
The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

author:The story of you, me, him

This month, the Fujian was launched, and Academician Ma Weiming, the "father of China's electromagnetic catapult", made great contributions. As the highest authority in this field in the mainland, Academician Ma enjoys a good reputation and has been invited by foreign scientific research institutions for many years. Not long ago, a representative of an American laboratory once again handed over a sky-high annual salary contract, hoping that Academician Ma would go to the United States to show his skills.

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

However, Academician Ma once again tightened his brows and politely declined the other party's invitation. This is not the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. In recent years, Academician Ma has rejected the temptation of heavy money from abroad again and again without hesitation, and has chosen to take root in the motherland.

For ordinary people, it may be difficult to refuse a good annual salary, but for Academician Ma, there are deeper considerations behind this. This consideration stems from a scientist's keen insight into scientific research independence and national sovereignty, and it also contains the pure feelings of a descendant of Yan and Huang for the motherland.

As a scientist, Academician Ma is well aware that scientific and technological strength is a strategic resource to ensure national security and development. Especially in today's information age, every scientific and technological achievement may have a direct bearing on the survival and security of the country. Therefore, in his medicine, scientific and technological research and development and innovation must adhere to "independent and controllable", and must not allow core secret technologies to be exported to other countries.

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

This is not only the duty of a scientist, but also a great responsibility for the future of the country. Once a country's scientific and technological sovereignty is damaged, the consequences are unimaginable. How can Academician Ma, as a national scholar, ignore it? He has never forgotten this moment and defended the motherland's sovereignty and right to speak in this field with practical actions.

It can be said that Academician Ma is a typical representative of "scientific patriotism". With his extraordinary courage and courage, he closely linked his personal scientific research career with the future and destiny of the country, and gave birth to independent science and technology that inspired China with ingenuity.

This kind of pure heart for the country and the nation is not only reflected in his scientific research achievements, but also in his deep attachment to this hot land. At the critical moment when he was tempted countless times, Academician Ma remembered the motherland, the land that cultivated him, so he naturally rejected all kinds of sugar-coated shells, preferring to "start from scratch and be empty-handed".

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

Because Academician Ma understands that personal ideals and careers are pinned on the development of the motherland. A person who has the ambition to dedicate himself to the country must not easily leak the results of scientific research and let the motherland be passive and deprived in the competition of science and technology. He attached everything to the hot land of the motherland, and vowed to win the glory and sovereignty of science and technology for her.

Now, when Academician Ma calmly stepped into the end of his life, the patriotic sentiment and determination to serve the country embodied in this old man will surely go down in history. This not only shows how much a generation of scientists can contribute to the country and the nation, but also demonstrates the unswerving national ambition of the sons and daughters of China.

At present, when more and more "high-end" talents begin to be tempted by high salaries and favorable conditions abroad, and involuntarily begin to shake their minds, the story of Academician Ma will sound a deafening alarm bell for them. The significance of a scientific and technological talent to the country lies not only in personal achievements, but also in responsibility and loyalty to the motherland.

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

A country's scientific and technological sovereignty and development require the unswerving pursuit and defense of all scientific and technological talents. Only by taking root in the country and being self-reliant and self-reliant can our scientific and technological undertakings blossom everywhere and not be nipped in the bud by foreign countries. Only in this way can our national scientific and technological strength increase day by day, and finally win the last ride of this world science and technology competition...

Academician Ma writes a new chapter of national self-confidence, and the road of serving the country with science and technology is shining

Looking at the present, it is not difficult for us to find that the current international competition for scientific and technological talents is in full swing. Major scientific research powers have extended olive branches to top talents around the world, trying to take each other's scientific and technological achievements and intellectual resources for themselves.

In this context, the choice made by Academician Ma is particularly valuable. He could have gained fame and fortune and scolded Fang Xuan to enjoy a high salary abroad, but he unswervingly chose to take root in the motherland. This unswerving determination to serve the country is destined to immortalize his name in history and become a national hero who inspires China.

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

After careful consideration, Academician Ma's choice was not a temporary move, but stemmed from his infinite attachment to the motherland and his deep understanding of "family and country feelings". For a long time, he has integrated his career into the country's development plan, and regarded serving the motherland as his highest personal pursuit.

Some people say that Academician Ma is a modern interpretation of "not bending over for five buckets of rice". This sentence vividly reflects Academician Ma's adherence to personal ethics and professional ethics. As a top talent of "chasing the wind with tall trees", he is well aware of the great significance of the technology he has developed to national security and development, and must not let it go to a foreign country.

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

It is this love for the motherland and the nation that allows Academician Ma to be more than comfortable in the face of temptation. Because he knows that only by protecting the motherland's scientific and technological sovereignty can the process of national rejuvenation be stable and far-reaching. Once the scientific and technological achievements are allowed to flow out, the consequences are unimaginable.

Today, Academician Ma is old and is calmly entering the end of his life. In this era when every second counts, he used his precious life to compose a moving patriotic hymn. And this spiritual wealth will surely become a precious heritage passed down from generation to generation, and forever illuminate the road of serving the country with science and technology.

Looking forward to the future, when more and more "high-end" talents are tempted by high salaries and favorable conditions abroad, the story of Academician Ma will surely be remembered and sound a wake-up call for these people. The significance of a scientific and technological talent to the country lies not only in how high his personal achievements are, but also in how loyal he is to the motherland.

The United States has repeatedly invited Ma Weiming to visit the United States, but unexpectedly, Academician Ma ignored them at all

Only by closely attaching one's personal ideals to the development of the motherland and regarding national interests above all else can we inject lasting impetus into our scientific and technological undertakings and finally win the final victory in the world scientific and technological competition.

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