
How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

author:Sharp-eyed life

Aunt Zhang, a well-known health expert in our community, really regards water as more important than anything else, and she has to drink eight glasses of water every day.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

But recently, Aunt Zhang has encountered a headache for her. Every time she drank water, she felt that something was wrong with her face, as if it was a little edema.

Especially when she opened her eyes every morning, the edema of her face made her not have the courage to look in the mirror. We all know that Aunt Zhang is a beauty-loving person, and the edema of her face makes her embarrassed to go out to meet people.

One night, Aunt Zhang mentioned this to her wife, Uncle Li. When Uncle Li heard this, his brows tightened, he straightened his waist and said, "This is not a joke, you better go to the hospital and have a look, but don't have anything wrong." ”

As soon as Aunt Zhang heard this, she began to mumble in her heart: "Is there anything wrong with me drinking water?" ”

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

Drinking water, as the most common behavior in daily life, is inextricably linked to our health and even lifespan.

So, why do some people feel sick after drinking water? Are the abnormal symptoms that occur after drinking water a sign of some physical disease?


Problems with drinking water before bedtime

Some people believe that drinking water before bed can prevent nighttime dehydration and help maintain the body's water balance, which can be beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Experts point out that drinking water in moderation can indeed maintain the body's normal physiological functions, help you sleep comfortably, and prevent problems that may result from lack of water at night, such as increased blood viscosity.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

However, there is also an opinion that excessive drinking of water at night may increase the burden on the kidneys, cause edema, and even affect the quality of sleep. To be clear here, "overdose" is the key word.

Everything is about a degree, and drinking water is no exception. Drinking a small amount of water can maintain the body's water balance and contribute to the body's normal metabolism, but excessive water consumption can upset this balance and put a burden on the body.


The relationship between edema and drinking water before bedtime

Many people worry that drinking water before bed will cause edema. However, science has shown that drinking water in moderation before bed does not cause edema.

Edema is caused by excessive accumulation of fluids in the interstitial space, which is usually related to the body's physiological mechanisms rather than a single water intake factor.

Under normal circumstances, the body's circulatory, respiratory, and urinary systems work together to regulate fluid balance.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

After the water you drink before bed is absorbed by the small intestine, these systems work together to ensure that water is properly distributed and excreted in the body. Therefore, drinking water in moderation does not trigger edema.

Of course, if you drink too much water before bedtime, it may increase the burden on your kidneys and affect the quality of sleep, but this does not mean that it will necessarily lead to edema. If you have symptoms of edema, it may be related to other health problems, and it is recommended to seek medical attention in time.


Who can't drink more water before bed

People with heart disease: People with heart disease may need to limit their water intake to reduce the burden on their heart and avoid increased pressure on the heart caused by too much water.

Ingesting a large amount of water at one time or frequently, the water will quickly enter the bloodstream, increase the blood volume, increase blood pressure, and increase the workload of the heart, which may cause uncomfortable symptoms such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and palpitations.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

Patients with kidney disease: For people with renal insufficiency, it is necessary to control water intake to reduce the burden on the kidneys and prevent water poisoning.

The kidneys in people with kidney disease are not able to excrete excess water and waste products efficiently, which can lead to edema and other health problems if they drink too much water before bed.

Patients with hyperacidity or gastric ulcers: Drinking water before bed may irritate the gastric mucosa and aggravate the condition. For these people, drinking water before bed may trigger uncomfortable symptoms such as stomach pain and heartburn.

People with poor digestion: Drinking plenty of water before going to bed may dilute stomach acid, which is not conducive to digestion. Especially for people who drink water before breakfast, it may affect the digestion and absorption of breakfast.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

Men with prostatic hyperplasia: Drinking water before going to bed may increase the number of wake-ups at night and affect sleep quality. If these people feel thirsty, they can drink a small amount of water to avoid frequent urination at night caused by drinking a lot of water.


If these 4 abnormalities occur, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time


When the glomerular filtration membrane is damaged, protein leaks into the urine, resulting in proteinuria. This usually manifests as a large amount of foam in the urine that does not dissipate for a long time. If this condition is detected, you should see a doctor promptly to check your kidney function.

Edema of the face and limbs

When the kidneys are damaged, there is an imbalance in the body's water regulation, which can easily lead to edema. This edema usually manifests as facial puffiness or lower extremity edema when you wake up in the morning. If these symptoms occur, you should be alert to the possibility of kidney problems.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time


Kidney disease can lead to disturbances in the metabolism of water and salt in the body, which can lead to high blood pressure.

Frequent waking up at night

If you urinate frequently during the night, it may be a sign of decreased concentration of the kidneys. These symptoms suggest that we should pay attention to our kidney health in time.

How long is the lifespan, just drink water? Reminder: If these 4 abnormalities occur after drinking water, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time

Although drinking water is a small thing in daily life, it is closely related to our health. Drinking water in moderation and at the right time can help us maintain a good physical condition and prevent various diseases.

However, we should also be wary of the problems that can arise from excessive or improper water intake. Especially for certain groups of people, the problem of drinking water should be treated with more caution.

In addition, when we notice abnormal symptoms in our body, we should seek medical attention in time so that we can get professional diagnosis and treatment.

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