
"If you can't keep your mouth, disaster will come from heaven": these secrets must rot in the bottom of your heart

author:Birds of struggle

A secret from the bottom of my heart

My name is Xiaomin, an ordinary small town girl, living in a quiet and full of life. My family is very ordinary, my parents are simple laborers, and they have built a warm home for me with hard work and selfless love. I was an introvert from a young age, and I was full of little secrets that I rarely shared.

When I was sixteen years old, I met someone who changed the course of my life and taught me a profound lesson: some secrets are better kept in the bottom of my heart.

"If you can't keep your mouth, disaster will come from heaven": these secrets must rot in the bottom of your heart

That person's name is Kobayashi, and he is a new transfer student from our school. He was tall, handsome, and cheerful, and soon became a man of the year in our school. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but when I saw him, my heart was pounding. At that time, I was in love for the first time, and I had an indescribable liking for Xiaolin.

One day, Kobayashi suddenly came to me and mysteriously said that he had an important secret to tell me. Nervous and expectant, I followed him to the grove in the mountains behind the school. He told me that he was actually an alien prince who landed on Earth because the spaceship had malfunctioned. He also said that he would have to spend a full year on Earth before he could repair the ship and return to his planet.

I listened to his fantastical narration and was skeptical. But somehow, I just wanted to believe him. Since then, Kobayashi and I have become good friends who talk about everything. He would often tell me stories about his distant planet, and I would tell him about my cautions.

"If you can't keep your mouth, disaster will come from heaven": these secrets must rot in the bottom of your heart

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Kobayashi told me that his spaceship had been repaired and that he had to leave Earth and return to his planet. When I heard the news, I felt mixed feelings for him, both happy and disappointed. The night before he left, he came to me and gave me a mysterious little box that he said was a memento for me.

I opened the box, and inside was a sparkling stone, which Kobayashi said was a specialty of his planet and would bless me with peace and happiness. I was moved to tears, hugged him tightly, and told the secret hidden in my heart: "Xiaolin, I like you." ”

He was stunned, then patted my head lightly and said, "Xiaomin, you are a kind girl, but our world is too different. This secret, let it be a memory between us forever. ”

"If you can't keep your mouth, disaster will come from heaven": these secrets must rot in the bottom of your heart

The next morning, Kobayashi disappeared without saying goodbye or leaving a message, as if he had never appeared. I held the glittering stone in my hand, and my heart was full of melancholy and reluctance.

As the days passed, I gradually came out of my loss. I'm beginning to understand that some secrets can only be hidden in the bottom of my heart and cannot be easily spoken. I began to learn to cherish the people and things around me, and no longer easily tell others what is on my mind.

Just when I almost forgot about Kobayashi, he suddenly reappeared. He told me that his planet was in crisis and needed my help. I didn't hesitate to say yes and join him on an adventure to save the planet.

"If you can't keep your mouth, disaster will come from heaven": these secrets must rot in the bottom of your heart

During our journey, we experienced countless difficulties and challenges. But whenever I felt hopeless, Kobayashi would give me encouragement and support. Our feelings were also sublimated in this adventure.

In the end, we succeeded in saving Kobayashi's planet. At the moment of celebrating the victory, Xiao Lin suddenly took my hand, looked at me affectionately and said, "Xiao Min, thank you for always being by my side." I find that I've fallen deeply in love with you too. ”

I was stunned, tears rolling in my eyes. I hugged him tightly and felt his warmth and heartbeat. At that moment, I understood what true love and friendship are.

"If you can't keep your mouth, disaster will come from heaven": these secrets must rot in the bottom of your heart

Since then, Kobayashi and I have lived happily ever after. But we kept that secret about his identity. We know that some secrets, once spoken, may cause us unnecessary trouble and trouble. So, we choose to keep this secret forever in our hearts.

Looking back now, although that experience was full of twists and turns, it also gave me growth and love. I have deeply understood a truth: those who can't keep secrets often invite unwarranted disasters; And there are some secrets, it's better to let them become memories in your heart forever.

This is the story of me and Kobayashi, a story of secrets, love, and growth. I hope to tell you through this story: cherish the people and things around you, and don't easily divulge the secrets of others; At the same time, we must also learn to protect our secrets, because they are one of the most valuable treasures in our lives.