
Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

author:Field correspondent


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In the bright starry sky of the international economy, the development trajectories of Japan and China are like two completely different stars.

At the peak of his political career, the former Japanese political leader Yoiichi Zozoe had a sharp eye on the economic trends of the two countries.

He admits that while Japan is still indulging in the economic myths of the past, China has already shined in the field of emerging technologies, and the wide application of innovative technologies such as smartphones, electric vehicles, and mobile payments has led the world.

Tim's insight stems from his many immersive visits to the land of China.

He has seen firsthand the seismic changes brought about by China's 5% annual GDP growth, while Japan's economy seems to be mired in a quagmire.

Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

He pointed out with concern that this disparity in growth rates is pushing the gap in economic strength between China and Japan to a new height.

He even boldly predicted that if this momentum continues, China will become the new global hegemon, and the hegemony of the United States may also be shaky as a result.

Tim's insight is not limited to the economic and technological fields, but he also has a unique perspective on the evolution of politics and international relations.

He is well aware that in the face of China's strong rise, if Japan wants to occupy a place on the international stage in the future, it must build a strong bridge of friendship with China.

He called on Japanese policymakers to recognize and adapt to China's rise.

However, Zoen's insight did not win a lot of applause in Japan.

Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

On the contrary, some Japanese media and political forces still harbor hostility towards China, and they try to manipulate public opinion and mislead the Chinese people about China by spreading negative information.

This kind of media hype with ulterior motives not only distorts the truth, but may also lay hidden dangers for the harmonious development of Sino-Japanese relations.

In an effort to defuse this crisis of misunderstanding and prejudice, the Chinese media have reprinted his views, hoping to use his authoritative voice to bridge the gap between the two countries.

As a leader who is well versed in China's national conditions and actively promotes friendly policies in Japanese politics, Masazo's words undoubtedly carry great weight.

Through his concrete actions and public speeches, he conveyed his firm determination to bring China-Japan relations back on the right track.

Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

In the face of the turbulent international political situation, the Japanese Government seems to be increasingly anxious about its China policy at the instigation of the United States.

They have frequently spoken out on issues such as the Taiwan Strait, the Diaoyu Islands, and the South China Sea, in an attempt to create regional tensions through military and political means in order to seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region.

However, such short-sighted behavior will only exacerbate regional tensions and will not benefit Japan's future development.

Veteran statesman Yoichi Masato is well aware of this, and he understands that the spread of anti-China sentiment and the resurgence of militarism will do more harm than good to Japan's long-term peace and stability.

Therefore, on many occasions, he has publicly made remarks that objectively evaluate China's rapid development, aiming to awaken the rational thinking of Japanese society.

He pointed out sharply that the long-term stagnation of the Japanese economy is not due to external pressures, but to a lack of internal innovation momentum.

Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

At the same time, China's leaps and bounds in the field of new technologies stand in stark contrast to Japan's.

He also maintains a unique view of the current international political situation.

He believes that Japan should maintain independence and objective judgment in handling international affairs, rather than blindly following in the footsteps of the United States.

Such a position reflects both respect for international law and a desire for regional stability.

At the same time, he has reservations about the global strategy promoted by the United States, believing that it is not the best option for Japan.

His words and deeds not only demonstrated his vision as a statesman, but also his deep desire for peace.

In his view, a truly powerful country does not rely on hostility and conflict to maintain its status, but through cooperation and understanding, it jointly promotes regional harmony and prosperity.

Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

If Japan can abandon outdated anti-China ideas, it may be able to forge a more stable and sustainable development path.

China's rise should not be seen as a threat, but as an opportunity to reassess and recalibrate its international strategy.

As Masato said, this is not only a turning point for Japan, but also a new beginning.

Through this ironic narrative, it is not difficult to see that Japan's strategic choices in the complex international relations between China and Japan may need to be re-examined.

On the other hand, Yoichi Mazoe's viewpoint is like a mirror, clearly reflecting the potential contradictions and opportunities in Japan's policy.

Former Minister of Japan: Japan is very backward, the Japanese lived 30 years ago, and they do not want to accept that China is rich

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