Because the gravitational pull of the Moon is very small, it is very difficult to dock with the Moon, and when the spacecraft flies to the far side of the Moon, the spacecraft has no signal unless they travel for a very long time, so that they can slow down.

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