
Daydreaming - how many do you have to live a happy life?

author:The evening breeze blows

Daydreaming – my happy life

My name is Li Xiaomeng, an ordinary city girl living in a warm family of three. My dad was a middle school history teacher and my mom was a nurse, and their lives were simple and fulfilling. I grew up in such a family atmosphere, and although I was not wealthy, I was always full of love and laughter.

When I was a child, I used to sit on my father's lap and listen to him tell stories about historical figures and legends, and those heroic deeds always made me yearn for them. My mother, on the other hand, would use her warm hand to bandage my wound and tell me that life is like this wound, that it hurts, but it will heal.

When I grew up, I became an editor, working with words and stories every day. Although I have a busy job, I enjoy it. I feel like this is the life I want, simple, fulfilling, and meaningful.

Daydreaming - how many do you have to live a happy life?

However, life is never easy. There was a time when I was at a low point in my life. I encountered a bottleneck at work, and my love life was also a blank. I began to wonder if I had chosen the wrong career. Are you destined to die alone?

During that time, I always had strange dreams. In my dream, I lived a completely different life: I became a successful writer and wrote many best-selling books; I have a partner who loves me, and we travel together, watch movies together, and share moments of life together. In that dream, I smiled so brightly and was so happy.

When I wake up, I always feel an inexplicable sense of loss. I know it's just a dream, but the person in that dream is what I want to be in the depths of my heart.

"Xiaomeng, what's wrong with you lately?" Dad asked me with concern.

Daydreaming - how many do you have to live a happy life?

"It's okay, Dad, it's just that I'm a little tired from work." I smiled reluctantly.

"Xiaomeng, life is like a long-distance run, sometimes you need to slow down and adjust your breathing." Dad patted me on the shoulder, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. ”

Mom's words were also as warm as spring: "Daughter, you are the best." No matter what difficulties you encounter, believe in yourself. ”

At that moment, I felt the power of home. I know that no matter where I go, this home will always be my strongest backing.

Daydreaming - how many do you have to live a happy life?

During that time, I began to re-examine my life. I've found that I've been chasing success in the eyes of others, but I've ignored my own inner voice. I started trying to write something that I really wanted to write, no longer limited to the needs of the market and the tastes of readers.

And just like that, I wrote my first novel. In that novel, there is no flowery rhetoric, no thrilling plot, only a true perception of life and a desire for happiness. It's like a letter from the bottom of my heart, addressed to everyone who, like me, is looking for happiness.

After the novel was published, the response was unexpectedly good. Readers have said that they have found their own shadow in my story and felt the warmth and hope of life. At that moment, I finally understood that the real success is not to become the best in the eyes of others, but to become the most authentic self.

And love also came quietly at this time. He was a reader who also loved literature and was deeply moved by my story. We communicate through letters, sharing each other's lives and dreams. Gradually, I found myself falling in love with this man I had never met.

Daydreaming - how many do you have to live a happy life?

When we first met, it was as if we had known each other for a long, long time. He told me that he had always followed my work and that my story gave him a lot of strength and courage. And I, too, found a long-lost sense of security and belonging in this man.

"You know what? I've been daydreaming. I smiled and said to him, "I dreamed that I had become a successful writer and found a partner who loved me." ”

He held my hand tightly: "That's not a dream, a dream. That's your future and ours. ”

At that moment, I felt happiness like never before. I know that I have found the person who is willing to pursue my dreams and share my life with me. And that once unattainable daydream has also become a reality within reach at this moment.

Daydreaming - how many do you have to live a happy life?

Today, I'm still an editor and a writer. I write my own story and I write other people's stories. And my life is as fulfilling and meaningful as I want it to be. I know that all this is inseparable from that once daydream. It allowed me to find my own direction and my happiness.

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