
Funny! Beyond Huangjia驹墓碑遗照被砸,2 detained

author:Brave Eraser 6C0y


In May 2024, a shocking news spread in the Hong Kong music scene that the tombstone photo of the late lead singer of the Beyond band, Huang Jiaju, was maliciously vandalized. This sudden incident not only caused anger and grief among countless music fans and citizens, but also triggered a deep reflection on the dignity and cultural inheritance of the deceased. This article will delve into the ins and outs of this incident and explore the social significance behind it.

Incident 1: The tombstone photo was tragically destroyed

On a quiet morning, in front of Huang Jiaju's tombstone, the original solemn atmosphere was broken by a piercing sound. I saw an unknown man holding a hammer and frantically smashing the posthumous photo on the tombstone, and the photo was instantly torn apart, which was shocking. This egregious act is not only a great disrespect to the deceased, but also a huge psychological trauma to the fans who came to pay their respects. The scene around the tombstone was a mess, and people stopped to watch it all with anger and puzzlement.

Funny! Beyond Huangjia驹墓碑遗照被砸,2 detained

It is reported that Huang Jiaju, as a legend in the Hong Kong music scene, has always been loved by people for his music works and life experience. His tombstone, which was supposed to be a place of remembrance and reverence, has now become the target of vandalism. This incident has not only aroused widespread public concern, but also aroused strong condemnation from all walks of life. People have said that this kind of disrespectful behavior towards the deceased must be severely punished by law.

Incident 2: The police quickly intervened to arrest the suspect

In the face of this terrible incident, the Hong Kong police quickly launched an operation to track down the saboteurs. After careful investigation and evidence collection, the police successfully identified the two suspects and arrested them on May 19. The two suspects, men aged 15 and 23, are suspected of criminal damage and will face legal sanctions.

The swift intervention and decisive action of the police won unanimous praise from the public. People have said that this disrespectful behavior towards the deceased is a violation of public order and must be severely punished by law. At the same time, the timely intervention of the police also demonstrated the protection of the dignity of the deceased and the protection of the public interest, and made people full of confidence in the rule of law environment in Hong Kong.

Funny! Beyond Huangjia驹墓碑遗照被砸,2 detained

Event 3: The collective outrage and appeal of the Beyond band

The members of the band Beyond expressed their deep anger and grief over the smashing of Huang Jiaju's tombstone. Drummer Ye Shirong was the first to speak out on social media, writing: "Seeing Jiaju's tombstone being so badly abused, our hearts are filled with endless anger. This is disrespectful to Jiaju, and it is also a trampling on the history of the Beyond band. We demand that the law punish these saboteurs severely and seek justice for the family. Other members of the band Beyond also retweeted and commented, expressing concern and condemnation of the incident.

In addition to the collective voice of the band members, the fans of the band Beyond also spontaneously organized themselves to express their remembrance of the deceased and condemnation of the vandals through online and offline means. They went to the cemetery to offer flowers and leave messages, expressing their respect and nostalgia for Huang Jiaju with practical actions. These actions not only demonstrate the unity and strength of the Beyond fans, but also demonstrate people's respect and preservation of the dignity of the deceased.

Event 4: Strong condemnation and reflection by public opinion

Funny! Beyond Huangjia驹墓碑遗照被砸,2 detained

The smashing of Huang Jiaju's tombstone quickly aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life. The media reported on the incident, condemning the vandals' egregious deeds and calling on the public to respect the deceased and respect history. Many cultural scholars and artists have also expressed their views and opinions, arguing that this incident is not only disrespectful to Wong, but also harmful to Hong Kong's culture and history.

This incident also triggered a deep reflection on the protection of cultural heritage. It is realized that the protection of cultural heritage is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the duty of every citizen. Only through the concerted efforts of the whole society can history and culture be continued and passed on. This event will become an important opportunity to promote the progress of social civilization.

Editor's spicy comment:

The smashing of Huang Jiaju's tombstone is not just a simple act of vandalism, it is also a mirror that reflects the problems that exist in our society. It allows us to see the disregard for the dignity of the deceased, the neglect of history and culture, and the lack of social civilization. But at the same time, it also stimulates our attention and reflection on these issues, making us cherish and respect history, culture and life even more. I hope that this event can become an important opportunity to promote the progress of social civilization, and let us work together to build a more harmonious and civilized society.

Funny! Beyond Huangjia驹墓碑遗照被砸,2 detained

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