
The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

author:North Island II

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Nanyang is lit up, and the millennium Zhuge has become the focus again

Recently, Nanyang City, Henan Province, officially commemorated the historical figure Zhuge Liang's "immortal death" in 1790, and this event quickly appeared on the hot search and became a hot topic for everyone.

Zhuge Liang, the wise sage of the Three Kingdoms period, left countless legendary stories, and now he is in the spotlight again, but it has caused a lot of controversy.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

What is the significance of the commemoration? Netizens questioned one after another

The original intention of the commemorative activities was to promote history and culture and inherit the spirit of the sages. But when the memorial point of Zhuge Liang's "immortal death" in 1790 was so grandly launched by the local official, netizens expressed their puzzlement. Although Zhuge Liang is great, the year of his "immortal death" is not hundreds of years, what is the special meaning of such a commemoration?

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

Behind the publicity, is it investment or culture?

Some netizens speculated that the local official's move may be to use Zhuge Liang's popularity to enhance Nanyang's popularity and influence, and then attract more investment and tourism.

After all, in the current era of "traffic is king", any topic that can attract public attention may become a powerful tool for urban publicity.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

Zhuge Liang became a "tool man"?

Such speculation made some netizens feel distressed.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

Netizens believe that Zhuge Liang, as a great historical figure, should be respected rather than used.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

There are also some netizens who think of many well-known characters in history, and even fairy characters in novels, hoping to emulate and commemorate Zhuge Liang.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

Official "show"? Experts call for a rational look

In the face of netizens' doubts, some experts said that there is nothing inappropriate about holding a local commemoration in itself, but the key is to look at the motive and purpose behind it.

If it is only for the sake of short-term popularity and influence, and ignores the true value of history and culture, then such commemorative activities are undoubtedly a kind of "show".

At the same time, he also called on the public to look at this incident rationally and not blindly follow the trend or over-interpret it.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

Streamlining the organization and improving efficiency is the right way

The controversy also brings us to another problem: there are so many institutions and officials that it is difficult to show tangible results if they do not perform their duties actively. However, although this practice can temporarily show the activity of officials, it cannot truly reflect their work ability and leadership effectiveness.

The "Symposium to Commemorate the Death of Zhuge Liangxian Immortal" is thought-provoking: the necessity of streamlining institutions and officials!

In the current era of rapid development, the departments concerned should pay more attention to improving work efficiency and service quality, and only in this way can the purpose of "serving the people" be truly realized.

Conclusion: Let history illuminate the future

Finally, I would like to say that commemorating a historical figure like Zhuge Liang is a good thing in itself, it allows us to better understand and pass on history and culture. However, in the process of commemoration, we should pay more attention to the meaning and value behind it, rather than just pursuing superficial excitement and attention. Only in this way can we truly let history illuminate the future and let the spirit of the sages live on in our hearts.