
30 years ago, my stepmother's decision made me cry out to my long-lost mother

author:Multi-talented lake 8c

Deep in the bustling city, there is a secret that no one knows. On an ordinary Friday night, Li Yang came home from work as usual, carrying the dinner ingredients he had just bought from the supermarket. He is an ordinary programmer, and he usually stays at home except for work, and his life is uneventful. However, this night, everything will be different.

Li Yang walked into the house and found that the house was in a mess, obviously being turned over. Startled, he put down what he was holding and quickly checked every corner of the house. Suddenly, he noticed a note on his desk with a line of writing on it: "I already know your secret, if you want to keep it secret, just do as I say." Li Yang's face turned pale instantly, he knew that a secret he had been hiding all along, and now it might have been mastered by others.

That secret was a mistake he made many years ago. At the time, he was a fledgling programmer working on an important project. Due to his lack of experience, he made a serious mistake that led to a huge loss for the company. To make up for this mistake, he privately modified the code and successfully recouped the loss. But this matter has been hidden from the company and has become a big problem for him.

Now, the secret has been revealed. Li Yang felt a wave of fear, he didn't know what would happen next. With trembling hands, he dialed the phone number left on the note. An indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Your time is running out, tomorrow at nine o'clock in the evening, come to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city." Remember, don't call the police, or you'll be responsible for the consequences. With that, the phone hung up.

Li Yang stayed awake all night, and the indifferent voice and the gloomy scene of the abandoned warehouse kept coming to his mind. He knew he had no choice but to do what the other party asked. The next night, he arrived at the abandoned warehouse ahead of schedule. It was pitch black, with only the faint glow of the street lamps in the distance. He looked around nervously, for fear something might happen.

30 years ago, my stepmother's decision made me cry out to my long-lost mother

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Li Yang couldn't help but shiver. He plucked up his courage and walked deeper into the warehouse. The warehouse is littered with abandoned debris and dilapidated machines, giving off a foul smell. He walked cautiously, lest he touch something he shouldn't touch.

Just then, he heard footsteps. He immediately stopped, held his breath, and listened carefully. The footsteps grew closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of him. Li Yang looked up and saw a man wearing a black mask standing in front of him. The man's eyes were cold and sharp, as if he could see through his heart.

"You're finally here." The man said coldly.

"You...... Who are you? What do you want? Li Yang asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter who I am. It is important that you know the fact that your secrets are known. "Now, I'll give you a choice." Or, you take the initiative to confess your mistakes to the company; Or, I'll reveal the secret to the world on your behalf. ”

30 years ago, my stepmother's decision made me cry out to my long-lost mother

Li Yang's heart sank to the bottom. He knows that whichever path he chooses, it will have a huge impact on his life. He hesitated for a moment, then finally took a deep breath and said, "I...... I choose to confess. ”

The man seemed to be somewhat surprised, but quickly regained his composure. "Good." "Since you've made your choice, I'll give you a chance," he said. You have to do it within three days, though. Otherwise, I'll use my way to let the whole world know your secrets. ”

With that, the man turned and left the warehouse. Li Yang stood in place and did not move for a long time. He knew he was going to face an unprecedented challenge. But he also understands that only by facing it bravely can he find a solution to the problem.

The next day, Li Yang submitted his resignation report to the company. He decided to confess his mistake to the company before leaving. He approached the company's top leaders and detailed the mistakes he made back then and the subsequent remedies. He expected to be punished severely, but to his surprise, the company leaders did not blame him, but instead praised him for his courage and honesty.

"Li Yang, your mistake has indeed brought losses to the company. But your honesty and courage have allowed us to see your growth and progress. "We'll consider giving you a chance to turn over a new leaf." ”

30 years ago, my stepmother's decision made me cry out to my long-lost mother

Hearing this, Li Yang couldn't help but burst into tears. He felt redeemed and regained his dignity and worth. He decided to take the company's advice and stay and continue to work for the company. At the same time, he also decides to find the person who threatened him and find out the truth.

Over the next few days, Li Yang began to secretly investigate the man who threatened him. He traced the source of the phone number through technical means and found that it was registered in an Internet café. He immediately went to the Internet café to investigate, but unfortunately, he did not find any useful clues.

However, Li Yang did not give up. He believes that with perseverance and hard work, the truth will be found. He began to reminisce about that night, trying to find clues about the man. He remembered the smell of the man, the way he walked, and the sound of his voice...... These details became the key to his search for clues.

After some hard work, Li Yang finally found the trace of that man. It turned out that the man was one of his former colleagues - Zhang Tao. Zhang Tao was jealous of Li Yang's status and prestige in the company, and always wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on him. When he learns Li Yang's secret, he decides to use this opportunity to threaten him.

After learning the truth, Li Yang felt a wave of anger and disappointment. He didn't expect his former colleague to do such a thing. He decided to find Zhang Tao and ask him face to face why he was doing this.

30 years ago, my stepmother's decision made me cry out to my long-lost mother

On a dark and windy night, Li Yang came to Zhang Tao's residence. He knocked on the door and waited for Zhang Tao to appear. After a while, the door opened, and Zhang Tao appeared at the door.