
Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

author:Zhou Zhou 1314520

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After reading the story of this Beijing guy "green onion coriander" and the old man in Inner Mongolia, I really understood what true family affection and understanding are. When he first stepped into his girlfriend's house, he was worried that he would be rejected for being poor and white. However, after a few glasses of wine and a few mouthfuls of meat, the estrangement between him and his father-in-law disappeared.

He candidly told his father-in-law about his experience of failing to start a business, losing all his assets and having a lot of foreign debts. I thought I would hear reproach or indifference, but the old man gave him the greatest support with his actions. He did not hesitate to sell the family's 70 sheep just to help the prospective son-in-law make a comeback. He said affectionately that whoever has no ups and downs in life, he believes that his son-in-law can rise again. He also shared his difficult experience in the past, although he was in debt, he still pulled the children up, and now everything has survived.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

This trust and support moved "green onion and coriander" to tears. He vowed that he would succeed again and repay his father-in-law's affection. And the old man just silently handed over the bank card and said simply: "Be kind to your daughter and live a good life." These simple words are full of deep fatherly love and hope for the future.

What touched me even more was that although my father-in-law's family was not wealthy, he treated his son-in-law like his own relatives. They did not pay too much attention to material conditions, but paid more attention to the relationship and future life of the two. The father-in-law even said that marriage and foreign debts are two different things, as long as the two can live a down-to-earth life and devote themselves to the family, life will naturally be prosperous.

Such an old man is a real good father-in-law. He doesn't ask for anything in return, he just wants his daughter to live happily. And "Green Onion Coriander" also proved with his own actions that he is a person who knows how to be grateful and has the correct three views. Their stories made me see the greatness of family affection and the sincere emotions between people. I hope that their future will be as prosperous and happy as the old man wishes.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

In this warm story, the Beijing guy "Green Onion Coriander" uses his real experience to explain to us what sincere and deep love is. When he stepped into the door of his girlfriend in Inner Mongolia, his original worries and apprehensions came to naught after a few glasses of wine.

He opened his heart and confessed to his father-in-law about his past failures - the failure of his business, the loss of assets, and the heavy foreign debt. But unexpectedly, the old man did not have any suspicion of him because of this, but expressed his full support for him with actions. He resolutely sold his family's flock, just to give the prospective son-in-law a chance to get back on his feet.

The old man's words are simple and sincere: "Who has no ups and downs in life? I believe in you, and you will be able to get back on your feet again. He also shared his own experience of always sticking to his love and responsibility for his family, even in difficult times. This trust and support made "Green Onion Coriander" feel deeply warm, and he was determined to live up to expectations and repay this affection with future success.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

What is even more touching is that the father-in-law's family is indifferent to material things and cherishes emotions. They did not pay too much attention to the bride price and the RV, but paid more attention to the relationship between the two and the future life. The old man said bluntly: "Marriage has nothing to do with foreign debts, as long as you can support each other and face the challenges of life together, life will naturally become more prosperous." ”

This story allows us to see the beauty and power of family and love. It tells us that true support and understanding often comes from those who are willing to put aside material prejudices and feel and understand us with their hearts. And the story of "green onion and coriander" and the old man in Inner Mongolia is the best interpretation of this beauty and strength.

In distant Inner Mongolia, a warm emotional story is quietly staged. Beijing youth "green onion coriander" stepped into his girlfriend's house with a vision for the future. When they met for the first time, he did not feel inferior because of his own predicament, but opened up with his father-in-law at the wine table.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

He candidly talked about his past failures, the frustrations and losses on the road to entrepreneurship, and the debts he carried. However, the old man did not show any displeasure after hearing this, but used his actions to explain what is called real support and trust. He did not hesitate to sell his beloved flock, just to give the young man a chance to start over.

The old man's words were warm and firm: "Young man, it's not terrible to fall, the key is to stand up bravely." I believe in you, you will be able to carve out a world of your own. He also shared his past experiences and encouraged "Green Onion Coriander" to face life's challenges bravely.

In this family, material things are not the only measure of happiness. What they value more is the emotional bond between people and the shared hope for the future. The enthusiasm and acceptance of the father-in-law's family for "green onion and coriander" made him feel unprecedented warmth.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

Marriage and debt repayment are not indispensable in the eyes of the father-in-law. He firmly believes that as long as the two are connected and face the ups and downs of life together, the days will definitely be more and more prosperous. This belief and expectation deeply moved "Green Onion Coriander" and made him more determined to spend his life with his girlfriend.

This is a story about family, love and trust, which allows us to see the brilliance and beauty of human nature. In this hustle and bustle of the world, sometimes, a sincere emotion is more precious than any material possessions.

In the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, a sincere emotion that transcends regions and customs is being staged. "Green onion coriander", a young man from Beijing, walked into his girlfriend's house with expectations for the future and a hint of apprehension. He expected to face a series of inquiries about the bride price of the motorhome, but the reality turned out to be unexpected.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

After a few glasses of wine, the estrangement between him and his father-in-law quietly dissolved. He candidly talks about his entrepreneurial experience, the ups and downs, successes and failures, and the difficulties he faces today. After hearing this, the old man did not say too much, but silently made a decision - to sell the family's sheep and provide financial support for the young man.

In the eyes of the old man, material is not the standard for measuring a person, he values a person's quality and potential more. He used his own actions to tell "Green Onion Coriander" that no matter what difficulties he encounters, as long as he has the courage to face them and is determined to change, he will be able to get out of the predicament and meet a new life.

This family does not have too much red tape, and there are no worldly prejudices and constraints. They use their own way to interpret the true meaning of family affection and love. Marriage and foreign debt are not irreconcilable contradictions in their view. They believe that as long as two people truly love each other and go hand in hand, they will be able to create their own happiness together.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

"Green onion and coriander" was deeply touched by the warmth and tolerance of this family. He understands that he has not only found someone worthy of trusting him with life, but also a family that can give him support and encouragement. He is determined to use his own efforts and success to repay this rare affection and kindness.

It's a story of trust, understanding, and love. It shows us that in this world, there are always some people who are willing to treat us with sincerity and support us with actions. And we should also cherish these beautiful emotions and return and pass them on in our own way.

In the vast land of Inner Mongolia, a warm story of trust and understanding is slowly unfolding. Beijing youth "green onion and coriander" crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and stepped into his girlfriend's door, with both expectation and anxiety about the unknown.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

After a few cups and lamps, he and his father-in-law's hearts were quietly connected. He recounted his ups and downs, the setbacks of his business, the loss of his assets, and the heavy debts he was carrying. However, the old man did not prejudice against him because of this, but showed his deep fatherly love with practical actions. He decided to sell his family's sheep to provide financial support for the young man and help him get back on his feet.

In this family, material things are not the measure of everything. What they value more is the emotional bond between people, and the common hope for the future. My husband knows that everyone has troughs and peaks, and the key is how to face them. He used his own experience to encourage "green onion and coriander", bravely face difficulties, and will definitely be able to break into a world in the future.

Marriage and foreign debts are not an insurmountable gap in the eyes of my father-in-law. He firmly believes that as long as the two of them are connected and face the challenges of life together, life will be prosperous. This trust and understanding deeply touched "Green Onion Coriander" and made him more determined to spend his life with his girlfriend.

Teary-eyed! The father-in-law sold 70 sheep to support the prospective son-in-law, and the prospective son-in-law once had tens of millions of assets to lose money

This is a story of affection, love and trust. It shows us that in this world, there are always some people who are willing to treat us with sincerity and support us with actions. And we should also cherish these beautiful emotions and return and pass them on in our own way. In the story of "green onion and coriander" and the old man in Inner Mongolia, we feel the warmth and beauty of human nature, and also see the hope and strength of life.

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