
Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

author:Xin'er said the interview

Following the "wife shortage", there is a "wave of unmarriage" in rural areas: what do young people think?

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

In the vast rural areas of China, there is an old topic that has always been on everyone's lips - that is, "wife shortage". Many families are really heartbroken in order to find a suitable daughter-in-law for their son.

But just when everyone was still worried about the "wife shortage", another puzzling "strange phenomenon" quietly came: more and more young people seem to be less enthusiastic about getting married, and some even said "I'm just so single, it's good". Today, let's talk about this and see what secrets are hidden behind this.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

1. Wife shortage: the collision of traditional concepts and modern reality

When it comes to "wife shortage", we must first understand the reasons behind this, first of all, there are many male children and few female children in rural areas, and the problem of gender imbalance is not a day or two.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

In addition, young people nowadays are paying more and more attention to personal development, and many girls choose to go to the city to work or go to university, and even fewer stay in the countryside. In this way, it will be difficult for those male children who are still in the countryside to find a suitable daughter-in-law.

What's even more troublesome is that the cost of marriage is getting higher and higher, and the bride price has risen from thousands or 10,000 in the past to hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands now, not counting the money for buying a house and a car.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

This is marrying a daughter-in-law, it's like "buying a daughter-in-law". For those families with modest economic conditions, this is simply astronomical.

Therefore, even if many male babies have the heart to marry a daughter-in-law, they have to see if their pockets are bulging first. As a result, the phenomenon of "wife shortage" is becoming more and more serious in rural areas.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

2. Not Married: The "Siege" in the Hearts of Young People

Just when the "wife shortage" was intensifying, our young people in the countryside began to "rebel" again. They are no longer busy with marriage as soon as they reach marriageable age, as they used to be, but they are beginning to enjoy their single life. What's the secret behind this?

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

First of all, young people are under a lot of work pressure nowadays, and they feel that they have to support their families when they get married, which is not an ordinary burden! Think about it, before the monthly salary is hot, you have to take out a large amount of money to pay off the mortgage, car loan, plus daily expenses and child-rearing expenses, this day has to be tight!

Therefore, many young people have a headache when they think of this, and they think that it is better to be single, at least they don't have to worry about these things.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

Besides, young people now have higher requirements for the quality of marriage, and they don't want to get married as long as both parents agree and the bride price is in place, as in the past.

They attach more importance to the emotional foundation between two people, and feel that a marriage without feelings will not be happy. However, many young people in the countryside now meet through blind dates, and there is a lack of understanding and communication between each other, how can such a marriage be happy? Therefore, many young people would rather choose to be single than enter into such a marriage.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

Finally, there is another important reason, and that is to worry about the instability of the marriage. Now the divorce rate in rural areas is quite high, and young people see these examples and mutter: What if I get married? Isn't all the money and time invested in the early stage in vain? Therefore, many young people choose not to marry in order to avoid this risk.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

3. Unmarried: Not just a rural problem

In fact, the phenomenon of "unmarried people" is not only unique to our rural areas, there have long been such groups in big cities, but now they are beginning to spread in our rural areas.

These "unmarried people" have their own lifestyles and values, and they feel that marriage is not a necessary option in life. They feel that a person can live well, and there is no need to get married for the sake of getting married.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

This makes parents panic! They feel that young people are irresponsible, unfilial, and even worried that this will affect the country's economic development.

In fact, the parents' worries are not unreasonable, after all, getting married and having children is one of the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation! But we also have to understand the thoughts and choices of young people, after all, everyone has their own way of life and values!

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

Fourth, how to solve this "strange phenomenon"?

Since the problem is here, let's find a way to solve it! First of all, all sectors of society have to be concerned about this issue. The government, the media, schools, and so on all have to help.

For example, the government can introduce some policies to reduce housing prices and curb the rise in bride price prices; The media can promote more positive views on marriage and family; Schools can also strengthen marriage and love education for students.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

Furthermore, we have to find the reason from the young people themselves, they have to realize the importance of marriage and their responsibilities and obligations to the family.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they have to be forced to get married and have children, but at least let them understand that marriage is an important part of life and is worth cherishing and pursuing.

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

Finally, I think I have to talk about our parents. They have to understand the thoughts and choices of young people, and they can't just rush to get married. After all, everyone has their own way of life and values, and we have to respect their choices.

V. Conclusion

Having said so much, I actually want to tell you one thing: now there are two big problems in our rural areas: "wife shortage" and "unmarriage", but this does not mean that we have to be helpless!

Following the "wife shortage", another "strange phenomenon" has appeared in the countryside, why don't young people think so?

As long as all parties in our society work together and the state gives certain support and guidance, then I believe that this problem will be effectively solved!

So, let's work together! For the bright future of our rural areas and the happy life of our young people! I hope that the countryside in the future can be full of laughter and laughter, instead of being shrouded by the shadow of "wife shortage" and "non-marriage"!