
When he lived together for the first time at the age of 19, the moment he saw my department, he resolutely chose to leave?

author:Witty Flower Cat I04

The youthful dream of cohabitation and the unexpected parting

My name is Lin Xiaoqing, and when I was 19 years old, I stepped into this well-known university located in a bustling city with infinite longing for university life and beautiful expectations for the future. I come from an ordinary family, and my parents are hard workers, who have paved the way for me to study with their own hands, hoping that I can get out of the town and have a wider world.

In college, I met him - Chen Hao. He is sunny and handsome, intelligent and humorous, and always stands out from the crowd. We met by chance, from the initial strangeness to the later acquaintance, and then to love, everything is like a fate arranged by God. We admired each other, attracted each other, and soon fell in love.

At that time, we were in love and looking forward to each other's company every day. In order to get to know each other better, we decided to live together. This decision may seem impulsive at the time, but we are convinced that it is part of love, a firm commitment to each other's future.

The days of living together are full of sweetness and warmth. We cook together, watch movies together, go shopping together, and enjoy the time that belongs to the two of us. Chen Hao always takes care of me carefully, cares about my diet and daily life, and makes me feel extremely happy. However, the happy days did not last long, and a sudden accident shattered our peaceful life.

When he lived together for the first time at the age of 19, the moment he saw my department, he resolutely chose to leave?

It was a sunny weekend, and Chen Hao and I were both at home on vacation. I was wearing a loose and comfortable dress and sitting on the couch reading a book. Chen Hao brought a cup of hot tea from the kitchen and gently placed it in front of me. He sat beside me, looking at me with a gentle look in his eyes, and suddenly said, "Xiaoqing, I want to see your ......" Before he finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on me.

I was stunned, wondering why he suddenly made such a request. In my mind, cohabitation does not mean showing everything about yourself without reservation. I smiled a little awkwardly and tried to change the subject. But Chen Hao seemed to be very persistent, he looked at me seriously again and said, "Xiaoqing, I really want to see it." ”

I felt a little helpless, but I couldn't bear to refuse him. So, I took a deep breath and slowly unbuttoned my dress. When I took off my skirt, Chen Hao's eyes suddenly became stunned and lost. He froze for a few seconds, then stood up silently, turned and walked into the bedroom.

I was stunned and didn't understand what was going on. I got up and walked to the bedroom door and knocked softly. Chen Hao was silent inside for a while, and then opened the door. He looked at me with mixed emotions in his eyes. He said softly, "Xiaoqing, I'm sorry. ”

I was a little confused and asked him why he apologized. He was silent for a moment, then said, "I see the scars on your body. I was stunned, not knowing what he was referring to. He went on to say: "I know what these scars mean to you, but I really didn't think ......"

When he lived together for the first time at the age of 19, the moment he saw my department, he resolutely chose to leave?

That's when I realized he was referring to the scars I had from an accident when I was a child. Those scars used to be a pain in my heart, but over time, I've learned to face them calmly. I told Chen Hao that these scars did not affect my life and self-confidence, and I did not want them to become an obstacle between us.

However, Chen Hao seemed to be unable to let go. He told me that he couldn't accept a girl with scars on her body as his partner. He said he loved me a lot, but he couldn't overcome the prejudices and fears in his heart. I feel disappointed and sad, but I also understand that everyone has their own bottom line and principles.

We were silent for a long time and finally decided to break up. Chen Hao said that he needed time to accept and face his heart, and I needed time to heal my wounds. We wish each other true happiness and fulfillment.

In the days after the breakup, I experienced a long period of loss and pain. But gradually, I began to understand a truth: love is not the whole of life, each of us has our own value and meaning. I began to study and work harder to continuously improve my abilities and qualities. I met a lot of new friends and opportunities, and I gradually stepped out of the shadows of the past.

One day a few years later, I met Chen Hao on the street by chance. He looks more mature and poised than before. We talked for a while, and he told me that he was married and living happily. I smiled and blessed him and told him that I had found my own happiness too.

When he lived together for the first time at the age of 19, the moment he saw my department, he resolutely chose to leave?

At that moment, I suddenly realized that I had let go of the pain and regrets of the past. I am grateful for that youthful time of living together and the good memories that Chen Hao gave me, but I also cherish my present life and future even more. I have learned a truth: no matter what we have experienced in the past, we must face the present and the future bravely, believing in our own worth and strength. Only in this way can we find true happiness and fulfillment.