
Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

author:The two cows are talking about things

Tomorrow is May 20th, and we will usher in the eighth of the 24 solar terms, Xiaoman. It is a key juncture between early summer and mid-summer, marking changes in climate and agricultural production, as well as a wealth of folk culture and ancient wisdom. Today, we will talk about the climatic characteristics of the Xiaoman solar term, the influence of agriculture, traditional customs and its significance in modern life.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

1. Climatic characteristics and agricultural impacts

1. The climatic characteristics of Xiaoman

During the Xiaoman solar term, the southern region usually experiences frequent heavy rains, while the northern region begins to experience significant high temperatures. As the folk proverb goes, "The rivers are gradually full", the rivers and lakes in the south will gradually fill up at this time, while the north will appear dry due to the rising temperature. According to the explanation of "Shuowen Jie Zi", "full" means surging, and the "full" in Xiaoman refers to the increase in precipitation in the south. In the south, hot and humid air pours in from the ocean, meeting the cold air of the north, resulting in frequent heavy rains and very heavy rains. In contrast, the northern region has less precipitation and is mainly characterized by long sunshine hours and higher temperatures.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

2. Agricultural impacts

In terms of agriculture, the impact of the Xiaoman solar term on the north and south is different. The southern region has entered a busy period of rice transplanting, and sufficient water is needed in the field to ensure the smooth growth of rice. Traditionally, there is a saying that "planting small full seedlings" indicates that this solar term is the best time for rice planting. In the north, Xiaoman does not refer to precipitation, but to the fullness of wheat. During this period, the wheat grains in the north begin to gradually plump, but they are not yet fully ripe, so they are called "small man". Farmers in the north keep a close eye on the growth of wheat during this time in preparation for the upcoming harvest season.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

Second, the traditional customs of the small full solar term

1. The little man sacrifices to the god of the car

During the Ōman solar term, people hold rituals to worship the god of chariots and pray for the smooth progress of agricultural production. This custom originated in ancient agrarian societies, where it was believed that sacrifices would be used to ensure the protection of the gods and ensure the smooth cultivation of the fields. The god of the chariot is regarded as the deity in charge of agricultural tools, and farmers worship the god of the chariot to pray for the durability of the tools and the success of farming.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

2. Xiaoman grabs water

Grabbing water is one of the distinctive customs in the Xiaoman solar term, especially in the areas with abundant water resources in the south. Historically, this custom has arisen from tensions over water in agriculture, with people scrambling for water to ensure irrigation of farmland. During the rainy season, people in the south are fighting to ensure that their fields have enough water to cope with the impending drought.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

3. 小满吃bitter 菜

During the Xiaoman solar term, the folk have the custom of eating bitter vegetables. Bitter herbs not only have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, but also imply staying cool and healthy in the hot summer. Bitter herbs can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as cold dressing, boiling soups, or making fillings, which are both nutritious and delicious. In farming culture, eating bitter herbs symbolizes the affirmation of hard work and the pursuit of a healthy life.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

4. Xiao Man sees three new

"Seeing the three new" refers to the three kinds of fresh food tasted during the Xiaoman solar term, such as new wheat, new rice, and new vegetables. This custom reflects people's love for fresh food and the expectation of a good harvest. Tasting new wheat, new rice and new vegetables symbolizes new beginnings and hopes for a better life in the future.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

3. Tomorrow's Xiaoman: Reminder and guidance

1. Reminder of traditional customs

1 Immovable: Immovable soil

Tomorrow is the small full solar term, and according to tradition, it is considered that it is not auspicious to break ground on this day. Modern explanations also point out that the temperature rises during the Xiaoman season, heavy rains are frequent, and the land becomes loose, making it unsuitable for large-scale civil engineering. Especially in the southern region, frequent precipitation can lead to soft soil, which can easily cause geological disasters if construction or excavation work is carried out at this time.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

2. Not open: Not open

Traditionally, the small full solar term is regarded as a "bad day" and is not suitable for opening. In modern life, there are still many factors to consider when choosing to open a business, and choosing an auspicious day for a major event can help boost confidence and good luck. Although modern society has less reliance on traditional customs, choosing an auspicious day for important things is still valued by many people, as it is not only a cultural inheritance but also an expectation of a better future.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

3. Do not sit: Do not sit on the wood

During the small solar term, the humid weather makes wooden furniture susceptible to moisture. Long-term use of wet wood furniture can lead to health problems, so take care to keep your furniture dry and clean. Especially in the southern region, the humidity is high, and the wood is easy to mold, which affects the service life and human health. Therefore, during the small full solar term, try to avoid sitting on damp wooden utensils and keep the room ventilated and dry.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

4. Don't forget: Don't forget the wisdom of the ancients to name "Xiaoman".

The "Xiaoman" in the solar terms reminds us to stop in moderation and keep a modest and cautious attitude. This philosophy of life still has far-reaching implications for modern people. In work and life, we must learn to stop in moderation, avoid excessive pursuit of perfection, and know how to leave room for better coping with various challenges and achieving the fulfillment of life.

2. Life Tips

Organize your activities reasonably

During the Xiaoman solar term, the temperature rises, and the activity arrangement should avoid the high temperature period, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, and maintain good work and rest habits. For example, outdoor activities can be done in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the hot hours of the day. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to hydration and avoid heat stroke caused by high temperatures.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten

Dietary considerations

It is suitable for a light diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to keep the body cool and healthy. Foods that clear away heat and detoxify such as bitter herbs are good choices. In addition, you can also appropriately add some ingredients with cooling effects, such as mung beans, lotus seeds, etc., which can help relieve heat and maintain the water balance in the body.

Tomorrow is full of "fierce days", keep in mind that 1 does not move, 2 does not open, 3 does not sit, 4 does not forget, and the tradition is not forgotten


The Xiaoman solar term is not only a reflection of natural changes, but also the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients. It reminds us to be modest in our lives and to know how to advance and retreat in moderation. Tomorrow is the Xiaoman solar term, I wish you all good health and happiness on this special day, and enjoy the good time of early summer. Through the understanding and practice of the Xiaoman solar term, we can better integrate into the natural rhythm, improve the quality of life, and inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. I hope that everyone can experience the tranquility and tranquility brought by this ancient wisdom during the Xiaoman solar term, and welcome a better future.