
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.
The difference between early marriage and late marriage, naked life cartoons, is too realistic and worth watching.

In ancient times, there was a place called "Splendid City", where the people lived in peace and order. In this city, the concept of marriage is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but early marriage and late marriage have sparked countless stories and controversies.

There was a woman named Mei Niang in the city, she was born beautiful and intelligent, but she married Zhao Gongzi, the son of a wealthy merchant in the city, early. Although Zhao Gongzi has a solid family, he has a cowardly personality, is not good at management, and indulges in wine all day long. Although Mei Niang married into a wealthy family, her life was not satisfactory, and she often felt lonely and confused.

At the same time, there was also a scholar named Yanagi in the city. He came from a poor background, but he was talented and ambitious. Liu Sheng is bent on passing the imperial examination and changing his fate. However, fate did not seem to favor him, and he failed to pass the imperial examination several times in a row. When Yanagi's parents saw that he was getting older, they asked him to marry him. But Liu Sheng has a dream in his heart, he hopes to start a business first and then start a family, so he has not agreed.

One day, Mei Niang met Liu Sheng in the city. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation. Mei Niang was attracted to Liu Sheng's talent and ambition, and Liu Sheng was full of praise for Mei Niang's beauty and intelligence. However, they both know each other's identities and situations, so they can only bury this emotion deep in their hearts.

As time passed, Mei Niang's life became more and more difficult. Zhao Gongzi not only spends extravagantly, but also often sneers at Mei Niang. Mei Niang felt exhausted, and she began to miss the time she met Yanagi. And Yanagi also suffered repeated setbacks on the road to the imperial examination, and he began to doubt his life choices.

Just then, a plague in the city shattered the peaceful life. Many people have lost loved ones in this plague and their lives have been in dire straits. Mei Niang and Liu Sheng were not spared. Mei Niang's husband Zhao Gongzi died tragically in this plague, and she lost her support, and her life became more difficult. And Yanagi also lost his parents and loved ones in this plague, and he felt extremely lonely and hopeless.

In the predicament, Mei Niang and Liu Sheng met again. They comfort and encourage each other to face life's challenges together. They began to support each other and got through one difficulty after another together. In the process, their relationship also grew deeper.

However, their relationship was criticized and criticized by the people in the city. Some people think they should have gotten married a long time ago, but missed the best time; Some people think that they marry later and have children later, which is not in line with the traditional concept of marriage. In the face of these criticisms and accusations, Mei Niang and Liu Sheng both felt extremely stressed and troubled.

However, they did not give up on each other. They firmly believe that they have made the right choice, and they are willing to work hard for each other's happiness. Eventually, after going through countless difficulties and challenges, they finally came together. They had a simple wedding and became husband and wife.

Although life after marriage is still difficult, Mei Niang and Liu Sheng feel extremely happy and satisfied. They support and encourage each other to face life's challenges together. Their love story has also spread throughout Splendid City and has become a good story in people's mouths.

This story tells us that there is no absolute good or bad between early and late marriage, the key is whether we can find a partner who is truly suitable for us and work hard for each other's happiness. At the same time, we should also learn to cherish the people in front of us, and not wait until we lose them to regret it. Let us face marriage and life with an open mind, and believe that a better future will come.

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