
The finale of "Cheng Huan Ji" was violently criticized, and the audience criticized the climax as crossing the line

author:Ride a snail to an appointment

The finale of "The Legend of Cheng Huan" caused controversy: the audience's emotions exploded, and the plot twist sparked heated discussions

The end of the TV series "Cheng Huan Ji" should have been the highlight moment that the audience had been waiting for a long time, however, its ending was like a bombshell, arousing heated discussions and strong responses from the audience. This drama won the favor of many fans with its gripping plot and vivid characterization during the broadcast, but the final plot twist seemed to break the audience's expectations and attracted a lot of controversy.

Emotional Engagement and Loss

The finale of "Cheng Huan Ji" was violently criticized, and the audience criticized the climax as crossing the line

The audience of "Cheng Huan Ji" found resonance in the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters in the play, and they breathed and shared the fate with the characters. However, in the finale, the dramatic turn of the plot caught many viewers off guard, and the expected happy ending became blurred in an instant. This huge emotional gap is difficult for many viewers to accept, and they have expressed their dissatisfaction and disappointment with the plot on social media.

The plausibility of the plot twist

As an emotional drama, the plot twist of "Cheng Huan Ji" is undoubtedly one of the core highlights of the whole drama. However, this twist seems to be a bit too drastic, leaving many viewers puzzled and confused. The audience believes that such a plot arrangement not only breaks the coherence of the story, but also ignores the rationality of the characters' personalities and plot development. This kind of questioning of the rationality of the plot also reflects the audience's expectations and pursuit of high-quality TV dramas.

The finale of "Cheng Huan Ji" was violently criticized, and the audience criticized the climax as crossing the line

The gap between the audience's expectations

During the broadcast of the TV series, the audience was full of expectations for the plot development and finale of "Cheng Huan Ji". They want to see the characters in the play have a logical and reasonable ending and realize their wishes and dreams. However, when the finale is presented to the audience, there is a huge gap between this expectation and reality. This gap not only disappointed and dissatisfied the audience, but also made them question the production team of the TV series.

Reflections and Inspirations

The finale of "Cheng Huan Ji" was violently criticized, and the audience criticized the climax as crossing the line

The controversy and discussion caused by the finale of "Cheng Huan Ji" made us have to re-examine the process and purpose of the production of the TV series. As a popular cultural product, the purpose of TV dramas is not only to entertain the audience, but also to convey social values and life philosophy. Therefore, when producing a TV series, the production team should pay more attention to the rationality and coherence of the plot, as well as the needs and expectations of the audience. Only in this way can we create high-quality works that truly meet the tastes of the audience.

At the same time, the audience should also look at the plot and ending of the TV series more rationally. Although TV drama is a fictional art form, the emotions and values it conveys are real. Therefore, when watching TV dramas, we should maintain an open and inclusive mind, understand and accept the diversity and complexity of the plot. Only in this way can we truly appreciate the charm of the art of TV dramas.

The finale of "Cheng Huan Ji" was violently criticized, and the audience criticized the climax as crossing the line