
One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

author:Aoyama Hou
One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, the music competition program "Singer" series has always maintained its unique charm. However, with the broadcast of "Singer 2024", the show has once again become the focus of public attention. This is not only because it brings together many powerful singers, but also because of the performance and identity of some of these singers, which has sparked extensive discussions and controversies.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

1. The interweaving of strength and controversy

Since its launch, "Singer 2024" has attracted a large number of viewers with its unique competition system and fierce competition. However, behind this, there are also some unexpected "episodes". Among them, the addition of Taiwanese singer Huang Xuan undoubtedly added a different color to the show.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

His unique style of music and almost crazy singing style are impressive, but they have also attracted a lot of doubts. Some people think that his musical innovation is unique, and he is a breath of fresh air in the Chinese music scene; Others thought his music was too bizarre to accept. This polarized evaluation has undoubtedly brought more topics and controversy to the show.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

In addition to Huang Xuan, Hailai Amu, who was controversial last season, has also become the focus again. His three-in-one singing style of "smoke voice", "milk voice" and "stuck fish stinging voice" once again made the audience's ears feel impacted.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

Some people think that his voice is unique and has an irreproducible charm; Others think that his singing style is too exaggerated and lacks realism. This controversy is not only between the audience, but also among the singers. In the show, Hailai Amu's interaction and competition with other singers have become the focus of the audience's attention.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

2. Na Ying's "shaking people" strategy and failure

On the stage of "Singer 2024", Na Ying, as a senior singer and mentor, has also attracted much attention for her "shaking people" strategy. She tried to strengthen herself by inviting some influential singers, but the results were not satisfactory.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

On the one hand, the singers she invited did not join the show as she would have liked; On the other hand, even if some singers joined the show, it did not bring her the desired effect. This failure not only frustrated Na Ying, but also made the audience question the fairness of the show.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

It is this kind of failure and setback that makes Na Ying and other singers cherish the opportunity on stage even more. They began to prepare and perform harder, hoping to prove themselves with their prowess. This transformation not only makes the show more exciting, but also allows the audience to see the growth and change of the singers.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

3. The cruelty of the battle of kicking the hall and the elimination of the last place

In the kicking battle of "Singer 2024", every singer is facing great pressure and challenges. They need to use their strength to win the recognition and support of the audience, so as to avoid the fate of being eliminated from the last place. This cruel competition not only tests the strength of the singers, but also their psychological quality and endurance.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

In the battle of kicking the gym, the performance of Huang Xuan and the Hang Gai band was particularly eye-catching. With his unique style of music and explosive on-site expression, Huang Xuan successfully kicked the hall and won the recognition of the audience; The Hanggai Band successfully unveiled the list and won the applause of the audience with its profound musical skills and national characteristics.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

There are also some singers who did not perform well in the kicking hall battle and were eliminated from the last place. This brutal competition not only made the singers feel pressure, but also made the audience feel the cruelty and ruthlessness of the music.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

Fourth, the story and emotion behind the music

In addition to the fierce competition and controversy, "Singer 2024" also shows many of the stories and emotions behind the music. On stage, each singer uses their own singing voice and performance to tell their own stories and emotions. These stories and emotions not only make the audience feel the charm and power of music, but also make people pay more attention to and think about the meaning and value behind music.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

For example, Wang Sulong chose to PK with Huang Xuan in the show, and although he lost in the end, his persistence and hard work won the respect and support of the audience. The loneliness and persistence revealed in his singing make people feel the power and charm of music.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

Similarly, Hailai Amu chose Hu Haiquan's song "Why" in the show, although the singing style is unique, it also reveals his love and pursuit of music.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

The stories and emotions behind these music not only make the show more colorful, but also allow the audience to understand and feel the music more deeply.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

5. Summary and outlook

"Singer 2024" is a music competition show full of strength and controversy, cruelty and warmth. It brings together many powerful singers and musicians, and shows the charm and power of music through fierce competition and wonderful performances.

One person ruined the entire variety show! The "related households" in "Singer 2024" are uncomfortable to sing

At the same time, it has also sparked a lot of discussions and reflections on music, culture, society and other aspects. In the future, we expect the "Singer" series to continue to maintain its unique charm and value, and bring more wonderful music feasts to the audience.