
Younger brother and younger sibling

author:The late Matsuyama Torina
Younger brother and younger sibling

Younger brother and younger sibling

Xu Quan

My brother was born in March 1968, and my mother said it was a very cold spring. Later, I learned that when my mother said cold, she was not only referring to the cold of the natural weather, but also to the cold of my family's political climate. That spring, when my mother was giving birth, a group of rebels came to arrest my father without success, but they ransacked my house. As soon as these people made a fuss, my brother began to cry. The family is ruined, the father is missing, the mother is anxious, the milk is seriously insufficient, and the younger brother has been starving since he was a child. If you are frightened in your swaddling clothes, you may not have a peaceful life. The younger sibling is one year older than the younger brother, and she is hardworking and kind. Coming to my house at the age of 21, I have worked hard with my younger brother for many years, although I have not saved thousands of family fortunes, but the hard work and hard work have touched the whole family.

The younger brother is the youngest, and he was deeply loved by his parents when he was a child. But at that time, it was difficult, and despite his parents' preference for him, it still didn't make him strong, and he was not tall. The younger brother is not afraid of hardship, and after graduating from elementary school, he started a business with his father. The father sells goods, and he collects the money. His reflexes made his father happy, and he followed him from then on, and his father also intended to train him. The base of my father's business was Keqi Zhirui, and there I had to take a long winding mountain road, known as Shibapanliang. The land is vast and sparsely populated, and the food crop is mainly wheat. As long as people are diligent, they will not only solve the problem of food and clothing, but also have surplus food. My father chose there because he fell in love with the granary. My father used a cart to pull the smoke and go there to exchange for wheat. The wheat is then sold to the grain station and turned into cash. At that time, there were few people doing business, so they exchanged scarce goods with each other. The younger brother followed his father to other places, and although it was hard, the harvest was great. He not only saw the quaint folk customs there, but also learned a lot of ways to do business. The father saw that his younger brother was a potential stock, and was ready to buy a walk-behind tractor in the spring of the following year, so that his younger brother could drive and do business with him. But God did not fulfill people's wishes, and before his brother could show his talent, his father died that winter. Although his younger brother and father learned many business strategies, he was too young to venture alone, and his dreams had to run aground.

Younger brother and younger sibling

The younger brother has had a rough life. When he was fourteen or fifteen years old, his parents died. Losing the favor of his parents, his brother was in close contact with poverty, and he couldn't help, so he had to fend for himself. Sell fritters in spring and autumn, ice cream in summer, and go to rural markets in winter. Although I didn't make a lot of money, I was busy and had no free time. At the age of sixteen, with the help of relatives, he went to work in a company, and his relatives promised to give him a contract worker, and his younger brother looked forward to it. He works hard, doesn't get into trouble, and doesn't do anything wrong. Two years later, he finally looked forward to the opportunity to change to a contract worker, but his relatives transferred it to his nephew, and he just drew a big pie for his younger brother, and the younger brother wanted to cry without tears. It is understandable that in the era of materialism, family affection is more important than human affection. There was no room for development in the enterprise, so the younger brother returned to his hometown to start his own business. After the reform and opening up, people's living standards in the rural areas have undergone earth-shaking changes. The younger brother fell in love with the big cake of the farmer's table, and he began to make farmhouse tofu. This job is very hard, get up early and be greedy to do it, and sell it in the wind and rain. In case of rain and snow, you have to sell on credit. It's not easy, but the income is considerable. Seeing that it is profitable, many people join this industry. The capacity of the rural market is limited, and competition cannot be avoided, and it is common for each other to tear each other down. One person watched his younger brother supply the railway station, and he used his connections to pry into the business, and the younger brother lost to him. Although the man was not particular about his thoughts, his tofu was not delicious, and the station asked for his brother's tofu again. That demolition not only did not overthrow the younger brother, but fulfilled the younger brother, and the younger brother was very busy. The villagers introduced the younger brother to the younger brother, and the younger brother and sister sympathized with the younger brother's plight and pitied his life experience. She decided to share the ups and downs of life with her younger brother and share the joy of success together.

Younger brother and younger sibling

After his younger brother got married, he had a daughter and a son, he thought that he had not lived a good life since he was a child, and he wanted to give his children a better life, so he discussed with his younger siblings to engage in large-scale farming. That fall, he took out a bank loan and bought back forty calves. During the day, they went to the mountains outside the village to raise their food, and at night they were carefully fed at home, and the two of them did their best to raise these lovely creatures. It's another year of autumn grass yellow, and my brother's calf is fat and strong, and the growth is gratifying, and the repayment of the loan is just around the corner. Just when the younger siblings were planning for the future, the relentless epidemic struck, and many calves were infected. The villagers persuaded the younger brother to sell the sick cattle, and some cattle sellers came to the door and sold them at a low price for slaughter. The younger brother would rather suffer a loss himself than want the sick beef to flow into the market and poison the living beings. The younger brother did his best to save the sick calves, but the virus still took the lives of some of the calves. During those gray days, her younger siblings showed her inner strength and tenacity. She repeatedly comforted her brother not to be discouraged, there was always a time when the sun was shining. The sudden loss was too much for the younger brother to bear. He didn't want to live a life of fear anymore, and when the epidemic passed, he sold the remaining calves and went out to work again.

Younger brother and younger sibling

The younger brother is a person who is not willing to fail. Years of hard work, years of tossing. After trying the hardships of family farming, family workshop, business, and going out to work, my younger brother's economic situation improved. A few years ago, the breeding industry was booming, and my younger brother returned to his old business and began to raise cattle again. He planned, designed, and built the barn in his backyard. It is equipped with a grass storage room, a batching room, and a farrowing room. With the lessons learned from the past, my younger brother attaches great importance to epidemic prevention work. He asked a professional herdsman to vaccinate the cattle and regularly check and track the health of the cattle. The barn is ventilated daily, disinfected regularly, and fed regularly. After several years of hard work, the younger brothers and sisters have accumulated rich breeding experience and embarked on the road of large-scale farming. Despite the upset in the market, the younger siblings have always stuck to the field of hope. Regardless of winter or summer, they wake up at 5 a.m. every morning to start their busy day. Although the market prospect is unpredictable, looking at these lovely creatures, they are still looking forward to a bright future.

Younger brother and younger sibling

(The picture comes from the Internet)