
Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

author:Beautiful day

China and Russia have always played a prominent role in the long scroll of world history. China, the dragon of the East, has been forging ahead in the long river of perseverance since ancient times. For thousands of years, its civilization has experienced the alternation of rise and fall, but it has always maintained a profound cultural heritage, like a constantly surging river, which will never dry up.

Russia, the looming giant, occupies the vast Eurasian continent, and its vast land and tenacious national spirit have endured countless historical tribulations. Today, the two countries have been in the global spotlight as the geopolitical situation has evolved.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

Russia's concerns stem from NATO's eastward expansion, a military alliance whose cross-border behavior has been at the forefront of its national security policy. Over the past few decades, NATO's continued eastward expansion closer to Russia's borders has triggered Russia's strategic alarm.

Tensions in Ukraine and the Crimean crisis have made Russia acutely aware that the stability of its western borders is at stake. This lesson has already left a deep imprint on Russia's defense policy, driving it to take more resolute steps to defend its territory and interests.

At the same time, China is not immune. The dragon of East Asia is increasingly concerned about U.S. intervention in the Taiwan issue, treating Taiwan as part of China's territory and firmly defending its great cause of reunification.

On the international stage, the Taiwan issue has always been a sensitive political core, which has affected the interests of many parties and made Sino-US relations more tense. Just as Russia has learned painful lessons from its tense conflict with Ukraine, China has also learned valuable lessons from the torrent of history and summed up three crucial iron laws of war.

01 Path to War: Choose carefully and save it as a last resort

Since ancient times, China has focused on military and national security, and is well aware of the risks brought about by war and the major impact on the country. Like a page in the long scroll of history, the Sino-Indian self-defense counterattack has become a picture of profound lessons, revealing the profound impact of the war on the status of the country.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

The Sino-Indian self-defense counterattack can be called an important chapter in China's modern history, and its far-reaching impact goes beyond the simple victory or defeat of the war, and involves the international status and destiny of the two countries. The war not only changed the geopolitical landscape, but also revealed the profound risks posed by the war, like a mirror of history, reflecting the very different trajectories of development between the two countries since then.

Looking back at the pre-war context, China and India were both former colonies, and both gained independence in the mid-20th century. This similar development process has led people to often put the two countries on the same page. However, after the Sino-Indian self-defense counterattack, the development trajectories of the two countries began to diverge. China is rising to the top and gaining international standing, while India is caught in a spiral of political turmoil and declining international status.

The war served as a wake-up call for China, inspiring greater domestic concern for national security and national defense. This has led to the acceleration of China's development in the military, technological and economic spheres, which has strengthened its regional and international position. China's rise is no longer just about economic growth, but also about its active role in international affairs, maintaining regional stability, and advocating for the peaceful settlement of disputes.

On the contrary, India was once mired in political turmoil and social instability after a war of self-defense and counterattack. This makes it difficult for the state to concentrate its resources on solving its internal problems, and it also leads to a relative decline in its international standing. India's foreign policy is also beginning to be challenged because it is difficult to play a significant role in regional affairs. Compared to China, India seems to have missed the opportunity to move onto the global stage.

The lessons and lessons of the Sino-Indian self-defense counterattack are precious treasures of history. It tells us that war is not just a matter of life and death, but can also profoundly change the geopolitical destiny of a country. This history is not only a story of two countries, but also a book of wisdom about war and peace, rise and fall.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

The Taiwan issue, as a sensitive bullet in the international political chess game, has always affected the political and economic interests of many parties. China's handling of this issue has fully demonstrated prudence and wisdom in international affairs. China is profoundly aware of the enormous risks that war may bring about from the lessons of history, and therefore has always adhered to the principle of prudently handling the Taiwan issue.

The Chinese Government firmly regards Taiwan as an inalienable part of China's territory and firmly believes in defending the great cause of reunification. China's approach, however, emphasizes peaceful settlement rather than military conquest. No matter how tense the situation in the Taiwan Strait is or what the trend of the PLA's military actions is, the Chinese Government has never stopped advocating peaceful reunification.

This cautious strategy plays a key role in the Chinese government's foreign and defense policy. First, it ensures that China stands on the moral high ground and wins more support from the international community. The position of a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue will help China to project itself as a responsible power rather than an aggressor.

Second, this strategy helps to fully mobilize domestic resources and focus efforts on solving domestic problems, thereby enhancing the country's war potential. China understands the costs of war, so it focuses on avoiding war and maintaining peace, creating more favorable conditions for the country's development and prosperity.

The complexity of the Taiwan issue cannot be underestimated, but the Chinese government, with its prudent and judicious approach, offers hope for a solution to this dilemma. With the concept of peaceful reunification, China continues to work hard to defuse tensions in the Taiwan Strait while safeguarding national dignity and territorial integrity.

Such wisdom and perseverance not only have far-reaching impact on the Taiwan issue, but also provide a model for the international community to learn from in peacefully resolving disputes, maintaining regional stability, and promoting common development.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

02 Peace and Resourcefulness: The Way to Think About Peace Before the War

In times of geopolitical tension, there is an iron rule that becomes more precious in the arena of international relations – that is, to think deeply about how to end a war before it breaks out. This concept highlights the brutality and uncertainty of war, and the enormous economic, political, and social strain that protracted conflicts, even if the initial situation seems easy.

In the torrent of history, the battle between China and Vietnam has become a thought-provoking lesson. This protracted conflict, like an incessant storm, not only caused severe economic and human losses to China and Vietnam, but also left a deep imprint on the hearts and minds of the nation.

The painful memory of the battle between the two mountains, especially in China, is deeply rooted in the long scroll of the country's history. The lag of the economy and the rising military risks have been like a never-extinguishing warning light in China's national consciousness. This war has not only brought casualties and property damage, but also an ironclad lesson forged with blood and tears.

In the early days of the war, few could have foreseen that the conflict would become so protracted, but its protracted nature deprived the nation of its vitality and cost it dearly. In this historical story, we have seen the endless suffering caused by war, as well as the risks and challenges faced by the country.

As a result, this lesson inspires more informed and prudent decision-making. China is no longer just looking at the present, but more about the future, thinking carefully about the possible consequences of each decision. This history tells us that war is not only a bloody competition, but also the road to the survival and development of a country.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as another lesson in international politics, underscores the necessity of strategy and the key role of intelligence in war. This history is not only a brief encounter, but also a profound reflection on the nature of war, revealing important elements in war planning.

In the war in Ukraine, the initiation of the war may seem simple, but its consequences are complex and far-reaching. This history teaches us that war cannot be just an ambitious operation, but must be built on the basis of Ming

A clear strategic goal is the cornerstone of war planning, it provides direction for action, and it ensures that the sacrifice made by the country is worth it. Without such a clear goal, the war can lose its purpose, leading to unpredictable consequences.

At the same time, the importance of intelligence was on full display in this conflict. The lack of accurate intelligence support can lead to increased unpredictability of the war and the loss of control of the war.

In the war in Ukraine, insufficient intelligence and misinformation can lead to miscalculations and the failure of military operations. This history tells us that intelligence is not only the key to supporting wars, but also indispensable to ensuring a smooth end to wars.

Mapping these valuable lessons to the Taiwan issue, we cannot but stress once again the crucial importance of wise and prudent preparation. In dealing with the Taiwan issue, China must have a deep understanding of the actual situation in the Taiwan region through in-depth intelligence work to ensure accurate and comprehensive information support.

Clear strategic goals are also the key to success. In resolving the Taiwan issue, China must be clear about its strategic objectives and ensure that every step of the way is aimed at achieving that goal. This not only contributes to the rationality of action, but also reduces uncertainty and risk.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

Tactics are also crucial. Each step of the operation must be carefully designed according to strategic objectives to ensure that civilian casualties are minimized, the image of the country is protected, and peaceful governance is ensured after victory in the war.

It also reminds us that war is a double-edged sword and should always be a last resort. Even if there is sufficient military power to resolve the Taiwan issue, the feasibility of peace must be carefully considered. In the end, it's either not to fight, or it's all out. This is the iron law of wisdom, which applies not only to war and peace in international relations, but also to the wisdom and foresight of national leaders.

03 Road to War: Famous as a teacher

In the arena of international politics, raising a strong banner, i.e., a legitimate cause, is essential for the success and support of the nation. This truth has long been ingrained in the wisdom of the Chinese, but in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, we see the strength and absence of flags, and their significant impact on the country's international standing.

At the outset, Russia raised the banner of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, a goal that seemed reasonable and powerful. When the smoke of war was in the air, this justification became the banner of justice for Russia's actions, providing a solid basis for its efforts to rally international support. However, the passage of time has made this banner more and more shaky, and finally put Russia in an awkward international situation.

As the war dragged on, the previously firm banner became fragile. In the early stages of the conflict, the international community unanimously supported the goal of demilitarization and denazification, a mission that seemed clear and moral. Over time, however, the rationale for this goal has been called into question and a series of challenges and complexities have emerged.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

Initially, the mission of demilitarization and denazification was widely shared because it was consistent with the moral norms of the international community to curb aggression and evil and to ensure peace and justice. However, as the war dragged on, the situation gradually became chaotic and ambiguous. The international community began to wonder whether Russia would be able to maintain this strong banner, as Russia's performance in achieving these goals was constantly questioned.

The length of the war has left the international community suspicious of Russia's actions. Questions have begun to question whether Russia can continue to demonstrate a resolute stance on demilitarization and denazification. This change is partly due to the loss of life and destruction caused by the war, as well as the chaotic nature of the war, which makes it more difficult to achieve these goals.

At the same time, some international actors are beginning to worry about whether Russia is really committed to demilitarization and denazification, or whether other political and geostrategic motives are at play. This skepticism exacerbates the fragility of the banner's claim, making it less clear and firm than it was at first.

This lesson reveals that in international affairs, a strong banner is essential to garner support and understanding. If Russia could come up with a more reasonable and lasting case, its international situation might be much better. Some Western countries may no longer be willing to support Ukraine, reducing international pressure on Russia.

The banner in international politics is not just a symbol, but also a symbol of the country's reputation and status. Wise national leaders must keep this lesson in mind and deliberate every step of the way in their actions and international policies to ensure that the nation's flag remains high and provides strong support for the country's success and peace.

Russia's lesson in using blood has taught China a "lesson" that each of the three iron laws of war must not be violated

04 Epilogue

On the stage of international politics, these three iron laws are like a bright dipper, illuminating the way forward. They carry the wisdom of international politics and become an important reference for national leaders. These iron laws remind us that war is not a rash move, but a complex and dangerous decision that must be made carefully and wisely.

As a long-lived country, China has deeply understood the wisdom of these iron laws, integrated them into national policies and decision-making, committed to the peaceful settlement of disputes, and cherished its international reputation to ensure the prosperity and peace of the country. The value of these three iron laws is not limited to China, they are the precious wealth of all mankind and the guide to promote the international community towards peace and prosperity.

This chapter in the long scroll of history teaches us to cherish peace and to uphold reason and morality in order to ensure the harmonious coexistence of the international community. It reminds us that it is only through deliberate, wise decision-making that we can build a better future, one that is no longer clouded by the clouds of war, but one that is filled with peace and prosperity. May this precious wisdom guide us and lead the international community to a brighter tomorrow.

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