
7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

author:79 says history

1. Life is varied, marriage is all over, where are the stars lost?

What a deviant marriage in the eyes of the public! How do these celebrities and entertainment giants struggle to survive in the marital quagmire? First of all, let's pay attention to the marital status of the famous singer Wang Lixin.

His wife suffered from depression after giving birth, which is regrettable, but Wang Lixin did not give his wife the love and support she deserved, but openly proposed in front of the media that his wife should "cheat in marriage", on the grounds that he could not spend the rest of his life with his ideal partner in his heart, and treated his wife like a passing cloud Moreover, we can't ignore the marriage story of Kou Shixun, a successful actor who chose to marry a junior as his wife at the peak of his career, and the two wives lived under the same roof. seems to have forgotten the original match of the childhood sweetheart who once spent the ups and downs with him Finally, we have to mention Hong Xiaolei's ex-husband Wang Shijun, who had seven children with five women, Hong Xiaolei came together again after divorcing him and began to live together.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

During the interview, Wang Lixin's wife, Wu Yating, choked up several times, tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice trembled. From her words, we can deeply feel her desire for family and her extreme need for her husband's company.

However, in the face of his wife's physical and mental exhaustion, Wang Lixin behaved indifferently and ruthlessly, and even made his wife "cheating in marriage".

Wu Yating, who is also from a wealthy family, what expectations does she have for this marriage? And how will she respond to her husband's hurtful remarks? was ridiculed by everyone, and the pain in his heart can be imagined.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

As a mother, her need for her husband's companionship is undoubtedly the purest and most practical.

Life is varied, marriage is varied, and the peculiar married life of these celebrity couples is really jaw-dropping. And how will they deal with themselves in the midst of it? Let's uncover the mystery!

Second, the ridiculous thing of the scumbag is shocking!

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

a. Wang Lixin's strange marriage history

i. Wu Yating unfortunately suffered from postpartum depression after giving birth, and this is the time when her husband should lend a helping hand and give love and companionship. However, instead of doing this, Wang Lixin proposed a shocking "solution" in the interview - let Wu Yating find a new boyfriend.

Wu Yating's tears flashed, her voice trembled, her desire for family and her need for her husband's company were revealed. As a mother, what she expects from her husband is only the simplest and most authentic companionship, not the search for a new boyfriend.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

ii. In another show, Wang Lixin made no secret of his jaw-dropping words - the reason why he chose Wu Yating to marry was only because he couldn't get together with the ideal partner in his heart.

iii. In-depth analysis of Wang Lixin's indifference and hurt to his wife: Ms. Wu Yating has experienced two birth processes, but what is shocking is that her husband Wang Lixin actually devoted himself to work the day after giving birth, treating his wife as light as a floating cloud all day long, turning a deaf ear to his wife's pain and bitterness! In the face of media questioning, although he said that he could understand his wife's suffering, he proposed a seemingly absurd but cold "solution".

b. Kou Shixun fell into the whirlpool of romance after gaining fame and fortune

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

i. As his acting career flourished, actor Ko Se-hoon spent more and more time away from his family, and his heart gradually began to waver. In the end, he chose to marry the junior Xu Lidan and let her live under the same roof with her original partner Cui Yaoqi.

ii. The life of the big, small, and second rooms unfolds upstairs and downstairs, and Kou Shixun unabashedly allows the two wives to live together under the same roof. And Ms. Cui Yaoqi gave birth to two sons for him and paid countless efforts.

iii. Cui Yaoqi was originally Kou Shixun's childhood sweetheart, and in order to take care of him and his family, she even gave up her career and became a full-time housewife. However, when the junior Xu Lidan appeared, all Cui Yaoqi's efforts and sacrifices were easily forgotten in the corner.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

Mr. Wang Lixin and Mr. Kou Shixun, as married people, their behavior is too bad to be tolerated!

3. Look for the path of light

a. Rene Liu insisted on "sleeping in separate rooms" for ten years without hesitation

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

i. Her husband Zhong Xiaojiang, who is 11 years younger than Liu Ruoying, chose to be silently obedient to his wife's "deviant" behavior. On the occasion of the 10th wedding anniversary, Zhong Xiaojiang released a sweet photo with his wife, full of deep love between the lines.

In the photo, Liu Ruoying is smiling brightly, like a young girl, from which we can feel Zhong Xiaojiang's deep affection for her.

ii. Rene Lau firmly believes that the most important thing in marriage is to enjoy love while maintaining an independent personality. In order to uphold this belief, she and her husband have been married for ten years and have always maintained a lifestyle of sleeping in separate rooms.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

In the face of public skepticism, Rene Liu once described in detail in books how husband and wife get along.

She firmly believes that marriage is not about bonding each other, but about giving each other full freedom and mutual respect. Only in this way can love last forever. Although the couple slept in separate beds, in the details of daily life, Zhong Xiaojiang showed his considerate care for his wife.

b. Cai Qin was ruthlessly destroyed by Yang Dechang

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

I. Cai Qin, a singer with a brilliant career in the entertainment industry, has a deep love for director Yang Dechang, and she promised to tie the knot with Yang Dechang with infinite affection, however, Yang Dechang unexpectedly put forward the appalling request of "sexless marriage"! How can a healthy marriage be without the joy of bed? Cai Qin's deep affection for Yang Dechang made her accept this inhumane condition without hesitation.

III. When this earth-shattering news reached Cai Qin's ears, she immediately cried bitterly. This decade-long marriage has become a joke! She regretted that she easily trusted and agreed to Yang Dechang's unreasonable request.

She even missed the opportunity to have children because of this, which undoubtedly became a regret in her heart that can never be remedied.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

Rene Lau's insistence on the concept of self-independent marriage may seem unconventional, but understandable. However, Cai Qin spent ten years of her youth for love, but in the end she was ruthlessly trampled on by Yang Dechang, which is really embarrassing.

IV. Anecdotes are compelling

A. Hong Xiaolei fell into a strange fate again, and the stubborn illness is difficult to heal

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

I. Hong Xiaolei's ex-husband Wang Shijun can be called "sowing Wu Zetian". According to Taiwanese media reports, Wang Shijun not only had a relationship with his former secretary, but also had two sons; He also has a daughter with his ex-girlfriend and a son with his first wife.

What's even more amazing is that during his marriage to Hong Xiaolei, he even committed adultery with others and gave birth to an illegitimate daughter.

II. After divorcing Wang Shijun, Hong Xiaolei, who could have enjoyed a free life, became entangled with this man with five women and seven children again because of her unforgettable old love, and chose to live under the same roof with him.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

III. Seven children share the love of fatherhood, five women share the responsibility of motherhood, and Hong Xiaolei becomes the "stepmother" of these seven children. Such a bizarre family drama must have caused a sensation and shocked everyone when it was staged that year.

Why did Hong Xiaolei fall into this painful marriage again? Perhaps only she herself can truly understand the inner struggles and contradictions.

V. Rare exceptions challenge public perception

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

A. Li Ronghao and Rainie Yang have not seen each other for three years, and they have seen each other in different places

I. Back in 2015, when well-known singers Lee Young-ho and Rainie Yang joined hands to announce their deep relationship, this touching love song attracted the enthusiastic attention of many fans.

The next year, the two tied the knot and stepped into the sacred hall of marriage, and this beautiful emotion won the sincere blessings of countless people!

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

Just when the newlywed Yan'er was married, the two who were in love seemed to be immersed in endless sweetness; However, this beautiful scenery did not last long......

II. Soon after their marriage, the two musical talents threw themselves into heavy work for the advancement of their respective careers. However, the relentless onslaught of the pandemic forced them to make the difficult decision to start living in a long-term remote life.

Rainie Yang stayed on the beautiful treasure island of Taiwan, while Li Ronghao stuck to his beloved music career and stopped in the capital Beijing, and the two were on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, out of reach.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

In the last three years, they have only had two brief greetings via video call, which may have been quite frequent for the average person, but it is undoubtedly extremely rare for couples.

The ancients once said: "The truth of husband and wife is good for a hundred years". However, in the married life of many celebrity couples, what we see are all kinds of different and absurd marriage stories.

For example, Wang Lixin's absurd behavior led to his wife's cheating, and Kou Shixun even married Xiao San into the door; There are also complex relationships such as Wang Shijun's complex relationship with five women and seven children, as well as the fantasy marriage created by Hong Xiaolei again, etc., all of which are surprising.

7 children and 5 mothers, seeing each other once a year, I really dare not agree with the strange marriages of these stars

However, not all celebrity marriages are so unbearable. For example, the married life of artists such as Liu Ruoying is exemplary. Behind these strange marriages, there are actually hidden love, reality and all kinds of flavors of life.

After all, marriage is a matter of two people, and others can only sigh on the sidelines.

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