
Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

author:Entertainment and entertainment rabbits

Editor: Entertainment Entertainment Rabbit

During this time, the entertainment industry made waves again, and Big S sued Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, a move that he thought would be able to win more benefits for himself, but the result was unexpected.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

Not only did she fail to get the so-called dividends, but she may even need to pay Wang Xiaofei 13 million! What's going on here?

Why did Big S make such a seemingly unwise move? What kind of response does Wang Xiaofei have? What are the hidden details and stories behind this dispute?

Big S's lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on May 20 has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions, and the fuse of the incident was Big S's demand for dividends from S Hotel.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

This seemingly simple appeal has complex reasons and entanglements behind it, and Big S believes that S Hotel has taken advantage of her fame, after all, the hotel has an "S" in its name.

Netizens questioned this, believing that there are not a few people with "S" in their names, and they can't ask for dividends just because of this.

The fact that Hotel S has been losing money for a long time, and Big S doesn't seem to know about this situation but still asks for dividends also shows that she may not really care about the hotel's operation.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

In the face of Big S's lawsuit, Wang Xiaofei also launched a counterattack, and the two sides fell into a fierce confrontation in the battle for assets, and the remuneration dispute of the variety show "Happiness Trio" was even more eye-catching.

In 2018, Wang Xiaofei actively contacted the variety show announcement, and Big S was reluctant to participate at first, but eventually participated in the recording of the show.

Big S embezzled up to 26 million in remuneration, and the taxes were paid by Wang Xiaofei.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

Now, Wang Xiaofei is asking for a liquidation, asking for a reasonable share of 13 million, and Taiwanese media have also made a series of comments on this incident, believing that the failure of Big S's lawsuit is extremely likely.

Logically speaking, Big S lacks sufficient basis for asking for hotel dividends, and Wang Xiaofei's request for variety show remuneration is reasonable, and it is even possible that Big S needs to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

In this incident, there are several key points worth paying attention to, the contradiction between hotel dividends and losses, Big S asks for dividends on the grounds of fame, but ignores the reality of hotel losses.

The second is the variety show remuneration dispute, Wang Xiaofei's appeal seems more reasonable, while Big S's behavior is considered unreasonable.

Taiwan media predicted that Big S's lawsuit on May 20 was likely to fail, not only unable to receive the dividends of S Hotel, but also likely to need to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

This dispute not only involves monetary interests, but also reflects the complex relationship and contradictions between the two.

In business cooperation and marital relations, a clear division of rights and responsibilities and a fair and reasonable distribution mechanism are crucial.

When the interests of the two parties diverge, how to solve the problem through legal and reasonable channels is a test of the wisdom and ability of the parties.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

In this case, the dispute between Big S and Wang Xiaofei fully demonstrates the importance of communication and negotiation when dealing with conflicts of interest.

If the two sides had been able to communicate openly and honestly at an early stage, and have clarified each other's expectations and demands, it might have been possible to avoid such an escalation of the dispute.

The behavior and decision-making of public figures are also often scrutinized and judged by the public, and the incident of Da S and Wang Xiaofei not only caused a sensation in the entertainment industry, but also sparked extensive discussions in society.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

The public's pursuit of fairness and justice, as well as its concern for property distribution and protection of rights and interests, were fully reflected in this incident.

This incident has also brought us some enlightenment, when dealing with business cooperation and marriage relations, we need to remain rational and calm, respect the provisions of contracts and laws, and resolve disputes through legal channels.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

Through the incident of Big S suing Wang Xiaofei, we can learn lessons from it and provide a useful reference for us to deal with similar problems.

In our future life and work, we should pay more attention to the protection and reasonable distribution of rights and interests, so as to promote the harmonious and stable development of society.

Of course, we should also look at such incidents with an objective attitude.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

Disputes and contradictions in the entertainment industry occur from time to time, and each incident has its own unique background and cause.

We can't just rely on momentary public opinion and hearsay to judge the right or wrong of the parties.

In this incident, Da S and Wang Xiaofei have their own positions and demands, and the final result also needs to be determined according to law and evidence.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

We should also be aware that the lives of public figures are not always smooth sailing, and they also face various pressures and challenges in their pursuit of fame and fortune.

When dealing with personal issues and disputes, they also need to follow legal and ethical norms to protect their own legitimate rights and the legitimate rights and interests of others.

While following this incident, we should also pay attention to other similar issues in society.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

In the business field and interpersonal relationships, how to establish a fair and reasonable cooperation mechanism and how to resolve conflicts of interest are all issues that we need to think about and explore in depth.

Only through continuous study and practice can we better deal with all kinds of complex situations and promote social harmony and development.

As the incident continues to ferment, the public's attention is also increasing.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

People began to look at this controversy from different angles, trying to find more truth and enlightenment from it.

From Big S's point of view, she may think that she has given a lot in this relationship, and the blessing of fame is also an intangible value contribution.

She may not have fully considered the actual business situation in handling the hotel's dividends, resulting in a one-sided and unreasonable appeal.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

Wang Xiaofei's counterattack shows his determination to protect his own rights and interests, and the issue of variety show remuneration disputes he pointed out has indeed triggered people's thinking about fair distribution.

In a partnership, it is important to clarify the responsibilities and rights of both parties, and not to cause an imbalance of interests due to the negligence or unreasonable behavior of one party.

This also shows us that the importance of integrity and fairness in business dealings and interpersonal interactions cannot be overlooked.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

It is also a vivid case study for the public at large.

It makes us understand that when faced with complex emotions and entanglements of interests, we need to maintain a rational and objective attitude, and we cannot judge right and wrong based on personal preferences or momentary emotions alone.

It also makes us aware of the importance of laws and rules, and only within the framework of legality can the rights and dignity of everyone be guaranteed.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

This incident also reflects some problems in the entertainment industry.

Relationships in Vanity Fair are often intricate, and the drive of interests can lead to irrational behaviors and decisions.

This requires the industry itself to strengthen norms and management, and guide practitioners to establish correct values and codes of conduct.

In the days to come, no matter how the dispute between Big S and Wang Xiaofei is finally resolved, it will become an event worth remembering.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

It not only affects their personal lives and careers, but also has a certain impact on public opinion and public perception.

We expect both parties to deal with the problem in a mature and rational manner, and find a mutually acceptable solution through communication and negotiation.

The incident of Big S suing Wang Xiaofei is a multi-level and multi-dimensional event, which not only involves personal emotions and interests, but also reflects some problems in society and industry.

Big S filed a lawsuit against Wang Xiaofei on the 20th, not only did he not get dividends, but he also had to compensate Wang Xiaofei 13 million

We should look at this matter with an open and rational mind, learn lessons from it, and constantly improve our thinking ability and ability to deal with problems.

It is believed that after experiencing such an event, both the parties concerned and the public can take more solid steps on the road of growth and progress.

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