
When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce


Li Qiang is in a good mood tonight, as a department manager of a medium-sized company, he needs to socialize and communicate with partners from time to time. Today's dinner is also because of the preparations for the launch of a new project. The lights in the hotel are warm, the voices are boiling, and Li Qiang skillfully shuttles through the crowd, sometimes raising a glass, sometimes talking, and the skills of socializing are at ease.

Halfway through the meal, he inadvertently squinted at the scene in the mirror, but that scene stunned him, Qin Yun in the mirror, his wife, was holding the arm of a strange man, showing a rare smile. He asked with concern, "Yunyun, why are you here?" ”

Qin Yun looked a little cramped, she stammered and explained: "Oh, I, I'm actually here to accompany a friend, by the way, it's Mr. Zhao, one of the investors." ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

The strange man smiled and stretched out his hand, "Manager Li, it's really an honor to meet you, I've heard Yunyun mention you, it's a coincidence to meet today." ”

Li Qiang barely squeezed out a smile, "Yes, I didn't expect such a coincidence." "But it's hard to calm down, why is Qin Yun here? How could she know an investor in a project?

After the wine party, Li Qiang was quite puzzled by Qin Yun's silence on the way home, and he asked, "Yunyun, how did you and Mr. Zhao meet?" ”

"Ah, this one, introduced by a mutual friend." Qin Yun was a little evasive, "You also know, I've been working on that small project recently, and I just need capital investment." ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

Li Qiang nodded, but there were more questions in his heart. He noticed that Qin Yun didn't seem surprised by this "chance encounter", and every time she talked about Mr. Zhao, she seemed to be flickering.

"By the way, why are you meeting here? Today is my restaurant, why didn't I know in advance that you came here by such a coincidence? Li Qiang asked.

Qin Yun hesitated, "That, I also knew it temporarily, isn't it just a dinner, it's not a big deal." ”

But Li Qiang's heart was turbulent, and his intuition told him that things were not simple, and there must be something hidden from him between Qin Yun and Mr. Zhao. Cracks began to appear in the initial trust and calm. That night, Li Qiang tossed and turned, unable to sleep. His heart was full of doubts, what was the relationship between Qin Yun and the man named Mr. Zhao? Li Qiang decided to start his own little investigation.

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

He began to keep an eye on Qin Yun's mobile phone, checking call logs and text messages, but Qin Yun seemed to be keeping a pretty close eye on the phone. This afternoon, Qin Yun forgot to bring her mobile phone out when she took a shower, and Li Qiang thought it was a good opportunity to check the truth.

In the conversation log, Li Qiang saw the last thing he wanted to see, the affectionate name between Qin Yun and Mr. Zhao, and the agreement to plan to be alone next time. Anger filled Li Qiang's chest, and he decided to confront Qin Yun face to face.

At the dinner table, Li Qiang ate in silence. After the meal, he seized the opportunity to ask, "Yunyun, do you have anything to hide from me?" ”

Qin Yun was stunned for a moment, "No, Qiangqiang, what's wrong with you?" ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

"Is there something wrong with you and Mr. Zhao?" Li Qiang is straightforward.

Qin Yun's face changed slightly, and then she pretended to be calm, "What are you talking about?" We're just on the business side. ”

"Stop cheating!" Li Qiang's voice raised, "I've seen your text messages!" How long are you going to cheat? ”

The original tranquility of the home was suddenly shattered by this series of doubts, and the quarrel gradually increased. Qin Yun's face showed fluctuations that could not be concealed, and finally she lowered her head, "Yes, I have met Mr. Zhao in private a few times, but it is not what you think. ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

"Not what I thought it would be? What's that like? Li Qiang was almost yelling, "Is it because I'm too careful, or do you really have a problem?" ”

Qin Yun shed tears, "You will always only care about your work, the relationship between us has long existed in name only, Mr. Zhao has given me attention and comfort." ”

"Attention and comfort?" Li Qiang smiled sarcastically, "This is the reason why you betrayed your marriage?" ”

In the days that followed, the atmosphere at home became more and more tense. Qin Yun began to return late, sometimes even all night; Li Qiang, on the other hand, was silent, and his attention in his career began to be distracted. The relationship between the two is like a freezing point, and the family conflict is open until it is unavoidable.

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

Late one night, Qin Yun returned home, facing a table of untouched dinner, she bit her lip, and finally spoke, "Qiangqiang, can't we just sit down and talk about the problems between us?" ”

Li Qiang looked at the night outside the window and shook his head tiredly, "What else is there to talk about between us, Yunyun?" ”

Silence once again enveloped the room, leaving only two lonely hearts confronting each other in the dead of night. Qin Yun's footsteps back home were heavier than usual, and she knew that tonight's conversation would be decisive. As soon as I pushed the door open, I saw Li Qiang sitting on the sofa in the living room with a cold expression.

"Can we sit down and talk about it now?" Qin Yun's voice carried a hint of pleading.

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

Li Qiang stared at her closely, "Talk, you say!" ”

Qin Yun took a breath and began the words she had already prepared, "Qiang Qiang, we have been married for so many years, have you ever wondered why our relationship has become the way it is now?" ”

"You're saying it's all my fault?" Li Qiang's tone was sarcastic.

Qin Yun tried to stay calm, "I didn't mean that, I just felt that the problem between us was not the responsibility of one party." ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

"Questions?" Li Qiang stood up, "Our 'problem' started when you started betraying!" ”

"I admit it, I was wrong, Mr. Zhao he... He gave me the warmth I couldn't get from you. Qin Yun's eyes were misty with tears, "You are always busy with work and ignore me, you make me feel like a piece of furniture." ”

"Furniture?! I'm working hard for this family, and you're outside..." Li Qiang waved his hand excitedly, "What do you want?" Money? Or are those hypocritical concerns? ”

"No, what I want is your company, care, the promise of the year..." Qin Yun's every word was full of emotion, "I know what I did wrong, but can you understand how painful it is for a person to live in a loveless marriage?" ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

"Can the love you talk about be proved by betrayal?" Li Qiang's voice grew louder and louder.

The quarrel between the two echoed at home, Li Qiang and Qin Yun were completely occupied by their own emotions, the exchange turned into a dispute, and understanding gave way to accusation.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have been..." Qin Yun wiped her tears, she felt extremely frightened and remorseful, but everything seemed irreparable.

"You just regret being found out by me!" Li Qiang's heart was almost dripping blood.

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

Qin Yun was powerless to refute, the warmth of home had long since dissipated, replaced by heart-rending pain and despair in the dead of night. A marriage, a relationship that was once vowed to eternity, is being torn apart in the quarrel between two people. After that altercation, Li Qiang and Qin Yun's room was filled with silence for several days. Finally, in the early morning, Qin Yun took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to break the dead silence.

"Qiangqiang, we... Can we go back to the way things were? Qin Yun's voice was almost choked.

Li Qiang shook his head, with tiredness in his eyes, "Yunyun, maybe we all know that it's impossible." ”

The two sat in the living room, trying to discuss each other's future calmly. "It's been a long time since we've really communicated, maybe... Such an outcome is inevitable. Qin Yun said, in her voice, there was a relief.

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

"yes, we're all at fault, I'm sorry for ignoring your feelings all the time." Li Qiang sighed, and finally released the guilt in his heart.

"I'm even more sorry for you, for deceiving again and again, betraying our oath." Qin Yun looked at him, tears rolling in her eyes.

After a long period of inner struggle and deep reflection, after countless sleepless nights, Li Qiang and Qin Yun frankly expressed their innermost thoughts. They decided to go to a marriage counselor in hopes of getting to the root of the problem, but in the end, they understood that some rifts could not be repaired.

"Perhaps, this is the best way out," Qin Yun raised her head, trying to make her voice sound firm, "We can start over and live our own lives." ”

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

Li Qiang nodded, "Yes, not every marriage has a happy ending, but everyone deserves to pursue happiness." ”

They begin to go through separation, slowly process the divorce process, and gradually become legally and emotionally free. Although there was unspeakable pain in their hearts, they gradually let go and began to prepare for their new life.

At the moment of separation, Li Qiang and Qin Yun looked at each other and smiled, there was no resentment and responsibility in that smile, only good wishes for the future.

"Take care." Li Qiang said lightly.

When I was socializing, I bumped into my wife holding other men talking and laughing, and at this moment I knew it was time to divorce

"The same goes for you." Qin Yun responded.

They turn their backs to each other and move towards their respective futures. Li Qiang returned to his empty home, looking at the objects he lived together, and couldn't help but feel an indescribable emotion in his heart. He gently asked himself, "Is this wrong?" ”