
The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years


The Cooler has recently discovered an outrageous incident, so follow in the footsteps of the Cooler to see what's going on! Coolers who know the truth also expressed their shock!


Since ancient times, food has been the cornerstone of human existence, and farmers are the guardians of this fertile soil. They sweat, sow the seeds of hope, and weave the dream of a good harvest. Over time, the life of a peasant was not always picturesque. Especially when it comes to pensions, they face serious challenges. According to authoritative data, the elderly who live on less than 450 yuan per month are defined as extremely poor. On the mainland, there are more than 100 million old farmers over the age of 65, and many of them struggle to meet this standard. This has triggered us to think deeply about the security of peasants' livelihood in their later years, and "providing for the elderly" should not be just an empty word, but should become our common goal.

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years


In this land of hope, farmers work hard, but their lives are not as fruitful as the crops they sow, with a fruitful harvest every year. Many of them even live on less than 450 yuan per month, which is undoubtedly a sad figure in today's society. Although they own land, the fluctuation of food prices makes their incomes unstable and sometimes even beyond their means. Their lives, like dandelions blown away by the wind, seem to be free, but in fact they are helpless.

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years

One might think that peasants have land and can be self-sufficient. But the reality is that they don't have the power to set prices for food, and food prices tend to hover around the cost price. This means that their hard work is often not rewarded as it should be. They farm not only to survive, but also to contribute to the development of the country. Therefore, they deserve the respect and protection they deserve.

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years

However, there are voices in society that oppose raising the pension subsidy for farmers. Some people say that farmers should not enjoy old-age subsidies if they have not paid social security. This view ignores the fact that farmers, although they do not pay social security, they contribute greatly to the country's food security by growing food. Shouldn't they be rewarded for their contributions?

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years

Seeing this, I believe that everyone has understood what happened, what do you want to say about this?

What is even more puzzling is that the pensions of the retired elderly in the cities have risen for many years, while the pension subsidies for farmers have always stayed at a low level. This imbalance makes one wonder: is this fair? Isn't the hard work of farmers worth more rewards?

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years

The farmers' demands are not excessive, they just hope to be able to get a decent pension subsidy to ensure their old age. They don't expect the same treatment as urban retirees, they just want to be treated with the respect and care they deserve. Shouldn't we listen to their cries?

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years

In this era of rapid development, we must not forget those who once laid a solid foundation for us. Peasants, as the cornerstone of the country, deserve the attention and support of the whole society in their old age. Increasing farmers' pension subsidies is not only a recognition of their past contributions, but also a commitment to social fairness and justice in the future.

The bitterness of the old farmer: 450 yuan per month, how to provide for the elderly? Exploring the challenges of old Chinese farmers in their later years


In this land of hope, the figure of the farmer, like the indomitable pine tree, always stands tall no matter the wind or rain. Their lives, though simple, are full of tenacity and hope. Increasing farmers' pension subsidies is not only a reward for their hard work, but also a safeguard of their dignity.

We cannot allow those who once laid a solid foundation for our country to feel helpless and lonely in their old age. Their contributions should be remembered; In their old age, they should be respected. Let us work together to strive for a better life for farmers in their old age, so that their old age can be as full of hope and harvest as the land they once cultivated.

In these challenging times, it is all the more important for us to remember those who have made great contributions to our country. Increasing farmers' pension subsidies is not only a recognition of their past contributions, but also a commitment to social fairness and justice in the future. Let us work together to strive for a better life for farmers in their old age, so that their old age can be as full of hope and harvest as the land they once cultivated.

Kuke, I read the article and saw that at this time, there is actually the following, so everyone follows the footsteps of Kuke for further in-depth understanding!

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