
Mo Yan said: The horse is the champion of running, and the donkey is the model of walking. The rider on horseback is majestic

author:Hall of Fame

The Horse and the Donkey: Philosophies of Running and Walking

I. Introduction: The allegorical background of the horse and the donkey

In Mr. Mo Yan's writing, horses and donkeys are not just two ordinary animals, they also carry profound cultural meanings and life philosophies. "The horse is the champion of running, and the donkey is the model of walking," he said. This short description vividly illustrates the characteristics and values of horses and donkeys. This article explores this perspective from multiple perspectives in order to reveal the deeper meaning behind it.

Mo Yan said: The horse is the champion of running, and the donkey is the model of walking. The rider on horseback is majestic

2. Horse: the champion of the running and the majesty of the rider

  1. The running spirit of a horse

Horses, as the king of the grasslands, are famous for their vigorous posture and amazing running speed. When they run, their hooves are flying and unstoppable, as if they want to leave all obstacles behind. This spirit of running symbolizes the determination and perseverance to move forward bravely and defy difficulties.

  1. The rider on horseback is majestic

On horseback, the riders often show a majestic posture. They rode their horses and galloped across the vast fields, feeling the collision of speed and passion. This majesty not only comes from the horse's running speed, but also from the tacit cooperation and mutual trust between the rider and the horse.

  1. The symbolism of the horse

The symbolism of the horse as a running champion is far-reaching. It represents strength, speed, and courage, and is a symbol of courage to pursue one's dreams. In people's minds, the horse is a symbol of success and a symbol of courage.

3. Donkey: a model of walking and a comfortable rider

  1. Steady walking of a donkey

Compared with the running of a horse, the walking of a donkey appears to be more steady and calm. They walk through the fields unhurriedly, carrying heavy loads, but they always maintain a tenacity and perseverance. This steady walk symbolizes the spirit of steadfastness, diligence and perseverance.

  1. The rider on the back of a donkey is pleasant

On the back of a donkey, the rider can often feel a different kind of comfort. They don't need to be as nervous as they are on horseback, they just need to follow the donkey's pace at a leisurely pace. This kind of comfort comes from the steadiness and calmness of the donkeys, as well as the peace and satisfaction of the riders.

  1. The symbolism of the donkey

The symbolism of the donkey as a model for walking is equally rich. It represents the spirit of steadfastness, diligence and perseverance, and is a symbol of silent dedication and no expectation. In people's minds, the donkey is a symbol of tenacity and steadfastness, a symbol of diligence and hard work.

Mo Yan said: The horse is the champion of running, and the donkey is the model of walking. The rider on horseback is majestic

4. Comparison of Horses and Donkeys: Philosophical Reflections on Running and Walking

  1. Different options for running and walking

The different choices of horses and donkeys reflect people's different pursuit of life attitudes. Some people pursue speed and passion, eager to create more brilliance in their short lives; While some people pay more attention to steadiness and steadfastness, and are willing to pay and dedicate silently in ordinary life. These two different options have their own unique value and significance.

  1. A different experience for the riders

Riders on horseback and donkey also have different experiences and feelings. Riders on horseback enjoy the thrill and thrill of speed and passion, but at the same time, they need to bear more risk and pressure; Riders on donkey backs can feel a sense of tranquility and contentment, enjoying the comfort and comfort brought by steadiness and calmness.

  1. Philosophical Reflections: The Balance of Running and Walking

The comparison between a horse and a donkey provokes us to think philosophically about the balance between running and walking. While pursuing speed and passion, we also need to pay attention to steadiness and steadfastness; While enjoying tranquility and contentment, we must not forget to pursue our dreams and success. Only by finding a balance between the two can we go further and more steadily on the road of life.

Mo Yan said: The horse is the champion of running, and the donkey is the model of walking. The rider on horseback is majestic

V. Conclusion: The Revelation of the Horse and the Donkey

Through the parable of the horse and the donkey, Mr. Mo Yan conveyed to us a profound philosophy and inspiration of life. He tells us that both the horse that pursues speed and passion and the donkey that focuses on steadiness and steadfastness have their own unique value and significance. We should make choices that suit us based on our personality and pursuits, and find a balance between running and walking. Only in this way can we go further on the road of life and realize our dreams and values more steadily.