
How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

author:Your uncle

The life in the ancient court has always been full of curiosity and infinite reverie, because in such a special environment, whether it is the emperor, or the eunuch and the palace maid, their lives are completely different worlds from ordinary people, and they are also subject to a lot of restrictions and constraints, especially in the area of emotional life, there are a lot of taboos and taboos, because in that environment, their feelings are often greatly affected, and even cannot be understood.

However, in such an environment full of taboos and taboos, people have found a very special emotional bond, that is, the so-called pairing, that is to say, even in that kind of life, there are still some people who can overcome many obstacles and find their own happiness, and they can also protect and cherish their feelings in silence, such a feeling, but also left a very deep impression on future generations, and also let us have a deeper understanding of ancient court life.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

The special living environment has created a special emotional bond

Whether it is a eunuch or a palace maid, being able to enter the palace means that their whole life will be spent there, because in that place, there are a lot of rules and etiquette, and there are unimaginable power struggles, so their lives are actually very lonely and hard, and more importantly, they can't choose their own lives at all, everything is arranged, and they can't have too much freedom.

In that environment, their emotional life is also very restricted, because no matter what kind of feelings, they will be criticized and pointed at by others, and more importantly, they can't express their emotions openly like ordinary people, so in that environment, their hearts are often very lonely and helpless, and there will be all kinds of emotional depression.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

However, even in that environment, their yearning for a better life will never change, so no matter what kind of restrictions, they will still find their own happiness, and there will be some special emotional ties that appear in their lives, which is the so-called pairing, such feelings have also become a ray of light in their lives, bringing them a trace of warmth and comfort.

In fact, in the court at that time, it was not easy to find their own pair, because this would violate the rules and etiquette of the court, and it would also affect their work, so they established such a relationship, often very carefully, and it must be secret, not known by others, and more importantly, if it was known by the emperor, it would be punished very severely.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

However, despite being in such an environment, their emotional life has been subject to countless restrictions and obstacles, but their hearts, the yearning for a happy life, will never change in the slightest, so they will use various ways to protect and cherish their feelings, and no matter what others think, they will go on firmly, because in their opinion, at any time, sincere feelings are very worthy of efforts and cherishment.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

Only by feeling it with your heart can you understand the true meaning

When we look at the ancient court, many times we will be confused by those gorgeous appearances, and feel that that kind of life is actually very beautiful, but when we really walk in, to feel and think, we will find that the original kind of life still has endless bitterness and helplessness, and also has all kinds of joys and sorrows.

Especially in the eunuchs and palace maids, their lives are like being controlled by others, they can't have too much freedom, and more importantly, their hearts can't get the understanding and comfort of others, so in that kind of life, they will have such a strong emotional desire, and they will find inner comfort through pairing.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

And for us, if we want to understand and feel such feelings, it is actually very difficult, because in that kind of life, what they face is far more than just a love life, there are countless life and death tests, and there are unimaginable pressures and setbacks, so it is not easy for them to come together and be firmly together.

Only by feeling with your heart can you understand the true meaning of it, and you can understand that at any time, sincere feelings are so precious and precious, and no matter in any environment, you should be respected and understood, and I hope that through such a feeling, you can bring some inspiration and touching to people, so that people can understand that no matter what kind of life you have, it should be full of love and hope.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

Write to the end

The pairing in the ancient court is undoubtedly a very special topic, and it also leaves a very deep impression on people, because in such a special environment, it is not easy to have a sincere feeling, and more importantly, they can also use their own way to protect and cherish such feelings, which has left people with a very deep inspiration and touch.

When we understand such things, we may feel very sorry and feel that that life is actually very sad, but when we think about it carefully, we will find that no matter what kind of life, there will be all kinds of feelings, and there will be people who use their love and persistence to interpret the meaning of life, bring some inspiration and touching to people, and also make people understand that at any time, love is the most important part of life.

How did the ancient palace maid vent her "sexual desire"? Most people will choose "anti-food", what does this mean?

Therefore, no matter what kind of life it is, we may not be able to choose and change, but we can use our own way to treat and understand, and we can also use love to fill the regrets of life, bring some different colors to life, and hope that at any time, no matter what kind of environment, there can be more people who can find their own happiness, and they can also bravely pursue and guard, because at any time, sincere feelings are so precious and beautiful.