
Kids addicted to mobile phones? Listen to this mother's experience and you may be able to find a solution!


Recently, at a parent symposium held by a primary school in Chengdu, a mother affectionately shared her reasons why her children are strictly restricted from playing with mobile phones, which resonated with many parents present. The mother's account not only reflects her concern for her children's growth, but also reflects the common problem of mobile phone use in contemporary family education.

Kids addicted to mobile phones? Listen to this mother's experience and you may be able to find a solution!

At the focus group, the mother first shared her child's story. She said that her child used to be a high-achiever, lively and cute student, but since becoming addicted to mobile games, the child's personality and behavior have changed significantly. The child begins to become reticent, loses interest in learning, and his grades plummet. She knows that if no timely action is taken, her child's future could be seriously affected.

Kids addicted to mobile phones? Listen to this mother's experience and you may be able to find a solution!

When talking about why her children are restricted from playing with mobile phones, the mother cited the following reasons:

First of all, excessive use of mobile phones can affect your child's physical health. Staring at the screen of a mobile phone for a long time can lead to vision loss and even eye diseases such as myopia. In addition, children who bow their heads and play with mobile phones for a long time will also affect the health of the cervical spine and lead to problems such as cervical spondylosis.

Second, excessive use of mobile phones can take a toll on a child's mental health. Mobile games are often designed to be full of excitement and temptation, and it is easy for children to become dependent. Once a child is addicted to mobile games, they will neglect real-life interpersonal and emotional communication, leading to loneliness and social barriers. At the same time, violence, pornography and other bad content in mobile games can also have a negative impact on children's psychology and even lead to criminal behavior.

Finally, excessive use of mobile phones can affect a child's academic performance. When children are addicted to mobile games, they will be distracted and unable to focus on learning. In the long run, the child's academic performance will naturally suffer. In addition, mobile phones can also interfere with children's sleep, leading to lack of sleep and lack of energy, which further affects the learning effect.

Kids addicted to mobile phones? Listen to this mother's experience and you may be able to find a solution!

The mother's account resonated with the parents present. Many parents have said that they are facing the same problem and want to find a solution. To help her child get rid of cell phone dependence, this mother made some suggestions:

First of all, parents should establish a correct concept of education and realize the harm of excessive use of mobile phones to their children. Parents should pay attention to their children's mobile phone usage, reasonably control their children's mobile phone use time, and guide their children to use mobile phones correctly.

Secondly, parents should accompany their children to other beneficial activities, such as outdoor sports, reading, music, etc. These activities can not only enrich children's extracurricular life, but also cultivate children's interests and hobbies, and improve children's overall quality.

Finally, parents should establish a good communication mechanism with their children, pay attention to their children's emotional needs, and help children establish correct values and outlook on life. Parents should guide their children to realize the beauty and value of real life, so that children can understand that mobile phones are just a tool and cannot be the whole of life.

The successful holding of this parent symposium not only provided a platform for parents to exchange parenting experience, but also provided useful inspiration for solving the problem of excessive use of children's mobile phones. I believe that with the joint efforts of parents, children will be able to grow up healthily and stay away from the trouble of mobile phone dependence.

Kids addicted to mobile phones? Listen to this mother's experience and you may be able to find a solution!

In short, children's playing with mobile phones is an issue that needs to be paid attention to by parents. Parents should be aware of the harm of excessive use of mobile phones to their children, and take positive and effective measures to guide their children to use mobile phones correctly. Only in this way can children thrive in a healthy growth environment and become the pillars of society.

At this symposium, parents not only received valuable parenting advice, but also gained a deeper understanding of how to grow together with their children. I hope that the content of this symposium can be spread to more families and benefit more parents and children. At the same time, we also look forward to more similar activities in the future to provide parents with more parenting knowledge and support.

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