
As the saying goes: "When a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper", which "three baths" can't be washed? Know early and benefit early

author:Yan Ling【Special Topic】

There was a young man named Li Yu who lived in a quiet and pleasant village. The village is picturesque in all seasons, the fields are fertile, and the people are tolerant and friendly. Although Li Yu's family background is ordinary, he has a heart that craves knowledge and wisdom. He visits the village's primary school every day to learn more and pave the way for his future.

One day, Li Yu's teacher told an old proverb in class: "If a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper." The teacher's topic aroused the curiosity of the children in the village, and they rushed to ask what the "three baths" were. The teacher smiled and explained, "'Three baths' refers to three specific moments in life, of course, this proverb is a bit supernatural, but one of them is not allowed to take a bath. ”

As the saying goes: "When a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper", which "three baths" can't be washed? Know early and benefit early

The whole class approached the teacher curiously, expecting to hear the secret of this "three baths". The teacher began to narrate: "First of all, when you wake up in the morning, you should not take a shower right away, because this is the beginning of the day and the body needs to adapt to the new day.

Secondly, it is also best not to take a shower immediately after you have just eaten a full meal, as this can be a burden on the digestive system. Finally, if you've experienced an intense physical exposition, especially after sweating, it's best to wait a while before showering. ”

Li Yu listened to the teacher's words, and his heart was full of curiosity. He decided to go to the library to find out more about this proverb. Through reading ancient books, he gradually understood the meaning of "three baths". He understands that the timing of bathing has a profound effect on the body, especially after waking up, eating, and exercising.

This proverb also provoked him to think more about health and life. He began to appreciate his body more, following the laws of nature, giving himself the right amount of time and space to adapt, recover, and soothe. Li Yu realizes that this is a kind of love for his own body, and it is also a way to pursue inner balance and harmony.

Since then, Li Yu has adhered to the wisdom of the proverb in his life and has always cherished the opportunity to take a bath. His body became healthier and his mind became more serene. He understands that "people take three baths, life is thinner than paper" is not just a common saying, but also a deep understanding of life. In this village, Li Yu's wisdom and health have become a kind of model, and it also reminds people to benefit early.

As the saying goes: "When a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper", which "three baths" can't be washed? Know early and benefit early

Reminder after drinking: Be cautious when bathing

Intoxicating happy times are always accompanied by a glass of wine, however, in the dead of night, we are saddled with a slightly drunk body and ushered in the temptation of bathing. At this time, you may have a small question in your heart: Is it wise to take a shower after drinking? Or is there a hidden danger?

Alcohol, this miraculous liquid, once consumed, sets off a miracle in the body. The blood vessels suddenly dilated rapidly, and the heart began to run at high speed. When you take a bath, you turn on the hot water tap, and the warm stream of water wraps you like silk, but it also causes the temperature of your skin to rise sharply, and at the same time, the blood circulates rapidly in the body, and the rate of the heart beats accordingly.

This rapid physiological change can sometimes make the body feel uncomfortable, especially for those with heart problems, and can have serious consequences. At this moment, it seems that the whole world is spinning, and the heart seems to be a feather gently brushing by, but in fact, the crisis is quietly coming.

What's more, people who are drunk often fall into a state of unsteadiness or unconsciousness. The magic of alcohol is impossible to ignore, and you may lose your balance under a torrential downpour of hot water, or find it difficult to perceive your own danger. In this situation, even in a familiar bathroom, accidental injuries can occur.

Therefore, taking a bath after drinking, both physically and psychologically, carries a lot of risks. Before bathing, make sure that your body is completely free from the effects of alcohol, making sure that your mind is clear and your body is stable. This is key to ensuring that your bathing experience doesn't turn into a nightmare within a drunken dream.

Whether it's for heart health or to avoid unnecessary accidents, let's pursue a sober and safe bath after the fun. It's a > about health and/span

As the saying goes: "When a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper", which "three baths" can't be washed? Know early and benefit early

After the gastronomy, bathe in wisdom

A sumptuous feast, that feast on the tip of the tongue, always evokes the deepest pleasure in our hearts. However, when we have enjoyed the perfect meal, do we know how to face the tempting choice of bathing?

Bathing after eating seems to be a way to plunge the body into some delicate situation. At this time, the skin blood vessels throughout the body are stimulated by the warm water temperature and expand sharply, resulting in a large amount of blood flowing to the surface of the body, and the blood in the abdominal cavity is relatively reduced. This physiological phenomenon actually has a certain impact on our digestion and absorption.

When the digestive tract needs more blood to complete the breakdown and absorption of food, bathing after eating may lead to a decrease in gastrointestinal digestion, which can affect the adequate absorption of food. Therefore, it may be more beneficial for the health of the body to wait for a while after a gourmet feast to allow the digestive system to do its job.

In addition, it is not advisable to take a bath in a hurry when you are hungry. In this case, bathing can cause a sharp drop in blood sugar or even trigger hypoglycemia. This dangerous situation can cause people to feel collapsed and pass out, posing a potential threat to physical health.

Therefore, we need to carefully weigh the timing of bathing. After enjoying the delicious food, allow the body to rest for a while and allow it to digest and absorb the food before throwing it into the warm water. Not only does this help maintain a healthy digestive system, but it also allows you to feel more relaxed and enjoyable in a comfortable bath.

In this wisdom of food and bathing, we can take better care of our body and let it receive more care in a comfortable bath after every meal.

As the saying goes: "When a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper", which "three baths" can't be washed? Know early and benefit early

After exercising, enjoy a warm bath

Physical activity is an exciting activity, but after you've been sweating it out, shouldn't you rush to get into a hot bath? Perhaps, some people don't understand that taking a shower immediately after exercise can have some adverse effects on the body.

When you engage in intense exercise and sweat spills on every corner of your body, you may feel satisfied and rejuvenated. However, the physiological changes in the body also begin to happen quietly at this moment. Especially after you've finished exercising, when you're craving a peaceful bath, knowing what's behind the process may help you choose your timing smarter.

During exercise, the blood vessels in your skin dilate rapidly, why? This is the body's natural response and is designed to help dissipate heat. This process causes a large increase in blood supply to the skin, which helps to reduce the body temperature to the proper level. Seemingly harmless vasodilation of the skin actually involves the distribution of the body's blood supply.

Another factor that is easy to overlook is that when you step into the hot water immediately after exercising, the heat generated in the bathroom can prevent air from circulating. This causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air, which can lead to a risk of oxygen deprivation of your brain. Especially for those with average physical fitness, this condition can trigger dizziness and dizziness.

Therefore, we recommend that after intense exercise, take a short break and wait for a while for your body to gradually calm down. Not only does this help stabilize your heart rate and breathing, but it also avoids a lack of oxygen to your brain. Then step into a warm shower to enjoy the comfort of the soothing hot water.

In this balance between exercise and bathing, you can better care for your body so that it is properly cared for after exercise. It's not only an enjoyable experience, it's also a thoughtful way to take care of your health.

As the saying goes: "When a person takes three baths, his life is thinner than paper", which "three baths" can't be washed? Know early and benefit early


Bathing is a necessary hygiene habit and a pleasurable ritual for physical comfort and cleanliness in a busy life. However, like all things, bathing needs to be done at the right time so that we can appreciate and care for our bodies more deeply. It's more than just cleansing, it's a respect for the body, giving the body time and space to adapt, recover, and soothe.

When we delay the time to take a bath, we are not only following the physiological principle, but also following a kind of gentle care for the body. In these moments, we can feel the body's response to our lifestyle. In the process of waiting, we are not only able to cleanse the skin, but also to cleanse the mind, leaving behind fatigue and anxiety and welcoming inner peace.

Only when we choose the right time to take a bath and give ourselves the right space and time can our bodies truly adapt and soothe. This perseverance not only helps to maintain the health and balance of the body, but also helps us to better feel the beauty of life. In addition to washing away the dust2, we are also cleansing our hearts and finding inner peace and harmony.