
After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

author:Zhai Xiaohan

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, and heroes from all walks of life sang and I appeared.

These three kingdoms are like a hot pot, with all ingredients, laughter and tears, and many heart-wrenching moments.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

Zhang Fei is tall and big, and his personality is as straightforward as a cold beer in summer, and as soon as he opens his mouth, he is "done".

It makes people love and fear at the same time.

In terms of status, Guan Yu put on the hat of Tinghou early.

There are a few more gold edges than Zhang Fei's county marquis's hat, which makes people have to look twice.

But the world is unpredictable, and heroes also have times when they are in trouble.

On the other hand, Zhang Fei, although he also ended in a tragedy due to his hot temper, the Zhang family stood tall and no one dared to touch it.

This is strange, it stands to reason that there is no big tree to enjoy the shade.

The Zhang family should be the weak party, how can they live better than the Guan family?

On the surface, there are five big and three thick

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

But Zhang Fei prefers to sell pork.

At the bazaar,

Zhang Fei, this guy, on the surface, is five big and three coarse, but in fact, the account in his heart is better than anyone else.

not only earned money, but also saved reputation.

In the eyes of that merchant, there was only the era of copper plates.

Zhang Fei was stunned, relying on a simple and honest and a little witty.

I just stabilized my foothold in the troubled times and lived a small life that others envied.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

You know,

Zhang Fei's butcher shop brought peace to his family.

However, this tranquility is like ice cream in summer, sweet is sweet, but it also melts quickly.

But Zhang Fei, he is not only muscular, but also active.

He did not choose to be comfortable, but resolutely replaced the butcher knife with a spear and followed Liu Bei's eldest brother to start a business.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

The courage and delicacy behind this is not something that everyone has.

He saw through that instead of passively waiting for the unknown tomorrow, it was better to take the initiative to create a future of his own.

This decision is like the crispness and neatness of his chopping meat, without dragging the mud and water.

Zhang Fei, the former butcher, gradually transformed.

In the battle of Changbanpo, Cao's army pressed the border.

Zhang Fei single-handedly stood at the head of the bridge.

In the face of Cao Jun, who was surging like a tide, he did not have the slightest fear, but broke out with an earth-shattering shout:

"I am Yanren Zhang Yide, who dares to fight with me!"

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

That sound, like the thunder of the nine heavens, shook the earth, and also shook the hearts of the enemy army, and actually made Cao's soldiers and horses retreat without a fight.

Later, in the Battle of Lingling, Xing Daorong and others came in formation.

Soon, traps were laid and the enemy was trapped on all sides.

In the end, the enemy army was defeated, and the banners were all over the ground.

From this battle, it can be seen that Zhang Fei's strength is unmatched, and his outstanding military achievements are unmatched.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

Along the way, he has repeatedly achieved miraculous feats and subdued countless warriors.

The mind is delicate, and the background is not ordinary

In addition to covering the sky with his bare hands, that brave and unparalleled ability.

He can also be described as an unexpected master of political skills.

In the face of those children of the gentry family,

Yan Yan and Pang Tong are people who are good at scheming.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?


This is tantamount to tying up the family's strategy with the top of the political power, and climbing the high branch of this ruling core.

In fact, strictly speaking, Zhang Fei himself can be regarded as the son of the gate valve of the official eunuch family.

It has an inextricable relationship with Cao Cao, the clan relative of the current dynasty.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

Perhaps it is because of this background.

arrogant, offended a lot of people

In Cao Ying,

This kind of anger can be called the embodiment of loyalty, deafening and deafening, and forever recorded in history.

It's a pity,

I often have a grudge with others because of a trivial matter.

Together with the old qualifications of Huang Zhong in the robe, Guan Yu was also humiliated by an unintentional mistake.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

"It's okay 终不与老兵同列!"

He has always been dismissive of in-laws.

Sun Quan once courted his children and wanted to maintain the relationship between the two families through marriage.

When Guan Yu heard this, he was furious and scolded him without words.

"Tiger Woman, Daughter-in-law!"

But no matter how good you are,

Those stubborn words naturally left a great bane for his son Guan Ping.

It was because of this time that Guan Yu was later defeated and killed by the Wu army, and there was nowhere to rest along with the bones of his son Guan Ping.

Pang De was a fierce general under Cao Cao.

Experienced in a hundred battles, majestic.

In the face of the demand for surrender, Pang De spoke wildly, which was simply a disregard and contempt for Guan Yu.

This kind of arrogance naturally annoyed Guan Yu.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

So he waved the Qinglong knife in his hand and beat Pang De ruthlessly, taking his life.

It was a scene that seemed to be etched in his mind forever.

Since then, he has only one obsession in his heart, and that is to avenge his generous and heroic father.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

A few years have passed, and Pang Hui has become a well-known soldier.

In 263 AD, Pang De's son Pang Hui followed Zhong Hui and Deng Ai.

At that time, Zhang Fei's family had a special relationship, and Zhang Shao's mother was from Xiahou's family.

The generals of Wei did not touch their family because of this identity, and Zhang Shao and his family were safe.

But Guan Yu's family was not so lucky.

There is no backing, no one to cover.

As soon as he entered the Shu Kingdom, he secretly looked for the traces of Guan Yu's descendants.

At dusk that day, with a strong anger and determination for revenge, he killed the mansion of Guan Yu's descendants.

After the fall of Shu, why did no one in Zhang Fei's family dare to move, but Guan Yu was killed all over the house?

Pang Hui has always remembered the matter of his father Pang De in his heart, so he took this opportunity to avenge his old father under the banner of revenge.

Dealt with Guan Yu's descendants one by one, and avenged the revenge of the year.

This one sounds embarrassing.

Pang Hui relieved the hatred in his heart, but the joys and sorrows of the families behind him were gently waved by the big hand of history and became a story in the mouths of future generations.