
Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

author:The river is far and wide

How miserable was Guan Yu's defeat after the defeat? Scholar: It's so miserable, no wonder I don't dare to write the official history

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

In the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, heroism and loyalty coexisted, however, when the two collided, it was often accompanied by endless tragedy. Guan Yu, the martial saint who terrified the enemy, suffered after the defeat of the army, which made later scholars sigh: "It's so miserable, no wonder the official history is not written." What's the story behind this?

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

Guan Yu, the word cloud is long, Liu Bei's sworn brother, famous for his loyalty. He is strong in martial arts, and has single-handedly captured the flag on the battlefield, shocking all directions. However, there is a pride hidden in his character, which has made him famous, but also planted the seeds of tragedy in the future.

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

When Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei finally gained a foothold in Xuzhou after ups and downs, a sudden war broke their peace. In the face of Cao Cao's strong attack, Liu Guanzhang and the others resisted hard, but they were ultimately defeated. Guan Yu was separated from Liu Bei and Zhang Fei in the war, and in order to protect Liu Bei's family, he had to commit himself to Cao Cao's account.

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

Under Cao Cao's account, although Guan Yu was treated favorably, he always remembered his brotherhood with Liu Bei. He beheaded Yan Liang, punished Wen Chou, and made great achievements, but he always wanted to return to Liu Bei in his heart. Finally, in a battle, Guan Yu found an opportunity, and he left Cao Cao without hesitation and embarked on a journey to find Liu Bei.

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

However, Guan Yu's journey was not all smooth sailing. He encountered many obstacles, and was even chased and intercepted by Cao Cao's generals. But Guan Yu, with his martial arts and firm belief, managed to pass five levels and kill six generals, and finally reunited with Liu Bei. This scene of "being in Cao Ying's heart in Han" has become a good story for the ages.

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

However, the good times were short-lived. When Guan Yu was on guard in Jingzhou, he was complacent and despised the threat of the Eastern Wu general Lü Meng, which eventually led to the tragedy of Jingzhou's loss and his own defeat and capture. When Sun Quan learned that Guan Yu had been captured, he did not kill Guan Yu immediately, but wanted to use Guan Yu's prestige to form an alliance with Shu Han. However, Guan Yu rejected Sun Quan's request and angrily denounced Sun Quan as "a tiger girl can match a dog", which greatly annoyed Sun Quan.

Guan Yu's defeat was tragic after his defeat! It is difficult to hide its tragic situation in the official history, which is embarrassing!

Sun Quan decided to kill Guan Yu to vent his anger. Before Guan Yu was executed, he still maintained that pride and dignity. He faced death calmly and did not ask Sun Quan for mercy or show the slightest fear. However, when Sun Quan ordered Guan Yu's head to be cut off and given to Cao Cao, Guan Yu's tragic experience really began.

When Guan Yu's head was sent to Cao Cao, although Cao Cao deeply admired Guan Yu's bravery and loyalty, he could not change the fact that Guan Yu had died. Cao Cao buried Guan Yu's head in Luoyang as a tribute to the hero. Sun Quan buried Guan Yu's body in Dangyang. Liu Bei was grief-stricken when he learned of Guan Yu's death. He built a tomb for Guan Yu in Chengdu to express his endless sorrow for this brother.

Guan Yu's defeat and death dealt a huge blow to Shu Han. His loyalty and bravery have moved countless people, but his end has made people feel endless regret and sorrow. When later scholars talked about Guan Yu's tragic experience, they couldn't help but sigh: "It's so miserable, no wonder I don't dare to write the official history." This is because Guan Yu's loyalty and bravery have become the pride and symbol of Shu Han, but his ending is full of tragedy and helplessness. This strong contrast makes it impossible for people to express their inner feelings in words, but only to bury them deep in their hearts.

Guan Yu's story tells us that loyalty and courage are the true qualities of a hero, but overconfidence and pride can lead us to failure and destruction. On the road of life, we should always maintain a humble and cautious attitude in order to go further and more steadily. At the same time, we should also remember those heroes who have made outstanding contributions to the country and the nation, and their spirit and deeds will always inspire us to move forward.