
Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

author:Trend Tracker


When the shelves of the North American market were rapidly emptying some of P&G's products, scientific data and policy positions played a decisive role.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

The Science and Policy Behind Global Recalls

The action stemmed from the discovery that several of P&G's spray care products were found to contain unexpected levels of benzene, a recognized strong carcinogen.

This kind of scientific rigor and policy agility is not widespread across the globe.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

In different countries, there are differences in the speed and transparency of policy formulation and implementation, which directly affects the timeliness and effectiveness of recall actions.

In the Chinese market, these recalled products are still being sold, clearly an example of the regulatory response being out of sync with international pace.

The reaction of the Chinese market and the safety of consumers

While P&G products were urgently recalled in the North American market due to the risk of cancer, the shelves in the Chinese market were still displayed as usual, as if they were completely unaffected by the turmoil.

The reasons behind this contrast are complex and varied, ranging from differences in regulatory systems to asynchronous information dissemination.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

In China, product recall decisions and executions often require more layers of approval and verification, which can lead to lags in the implementation of appropriate measures.

In addition, unlike in North America, Chinese consumers may have less exposure to such safety information, partly because of the limitations of media coverage and partly because of the lack of transparency of regulatory information.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

This situation raises an important public safety concern: the consumer's right to know. In China, consumers are often in a vulnerable position of information asymmetry when it comes to important information that may affect their health.

If this situation persists in the long run, this could lead to widespread consumer distrust of market regulation, and even raise public doubts about the entire consumer product safety system.

Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Challenges

Multinational companies operating in the global market, such as Procter & Gamble, face not only the pursuit of economic interests, but also a major test of moral and social responsibility.

Especially when product safety issues erupt, how companies deal with health and safety issues in different national markets has become an important criterion to measure their corporate responsibility.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

For example, Procter & Gamble's swift recall of products in the North American market due to the discovery of carcinogens shows a timely concern for the health of local consumers.

However, the sluggish response in the Chinese market has exposed the ethical double standards that may exist in the company's global operations.

This behavior has sparked dissatisfaction and suspicion among consumers and touched a sensitive nerve in regulators.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

The code of conduct of companies in different markets around the world should be uniform and should not differ depending on legal requirements.

The key challenge here is how to develop and implement a globally harmonized ethical standard that ensures that the health and safety of consumers is a top priority for companies, regardless of the country or region.

The path of reform and improvement

With the deepening of globalization, multinational companies are facing more and more challenges and responsibilities.

In this context, how to ensure the global unified safety standards of products has become a major issue facing Procter & Gamble and other multinational companies.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

The road ahead will require companies, regulators and consumers to work together to promote regulatory cooperation and harmonization of standards in the global marketplace.

Companies need to be more transparent and proactively disclose more product information to ensure that consumers in every market have immediate access to critical safety information.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

Regulators should strengthen international cooperation and develop strict standards that can be used globally to ensure that the health and safety of consumers are not affected by geographical differences.

Consumers themselves need to be more vigilant and knowledgeable, understand product information through various channels, and speak up for their own rights and interests.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?


Looking to the future, with technological advancements and a growing global focus on safety standards, we can expect the future consumer environment to become more transparent and secure.

This change will require a concerted effort between businesses, regulators and consumers.

Crisis or indifference? A product that has been proven to contain carcinogens has stopped selling in North America, but it is selling well in China?

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of how a rigorous framework of international cooperation and globally harmonized safety standards shape the way we buy and use our products.

How can such a system be built, and what does this mean for each of us? How will these changes affect your choices and life?

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