
Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

author:Good luck comes with you

On the stage of life, we will always meet some people who may not be your friends or even seem to be your opponents. They sneer at you and pick at you mercilessly, as if to tell you, "You're not good enough." "But you know what? It's not that they look down on you, on the contrary, they're measuring your height in a special way.

Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

As the old saying goes, "real gold is not afraid of fire", they are the invisible "fire" that tries to burn away the impurities on your surface and let you reveal your true light. Jack Ma once said: "Only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world can really do it." "These people, they just want to see if you really have the determination and perseverance to challenge yourself and prove your worth.

Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

When you feel overwhelmed, think about Steve Jobs's quote: "To live is to change the world, is there any other reason?" "They seem to be suppressing, but they are actually bringing out your potential and making you understand that true strength is not in avoiding criticism, but in how to stand up from criticism and become more resilient.

Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

Some people, their presence, are the catalyst for your growth. They could be your colleagues, they could be your competitors, or they could be your loved ones. They use their attitude to tell you that you are not good enough, but you have to thank them because they let you know that there is room for improvement and higher goals to pursue.

Remember, every suppression is a grind, and every setback is a ladder to success. As Rabindranath Tagore said, "Only through hellish trials can the power to create heaven be refined." "Those who suppress you are actually reminding you that you are the one who deserves to be expected and challenged.

Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

Therefore, when you encounter such a "suppressor", please don't be depressed, let alone run away. On the contrary, laugh at them, because their presence is a landscape on your way to growth. You can choose to complain or be grateful, but the best option is often the latter.

Share this article in the circle of friends, let those who have suppressed you see your growth and progress, and let them understand that you are no longer the one who needs them to "suppress". After all, the real strong are never afraid of criticism, but find the motivation to move forward.

Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

Finally, let's remember this sentence together: "Don't forget why you set out because you've gone too far." "Those who seem to be suppressing you are actually your companions, who have witnessed your transformation and are waiting for you to show a brighter light.

Like and retweet, let this wisdom be passed on to more people, because we have all been, or will be, the one who finds himself in the midst of suppression.

Zheng Qiang: The person who likes to suppress you does not look down on you, on the contrary, he looks down on you very much

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