
Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia, women's volleyball World League, China entered the top three to open the gap with Japan

author:Target Xiao Wu

北京时间5月19日凌晨‬,世界女排联赛巴西里约‬站,中国女排将迎来本站世联赛的最后一个对手塞尔维亚队,上场比赛,我们输给加拿大,中国女排因为这场失利被扣掉11.01个世界排名积分,等于前三场白打了,积分反而减了一分,所以这场必须努力争胜,起码不能让日本反超,因为我们还没有获得奥运会入场券,因此我们必须拿到亚洲最高的世界排名积分才行。 In the end, the women's volleyball team lived up to expectations, defeating the Serbian team 3-1, ranking +8.42

Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia, women's volleyball World League, China entered the top three to open the gap with Japan

Data aspect

Wang Yuanyuan 19 points (16 deductions, 13 hits, 3 blocks, 3 shots)

Li Yingying 19 points (33 deductions, 17 of 7 turnovers, blocked, 2 blocked)

Gong Xiangyu 18 points (29 deductions, 14 shots, 2 turnovers, 2 blocks, 2 shots)

Wang Yunrui 9 points (24 deductions, 7 mistakes, 7 mistakes, 1 block, 1 shot)

Yuan Xinyue 8 points (19 deductions, 7 mistakes, 3 mistakes, 1 block)

Diao Linyu 4 points (3 blocks, 1 shot)

The Chinese women's volleyball team made its debut: the main attack Li Yingying and Wang Yunrui; deputy attack Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan; In response to Gong Xiangyu, the second setter Diao Linyu and the free man Wang Mengjie, Wang Yunlu replaced the teenager Wu Mengjie as the starter.

本场‬面对塞尔维亚队‬,最新排名‬世界第三‬,这支‬球队‬已经‬获得‬奥运‬会‬参赛资格‬,本场‬六名‬主力‬缺阵‬,所以‬派出的基本上‬属于‬‬是‬二队‬阵容‬,但即便如此‬,首局比赛中国女排‬还是处于被动,一上来便0−4落后,感觉队员们比较紧张,随后蔡叫暂停布置,随后一度追至17−18,只落后1分,但是我们的进攻很差,毫无状态, the main attack is basically to dunk the ball down, and Wang Yunlu smash the ball is to dunk up, 11 dunks in the first quarter, 2 hits, there are three mistakes, the net is not smooth, and the defensive counterattack can't be played, and finally the first game lost the first game 21-25.

In the second game, the Chinese women's volleyball team significantly strengthened the success rate of a pass, Li Yingying and Wang Yunrui both warmed up, Diao Linyu made five consecutive shots, and won a big lead, 25-15 easily won this game, and the first two sides drew 1-1 in the first two games.

Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia, women's volleyball World League, China entered the top three to open the gap with Japan

In the third game, the Chinese team started directly 3-1, while the Serbian team played more chaotically, and then Wang Yunrui and Yuan Xinyue were stopped in a row, and the Serbian team chased it to 11-14, Cai Bin paused in time, but Wang Yunrui made another mistake, and the score difference was chased to only 1 point. Yuan Xinyue dunked, Li Yingying blocked the net alone, and the Chinese team controlled the situation 18-15. The Chinese team then successfully won the game point 24-17, and finally won the next game 25-18, and the Chinese women's volleyball team led 2-1 in the first three games.

In the crucial fourth game, the Chinese team started 4-1 again, and then the Chinese team opened the score difference with 9-4, and then the Chinese team also firmly grasped the initiative on the court, and finally won the same score as the third game, 25-18, and finally won the Serbian team with a big score of 3-1.

Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia, women's volleyball World League, China entered the top three to open the gap with Japan

Due to the high ranking of the Serbian team, the Chinese team will have a good number of points, and in the end we will score:

China women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia, +8.42

The Chinese team's world ranking points increased by 8.42 points, and the total ranking points came to 337.11 points, opening a gap of 13.91 points with the Japanese women's volleyball team and retaining the first place in Asia. The Chinese women's volleyball team has finished all four games in the first week, with a good record of 3 wins and 1 loss, and will move to Macau, China and Hong Kong to continue the game

Congratulations to the women's volleyball team, keep up the good work and get good results......

Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Serbia, women's volleyball World League, China entered the top three to open the gap with Japan


Head Coach: Cai Bin.

Main attack: Li Yingying, Zhang Changning, Wang Yunrui, Wu Mengjie.

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue (C), Wang Yuanyuan, Gao Yi.

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin.

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia, Xu Xiaoting.

Free man: Wang Mengjie, Ni Feifei.

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