
Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

author:Orange to talk about things

In recent years, rising oil prices have become a hot topic of global concern. Professor Huang Youguang asked, if the price of oil rises tenfold, will it have a significant impact on our lives? CCTV conducted an in-depth discussion on this topic. This article will provide a comprehensive review of this and propose the concept of polyandry in order to provide new ideas for future social development.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

1. The impact of a tenfold increase in oil prices

Professor Huang Youguang pointed out that if oil prices rise tenfold, it will have a profound impact on the global economy. First of all, energy costs will rise significantly, impacting manufacturing, transportation and other industries. In addition, the price increase of oil, as a basic energy source, will directly affect industrial production, agricultural irrigation, urban heating and other fields. And the rise in energy prices will lead to an increase in the operating costs of enterprises, which will affect the entire economic system.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

CCTV agreed, adding some specific points. First, rising oil prices will lead to increased inflation, which in turn will affect people's livelihoods. Second, rising oil prices could trigger social unrest, especially for developing countries that depend on oil exports. Therefore, we must be prepared and find a strategy to deal with the rise in oil prices.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

2. Polyandry: one of the coping strategies

In the face of the challenges posed by rising oil prices, can we try some new institutional arrangements? Professor Huang Youguang proposed the concept of "polyandry". The term "polyandry" refers to the fact that a woman marries more than one husband at the same time and shares family responsibilities. This institutional arrangement can provide more financial support for families, while also reducing the burden on women in the family.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

CCTV agreed, and further explained the feasibility of the system. First, polyandry can be an effective response to the economic pressures caused by rising oil prices. The sharing of family responsibilities by multiple husbands can effectively reduce the burden on a single person in the family, thereby improving the quality of life of the family.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

In addition, "polyandry" can also help alleviate the problem of overpopulation. In some cases, a woman combined with multiple men at the same time can add a new workforce population to society. This is undoubtedly a positive sign for our society, which has a serious aging population.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke
Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke
Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

3. Looking to the future: pluralistic social institutional arrangements

Looking back at the above discussion, we can see the impact and challenges of a tenfold increase in oil prices and the introduction of polyandry. In the face of these challenges, we need to actively explore pluralistic social institutional arrangements. We should recognize that the purpose of institutional arrangements is not only to address a particular problem, but more importantly to promote the sustainable development of society as a whole.

Review: Huang Youguang suggested a 10-fold increase in oil prices and the implementation of polyandry, CCTV spoke

IV. Conclusion

Overall, a tenfold increase in oil prices and the introduction of polyandry are important strategies for us to meet the challenges ahead. We should actively explore pluralistic social institutional arrangements to cope with the uncertainty of the future. At the same time, we also need to recognize that any institutional arrangement needs to be constantly adjusted and improved in practice to adapt to the changing social environment. In this process, we also need to give full play to the wisdom and creativity of the masses of the people and jointly promote social progress and development.