
The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

author:Observer's Diary

On May 17, the Philippine Coast Guard announced that it had lawfully detained a Sierra Leonean merchant ship sailing in Philippine waters. According to the Philippine Coast Guard, the ship has committed a number of violations in Philippine waters and is currently undergoing an in-depth investigation by relevant authorities. It is worth noting that this ship is carrying seven Chinese crew members, and their safety and rights also affect the hearts of the Chinese people.

After learning of the incident, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines attached great importance to it and quickly activated the emergency response mechanism. The embassy lodged solemn representations with the Philippine side, demanding that the Philippine side fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese crew members and ensure that their personal safety is not violated. At the same time, the embassy also sent staff to visit to understand the details of the crew and provide necessary consular assistance.

The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

After negotiations, the seven Chinese crew members are currently in good physical condition and emotionally stable. The Philippine side also pledged to actively cooperate with China's request to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of the crew are protected. This incident once again demonstrates the great importance that the Chinese government attaches to the rights and interests of overseas citizens, and the active role of the Chinese Embassy in safeguarding the rights and interests of citizens.

However, the occurrence of this incident has also raised people's attention to China-Philippines relations. At present, China-Philippines relations are in a period of relative tension, and there are certain differences between the two sides on the issue of sea power. Against this backdrop, the Philippines' sudden detention of a merchant ship carrying a Chinese crew member inevitably raises the question of whether the Philippines is deliberately trying to embarrass China and use it as a bargaining chip to seek more benefits in the Sino-Philippine maritime power dispute.

The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

In fact, such fears are not unfounded. The day after the detention, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made a public statement. In his speech, he stressed that the Philippines will "vigorously defend its territory" and ensure the security of the country and territory. This statement has been widely interpreted as an implicit accusation against China, as if to imply that China poses a threat to the territorial security of the Philippines. Such rhetoric has undoubtedly further exacerbated tensions between China and the Philippines.

More coincidentally, not long ago, the Philippine Coast Guard and local fishermen launched a new round of provocations against China in the South China Sea. They tried to infringe on China's territorial waters, but under the tight defense of the Chinese coast guard, they failed to succeed and had to leave in disgrace. This incident shows that the provocative behavior of the Philippine side on the South China Sea issue has not stopped, but has become more and more intense.

The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

So, how should we view the Philippines' detention of Chinese crew members?

First, we must make it clear that the Philippine detention is a serious disruption to the freedom of international navigation. With the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea has been effectively guaranteed. However, the Philippines' detention of merchant ships on suspicion of violations has undoubtedly upset this balance and disrupted international free trade. Such behavior not only undermines the international shipping order, but also undermines the stability and prosperity of the South China Sea.

Second, the Philippines' move could have a negative impact on the safety of shipping lanes in the South China Sea. The South China Sea is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, carrying a large amount of international trade traffic. However, the Philippine detention could raise concerns in other countries about the safety of shipping lanes in the South China Sea, which could affect shipping operations in the region. In the long run, this will cause damage to the Philippines' own national interests, and it can be said that the gains outweigh the losses.

The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

Moreover, it is not difficult to see the real intention behind the Philippine detention. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of China's global influence, especially in Africa, the cooperation with Sierra Leone and other countries has been deepened. In this context, it is likely that the Sierra Leonean merchant ships detained by the Philippines are inextricably linked to China. The fact that all the crew members on board are Chinese makes one wonder whether the Philippines' move is some form of repression or demonstration against China.

In the face of frequent provocations and detentions by the Philippines, China has also taken corresponding measures to safeguard its rights and interests. Recently, the China Coast Guard (CCG) has formulated and promulgated the Regulations on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures for Coast Guard Agencies, which clearly stipulates that foreigners suspected of violating immigration regulations may be detained for review. The promulgation of this regulation provides a clear legal basis and operational procedures for the China Coast Guard to deal with similar incidents.

The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

Specifically, the Provisions specify that the Coast Guard may detain and review a foreigner under circumstances such as illegal entry and exit, assistance to others in illegal entry and exit, suspicion of illegal residence and employment, endangering national security and interests, disrupting public order or engaging in other illegal and criminal activities. The implementation of this regulation will effectively curb the illegal activities of foreigners in China's waters and safeguard the country's maritime rights and interests.

It is worth noting that the issuance of the "Regulations" is not only a warning to the Philippines and other countries, but also a strong deterrent to other potential provocateurs. In the past, China may have been too lenient in dealing with similar incidents, leading some countries to mistakenly believe that it can wantonly infringe on China's maritime rights and interests. However, the implementation of the "Provisions" will completely change this situation, and any country that tries to provoke China's maritime rights and interests will pay the price it deserves.

The Philippine side's unreasonable seizure of a Chinese fishing boat trapped seven people, and China responded solemnly that violations of sovereignty will be punished

Of course, we should also note that the promulgation of the Provisions is not limited to the South China Sea region or a specific country. As a responsible major country, China has always adhered to a foreign policy of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and is committed to establishing harmonious and friendly diplomatic relations with other countries. Therefore, the implementation of the "Provisions" will be carried out in strict accordance with the provisions of international law and Chinese law to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of any country are not harmed.

To sum up, the Philippines' detention of Chinese crew members is undoubtedly another challenge to China-Philippines relations. However, China will unswervingly safeguard its maritime rights and interests and national dignity, and take all necessary measures to ensure that the safety and rights of its citizens are not violated. At the same time, we also call on the Philippines and other countries to view China-Philippines relations in a rational manner, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

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