
The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

The younger sister paid off her brother's gambling debts and married a ten-year-old child

In the old East, there was a small village called Yunxi, where the people lived a simple and peaceful life. However, in this paradise-like place, there is a secret that no one knows.

There is a family in Yunxi Village, and the brother and sister depend on each other. The elder brother Li Hao is a handsome and dashing young man, but he has contracted the vice of gambling, wandering in casinos all day long, and owes a lot of gambling debts. Her younger sister Li Wan'er is a gentle and virtuous woman, she not only looks like a flower, but also has a kind heart. She silently endured the pressure brought by her brother and tried her best to maintain the family's livelihood.

One day, Li Hao lost all his money in the casino again, and creditors came to the door to force debts. They were vicious and threatened to drive the Li family brothers and sisters out of Yunxi Village. Seeing this, Li Wan'er's heart was like a knife, she knew that her brother could not extricate himself, and the only one who could save this family was herself.

So, she plucked up the courage to find the village elder and made a startling request that she would marry the ten-year-old boy in the village in exchange for a rich bride price to pay off her brother's gambling debts. The elder was shocked, but looking at Li Wan'er's determined eyes, he knew that this woman had already made a decision.

After the news spread, Yunxi Village was boiling. People talked about it, some sympathized with Li Wan'er's experience, and some accused Li Hao of being irresponsible. However, no matter what the outside world says, Li Wan'er is unwavering. She has only one belief in her heart, and that is to save this family.

Soon, the day of the wedding arrived. On that day, Yunxi Village was full of lights and gongs and drums. However, in this festive atmosphere, there is an indescribable sadness. Li Wan'er was wearing a wedding dress, with a faint smile on her face, but her heart was full of endless sadness.

The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

As night fell, the bridegroom, the ten-year-old child, was ushered into the new house by his family. He was ignorant and ignorant of what was about to happen. And Li Wan'er sat quietly on the edge of the bed, waiting for fate to arrange.

At this moment, a mysterious light suddenly shone in from the window, illuminating the entire room. In the light, a figure slowly appeared, it was an old man in a robe, he was smiling, his eyes flashed with wisdom.

"Miss Wan'er, would you like to hear from me?" The old man spoke.

Li Wan'er looked at the old man in front of her in surprise, she didn't know what this sudden change meant. However, she nodded her head and motioned for the old man to continue.

The old man smiled slightly and said, "You don't hesitate to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of your family." This courage and determination is truly admirable. However, fate is not set in stone, and the turning point is often in the most desperate moments. ”

As he spoke, the old man took out a crystal clear jade pendant from his sleeve and handed it to Li Wan'er: "This jade pendant has magical powers, it can help you change your fate." Tonight, all you have to do is wear it on your body and pretend to be a husband and wife and spend the night with the groom. Tomorrow morning, you'll find that everything has changed dramatically. ”

Li Wan'er took the jade pendant, and an inexplicable expectation surged in her heart. She did as the old man instructed, put the jade pendant on her body, and then lay down on the bed.

The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

Seeing this, the groom climbed into bed a little shyly. He was close to Li Wan'er, but he didn't dare to do anything deviant. Li Wan'er looked at this immature child, and a maternal tenderness surged in her heart. She gently took his hand and gently soothed him.

And just like that, the night passed. When the first rays of sunlight in the morning poured into the room, Li Wan'er was surprised to find that she was lying in an unfamiliar environment. She looked around and saw that the room was richly furnished, like a palace. And the groom officer next to him has also become a handsome and dashing young man.

"What's going on?" Li Wan'er exclaimed.

The young man smiled and explained, "Miss Wan'er, the jade pendant you wore last night is a thing of the Immortal Family. It takes you to a parallel world, where you are a young lady from a noble family, and I am your fiancé. We had already made a marriage engagement, but for some reason we couldn't get married in time. Last night, you pretended to be husband and wife, and you completed our wedding. From now on, you are a member of this world. ”

Li Wan'er was dumbfounded when she heard this, she couldn't believe her ears. However, everything in front of her was so real that she had to believe it. An inexplicable excitement welled up in her heart, and she knew that her fate had finally ushered in a turning point.

In this new world, Li Wan'er lives a very different life. She became the daughter of a nobleman and enjoyed endless glory and wealth. And her brother Li Hao also quit gambling addiction with her help and regained his strength. The two brothers and sisters depend on each other in this world and live happily ever after.

And that mysterious old man never appeared again. But Li Wan'er knew that it was he who changed her fate. Her heart was filled with gratitude, and she decided to cherish this hard-won happiness and live a wonderful life.

The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

In this new world, Li Wan'er gradually adapted to the life of an aristocratic daughter. She not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has a kind heart and a bright mind. She worked hard to learn etiquette, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and became a talented woman in the eyes of everyone. Her fiancé, the handsome and dashing young man, doted on her, and the relationship between the two grew deeper.

However, Li Wan'er always thought about her family in Yunxi Village. She knew that while she was living happily ever after in this world, her family there was still living in poverty. So, she decided to help them secretly and improve their lives.

She used her wisdom and resources to introduce advanced farming techniques and business opportunities to Yunxi Village. She sponsored the children in her village to go to school, opening the door to knowledge. She also helped the villagers build houses, bridges and roads to make their lives easier.

With the help of Li Wan'er, Yunxi Village gradually radiated new vitality. The villagers lived a prosperous and happy life, and they were grateful and regarded Li Wan'er as a benefactor in the village.

However, the happy days did not last long. One day, Yunxi Village suddenly suffered an unprecedented disaster. A sudden flood swept through the village, collapsing houses, destroying fields, and leaving the villagers in a desperate situation.

Li Wan'er, who learned the news, was heartbroken, and she immediately decided to return to Yunxi Village to help her family and fellow villagers tide over the difficulties. With enough resources and manpower, she braved the dangers to overcome many obstacles and finally returned to the place where she once lived.

The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

Looking at the ruins in front of her and the helpless eyes of the victims, Li Wan'er shed tears of heartache. But instead of dwelling on her grief, she acted quickly. She organized rescue and reconstruction efforts, providing food, clothing and shelter to the victims. She also contacted outside forces to win more aid and support for Yunxi Village.

Under the leadership of Li Wan'er, Yunxi Village gradually walked out of the shadow of disaster. The villagers came together and worked together to rebuild their homes. They are grateful for Li Wan'er's selfless assistance and see her as a savior and leader.

However, Li Wan'er did not stop because of this. She knows that there are still many people in need in this world. So, she continued to travel around to bring warmth and hope to those in need.

Her story spread across the continent, and people lamented her kindness and bravery. Her actions have also inspired more people to pay attention to the disadvantaged and help them live a better life.

And Li Wan'er, in this world full of fantasy, interprets the power of love and kindness with her own actions. She has changed not only her own destiny, but also the fate of countless others. She became a legendary presence that remained in people's hearts forever.

This is the complete story of Li Wan'er's experience after paying off her brother's gambling debts and marrying a ten-year-old child. It's full of fantasy and bizarre plot twists and turns that make people unexpected. But in this story, we see the brilliance of humanity and the power of love. It tells us that as long as we have good intentions and move forward, we will be able to create our own wonderful life. Sister pays off gambling debts for her brother and marries a ten-year-old boy (continued)

The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

After experiencing the disaster and reconstruction of Yunxi Village, Li Waner has a deeper understanding of the meaning of life. She is no longer satisfied with just living a comfortable life in the aristocratic world, but hopes to use her power to influence more people and change more fate.

She began to use her identity and resources to actively participate in public welfare. She donated money to help schools, build hospitals, and alleviate poverty. Her acts of kindness gradually spread throughout the country, and even neighboring countries were influenced by her. People have praised her as the "Living Bodhisattva", and it is her kindness and generosity that have changed the fate of countless people.

However, Li Wan'er was not satisfied with this. She knows that there are still many problems in this world that need to be solved, and many people are still suffering. She decided to step out of her comfort zone and explore more unknown areas to help more people in need.

So, she said goodbye to her fiancé and the life of an aristocrat and embarked on a new journey. She has traveled all over the world, seen different customs and customs, and encountered various difficulties and challenges. But she never flinched and always stuck to her beliefs and original intentions.

During her journey, she met many people in need. There are refugees who have lost their homes because of the war, there are patients who have suffered from illness, and there are children who are unable to go to school because of poverty. Every time, Li Wan'er reached out to help them with her own practical actions.

Her kindness has not only won people's respect and gratitude, but also allowed her to gain a lot of valuable experience and insights. She gradually understood that true happiness does not come from material abundance, but from inner satisfaction and love for others.

After years of hard work, Li Wan'er's deeds have spread throughout the continent. She became a legend, and her name and her story were passed down by word of mouth, inspiring more people to do good and create a better world.

The younger sister pays off her brother's gambling debts, marries a ten-year-old child, and the child's wedding night: pretending to be husband and wife

And Li Wan'er, who was once forced to marry a ten-year-old child because of gambling debts, also found her true self and happiness in the process. She proved with her actions that fate is not immutable, as long as you have the courage to change and the determination to work hard, you will be able to create a wonderful life of your own.

And the ten-year-old child, accompanied and taught by Li Wan'er, gradually grew into a responsible and wise young man. He inherited Li Wan'er's kindness and bravery, and used his own way to help others and give back to society.

Eventually, she and her family, friends, and those who had been helped by her created a world of love and hope. And her story will be passed down forever and become a good story for future generations.