
In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence



Fighting corruption has always been an important task for the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the anti-corruption struggle has never ceased. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the rapid development of the economy, and the increasingly complex social structure, the work of combating corruption and advocating clean government is facing new challenges and tests.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

Against this backdrop, the 1999 Ji Shengde incident has become an important case in the history of China's anti-corruption campaign, with far-reaching impact and profound lessons.

The Ji Shengde incident is not only a personal fall, but also a wake-up call to the entire society and the army. This incident highlights the importance and urgency of the anti-corruption work, and also demonstrates the firm attitude of the Party and the state towards zero tolerance for corruption.

Through the review of this incident, we can see the necessity and complexity of anti-corruption work, as well as its important role in maintaining social justice and long-term peace and stability of the country.

Ji Shengde's background

Ji Shengde served as deputy minister of the Central Intelligence Department, a position of great power and influence. His upbringing and family environment provided a solid foundation for his career development. Ji Shengde's father, Ji Pengfei, was an old Red Army with rich revolutionary experience and outstanding contributions, and his life was full of legends.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

Ji Pengfei joined the Red Army after the Ningdu Uprising and subsequently joined the Chinese Communist Party. He has extensive experience in political work and health management, and has also served as ambassadors abroad and head of the External Liaison Department. Ji Pengfei's revolutionary spirit and contributions to the country have undoubtedly had a profound impact on Ji Shengde's growth and values.

However, Ji Shengde did not inherit his father's glorious tradition, but embarked on a path that deviated from his original intention. His fall was not only a personal tragedy, but also a blasphemy against his father's revolutionary spirit. Ji Shengde's case reminds us that no matter how prominent the family background, if an individual does not strengthen his self-cultivation and does not adhere to the bottom line of morality and law, he or she can eventually go to ruin.

Ji Shengde's growth and early performance

In Ji Shengde's upbringing, family education and the influence of his father were undoubtedly important. His father, Ji Pengfei, was a senior revolutionary who had a profound influence on Ji Shengde's outlook on life and values. However, when Ji Shengde was growing up, he did not seem to fully absorb and practice the positive values taught by his father.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

His enlistment and military career began on a good foundation, and he was awarded the rank of major general, which was a recognition of his abilities and contributions at the time. In the work of the Central Intelligence Department, Ji Shengde also showed a certain ability and talent, especially in the process of purchasing the aircraft carrier "Varyag", his work was considered an important contribution to the construction of the country's navy.

The purchase of the "Varyag" aircraft carrier is an important event in the history of the development of the Chinese Navy, which not only enhances the strength of the Chinese Navy, but also marks the enhancement of China's position in the international military field. Ji Shengde's work in this process shows his professional ability in the field of military intelligence and his loyalty to national interests.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

However, as time went on, Ji Shengde's behavior began to deviate from the right track. His depravity and eventual criminal behavior brought not only personal tragedy to himself, but also immeasurable losses to the country and society. Ji Shengde's case has become a warning that all public officials must always keep a clear head, adhere to professional ethics and the bottom line of the law, and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the people.

The fall of Ji Shengde

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has blown all over the land of China, and the economic take-off has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges. However, for Ji Shengde, this spring breeze became the catalyst for his depravity.

Ji Shengde, a former red second generation, enjoyed the afterglow of the glory of his father, but lost himself in the tide of reform and opening up. His mentality began to undergo subtle changes, and his originally firm beliefs and ideals were gradually shaken in the face of the temptation of money and power. He began to conduct dark transactions with military enterprises, taking advantage of his position, embezzling huge sums of money, and even selling state secrets in exchange for personal interests.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

Such acts not only undermine national security, but are also a betrayal of the people's army. At the sensitive moment of the Taiwan Strait crisis, Ji Shengde's intelligence leak brought immeasurable losses to the country. His actions are undoubtedly a serious infringement on national interests and a desecration of the honor of military personnel.

Ji Shengde's arrest and trial

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. In 1999, General Chi Haotian personally ordered the arrest of Ji Shengde. During the arrest, Ji Shengde's arrogant attitude was exposed, and he even shouted when he was arrested: "Do you know who I am? Such an attitude is undoubtedly contempt for the law and ignorance of one's own crimes.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

General Chi Haotian's resolute action demonstrates the determination of the party and the state to fight corruption and promote clean government. In the face of ironclad evidence, Ji Shengde's crime has nowhere to hide. After careful investigation and evidence gathering, Ji Shengde was finally sent to the trial.

Ji Shengde's confession and introspection

Within the walls of the prison, Ji Shengde began his journey of introspection. His attitude shifted, from the initial arrogance to the later confession, a process that was undoubtedly painful and difficult. The death of his father dealt him a heavy blow, and Ji Shengde's faith began to collapse, and he began to deeply reflect on his behavior.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

In the introspection, Ji Shengde chose to confess his guilt and provided important information, which played an immeasurable role in eliminating the corrupt elements in the army. The court eventually handed down a suspended death sentence, which was both a punishment for his crimes and a degree of recognition of his introspective attitude.


Ji Shengde's life is a tragedy from glory to depravity. His story is not only a personal failure, but also a profound warning to the whole society. In the face of the temptation of power and money, Ji Shengde lost himself, deviated from his original intention, and finally went to the abyss of crime.

In 1999, Chi Haotian grabbed a major general, and this person shouted: Do you know who I am? In the end, he was given a suspended death sentence

The trajectory of his life allows us to see how a former soldier lost his way in the tide of reform and opening up, and how he gradually degenerated under the corrosion of power.